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Linear-A news & releases 2020 - 2024

Posted by Peter on 25 Jun 2023, 11:54

Why not putting these special figures in the big boxes, like Strelets is doing. Then we pay a little more for the box but then you have a complete set for a reasonable price. Just my five cents! ;-)
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Posted by Chariobaude on 25 Jun 2023, 12:51

CliosPaintingBench wrote:
Me too. Annoyingly, they still don't seem to be sold more widely yet. It's been months... I'm finding it quite tricky to get the recent sets of anything in 1/72.

Linear-A seem to have noticed the negative feedback on mini sets, and had this to say:

"the mini sets are intended as supplementary sets - nobody needs eg Justinian 4x in a normal box since there would be 4 sprues in the box
possibly one or the other collector may not want a Justinian but only the Byzantine army, we try to be flexible.
And let's be honest, which manufacturer in plastic still makes the Byzantine army in Justinian's time? - I don't know any manufacturer.
So negative excitement at a very high level.
Of course, the mini sets are not cheap, but the alternative would be no mini sets, no Justinian and no Marc Antony and Cleopatra and many others to come.

So, more sets coming, they "will release the Byzantine sets at the end of June at the latest at the beginning of July."

Set 1



Set 2



I think people prefer the bigger sets. I'm really liking these ones. We don't have many Byzantine sculpts in 1/72, so this is great!

Well... i'm quite undecised : in a way, having those figs is a true gift from Linear... After more than four years of waiting, FINALLY those figs will be available in a timeframe never covered before !
But then, let's be honest.
the mould doesn't seems to be so nice we could hope for.
then the sets are quite strangely made : the regular infantry is mixing too many type of troops, and the elite set is a mix of court rapresentative (with excubitors only infantrymen when they were actually... cavalrymen !)
The pose, especially for the elite set, are not very dynamic...

Will i buy it ? Off course ! But a justinian army made only of infantrymen is a complete nonsense....
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Chariobaude  France
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Posted by Howlin on 26 Jun 2023, 07:26

I do hope they can continue making even the small sets for those that want them. Linear A is pretty much the only maker making minis in ancient themes these days so it is exciting to see what they come up with. I know they put their ballista and scorpion on hold, and those would be big sellers I think.

How many sets do you think they even make in a series? Like, how many Etruscan infantry men do you think they make?
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Howlin  United States of America
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Posted by CliosPaintingBench on 27 Jun 2023, 02:21

So I'm not certain, but I'm pretty sure that Linear-A reads this topic discussion. I mean they've posted here before. If you are reading this Linear-A, please tell us what the Indus Valley civilisation box will contain, I've put my Mauryan Empire Indian army on hold specifically for this box.

So the company said on their own forums, in reference to word other places (this place? Chariobaude I think they hear you :yeah: )

Elsewhere I have heard Byzantine only Infantry - if you read correctly then our boxes say Set 1, which means that there will be more sets from the Byzantine - we have already communicated this elsewhere.
Of course there will also be different Cavalry units, but don't ask us when - we're working hard on the next sets.
I can only repeat it again and again, we are a small company and from the research to the finished set, a lot of individual steps are necessary.
Of course, we are also working on the other ancient epochs and are constantly developing, because we really don't want to leave out any ancient epochs - so we still have a lot to do.
We hope you understand.

Peter wrote:Why not putting these special figures in the big boxes, like Strelets is doing. Then we pay a little more for the box but then you have a complete set for a reasonable price. Just my five cents! ;-)

Yeah I think that'd be great, but this might be a case of justifiable effort to profit. They're probably experimenting with what the market will accommodate and at the end of the day, their aim is to maximise profits. I'd like to have singular special figures in the big box (I think their previous Cunaxa Persian set did it, even) but if they make more money this way...

Chariobaude wrote:
Well... i'm quite undecised : in a way, having those figs is a true gift from Linear... After more than four years of waiting, FINALLY those figs will be available in a timeframe never covered before !
But then, let's be honest.
the mould doesn't seems to be so nice we could hope for.
then the sets are quite strangely made : the regular infantry is mixing too many type of troops, and the elite set is a mix of court rapresentative (with excubitors only infantrymen when they were actually... cavalrymen !)
The pose, especially for the elite set, are not very dynamic...

Will i buy it ? Off course ! But a justinian army made only of infantrymen is a complete nonsense....

Haha, I've been following your blog for a while, I have you filed in my head as the Byzantine guy. I'm glad you're finally getting that update you've waited years for. I think Linear-A's approach is to have a broad variety of many diverse figures in their boxes, they have a history of including esoteric minis in their sets (Ligurians) and I kind of like it. I see their sets as supplementary to say, HaT or Zvezda who give you a whole unit of roughly the same troop type and then you get some extra Linear-A poses as well as fun side figures.

Re excubitors - I think the idea is they're guards for the court in this set, they're waiting to enter battle or might actually just be at court and not on the battlefield at all. They're definitely not in action poses and that's probably deliberate. I can make use of them but you prob can't put them in the front line of a battle diorama.

I'm sure they'll make cavalry at some point mate (give it another 4 years) :-D

Howlin wrote:I do hope they can continue making even the small sets for those that want them. Linear A is pretty much the only maker making minis in ancient themes these days so it is exciting to see what they come up with. I know they put their ballista and scorpion on hold, and those would be big sellers I think.

How many sets do you think they even make in a series? Like, how many Etruscan infantry men do you think they make?

Yeah I'm just glad we're getting new figures of anything. Very starved for new ancients.

I think the number of sets in a series vary, their German Varus series is still going and I think it's on the 4th or 5th set now. We even have roadmaps of the new minis coming. I like everything they've shown recently.
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CliosPaintingBench  Australia
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Posted by Ochoin on 27 Jun 2023, 02:47

Howlin wrote: Linear A is pretty much the only maker making minis in ancient themes these days

Sadly, true.

If I didn't like Linear-A's efforts I'd still be buying them. Luckily, I like them very much. Apart from future offerings, there's a few boxes I really need to get - Sacrifice Before the Battle (Set 002s).
This has 4 figures - 5, if you count the sheep. I only need one set as it would make a great diorama for my Pyrrhic army camp. I can't see many people buying more than 1 set of these so I don't mind the cost needed for Linear-A to make a profit.

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Posted by Howlin on 28 Jun 2023, 02:29

Howlin wrote:I do hope they can continue making even the small sets for those that want them. Linear A is pretty much the only maker making minis in ancient themes these days so it is exciting to see what they come up with. I know they put their ballista and scorpion on hold, and those would be big sellers I think.

How many sets do you think they even make in a series? Like, how many Etruscan infantry men do you think they make?

Yeah I'm just glad we're getting new figures of anything. Very starved for new ancients.

I think the number of sets in a series vary, their German Varus series is still going and I think it's on the 4th or 5th set now. We even have roadmaps of the new minis coming. I like everything they've shown recently.[/quote]

OH I meant like how many in an edition. Like 5000 sets? 10k? etc... or sell as many as they can and keep molding more batches? I am curious how expansive this hobby is. There are pages with tens of thousands of views but very few likes and comments. And seemingly Ebay sellers with low stock numbers but lasting a long time.

There are some very exciting projects in the line for sure. More elephants! Siege equipment! rare and exotic ancient armies! Its pretty awesome, and the variety and mix match goes well with what I am doing (not consistent to one time period and taking creative historical liberties) all this talk makes me want to buy something. (bank account says No)

Ochoin wrote: Howlin wrote:
Linear A is pretty much the only maker making minis in ancient themes these days

Sadly, true.

If I didn't like Linear-A's efforts I'd still be buying them. Luckily, I like them very much. Apart from future offerings, there's a few boxes I really need to get - Sacrifice Before the Battle (Set 002s).
This has 4 figures - 5, if you count the sheep. I only need one set as it would make a great diorama for my Pyrrhic army camp. I can't see many people buying more than 1 set of these so I don't mind the cost needed for Linear-A to make a profit.

Not sure why the hobby is declining, 1/72 is really a great scale for table top games which seem to be popular, but I guess most of that interest is going to DND and 40k warhammer, Our local hobby shop does not even really carry the scale except for sets they buy from second hand people selling collections to them, so there is nothing consistent. I went to a local games club annual meeting and most games people brought were either tiny (great for terrain but not so good for minis) or much bigger scale (cool minis but lesser options for terrain formation and very costly for a small army), With 1/72 there are about as much detail as larger scales but can collect multiple armies and design terrain with unit formations in mind.

I wonder if plastic modeling is declining all around? are people not making as many planes and cars as they once did? that is where I started as a teenager, then getting into Tanks, and now historical minis. But those were different times, right before the internet. Which I would think would help make it more possible. I'd have to say the website "plasticsoldierreview" helped inspire and drive this idea more than ever.
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Howlin  United States of America
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Posted by CliosPaintingBench on 28 Jun 2023, 08:47

Howlin wrote: With 1/72 there are about as much detail as larger scales but can collect multiple armies and design terrain with unit formations in mind.

Yeah that's why I like 1/72, small enough that they're easy to store but big enough to see the mini's faces and get some detail in. Also, I'm biased because I already play 1/72 haha.

Howlin wrote: I wonder if plastic modeling is declining all around? are people not making as many planes and cars as they once did? that is where I started as a teenager, then getting into Tanks, and now historical minis. But those were different times, right before the internet. Which I would think would help make it more possible. I'd have to say the website "plasticsoldierreview" helped inspire and drive this idea more than ever.

I think a lot more people have access to instant entertainment like streaming movies and video games, so it's harder to get into a hobby like model making. If my teacher didn't introduce this scale to me I'd never have even known, I'd probably still be playing 40k. I think tabletop wargaming is about the networking effect too - friends introduce each other to the scale. With less people playing 1/72, there's less people being introduced and less demand I suppose.
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CliosPaintingBench  Australia
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Posted by Howlin on 30 Jun 2023, 22:06

Looks like the mini sets for Hannibal, Justinian and disaster are available for sale now
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Howlin  United States of America
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Posted by Howlin on 03 Aug 2023, 04:42

We have some new titles posted for Linear A! sweet line up.... how long will I have to wait for the Carthaginian naval infantry... I need this like now..~! Well I can always swap out...

Its a bit wild how they go right from ancient to WW1 back to ancient sets.

068 - Hittites
069 - Roman Legion
070 - Imperial Roman Surprise
071 - WWI German Landwehr at Tannenberg (Set 1)
074 - WWI German Infantry at Verdun (Set 2)
079 - WWI Saxon Rifles 1914-15 (Set 3)
080 - First Punic War Republican Roman Infantry (Set 1)
081 - First Punic War Carthaginian Infantry (Set 1)
082 - First Punic War Carthaginian Naval Infantry
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Howlin  United States of America
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Posted by Ochoin on 03 Aug 2023, 13:49

Something for everyone.
I wonder what period Roman Legion - probably EI?

The Hittites will be eagerly anticipated. I have an army of the great Caesar figures but re-enforcements would be welcome. I probably have enough Punic War figures but can always be tempted.

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Posted by Kaiphranos on 03 Aug 2023, 15:17

Also interested to see their Hittites - I hope they compliment the old Caesar set rather than replicating them.
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Kaiphranos  United States of America
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Posted by CliosPaintingBench on 05 Aug 2023, 03:05

I'm not sure we need more Romans, but more sets, I can't complain. What is interesting to me is that one of the Roman sets is marked as set during the crisis of the 3rd century. We might see some Nierderbieber Helmets depicted in 1/72 for the first time.
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CliosPaintingBench  Australia
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Posted by Howlin on 05 Aug 2023, 08:08

I am rather hoping the surprise set has civilians, Its the missing link to Rome. Which all roads of ancient minis lead to.
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Posted by Misteredd on 05 Aug 2023, 15:51

Hm, more Republican Romans - thats fine. But more important - more Carthaginians as opponents for those Romans. Regulus army and Xanthippos Army that is very interesting. Do we have any data about Carthaginian Naval troops?
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Posted by Howlin on 31 Aug 2023, 02:12

Finally got the Samnite Cavalry set and I must say wow. looks incredible, and is my favorite cavalry set by far.

Hannibal set looks great too.
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Howlin  United States of America
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Posted by CliosPaintingBench on 24 Sep 2023, 14:39

Well, here we are again, with a new set reveal. This one is from the upcoming #061 IMPERIAL ROMAN SURPRISE SET 1:

Image Image

Can't complain that we're getting more Romans, the pose is different and I quite like the helmet and cloak.
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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 04 Oct 2023, 10:26

Linear-A have shared several updates on some of their upcoming sets. :thumbup:

062 - Neo-Assyrian Empire Set 3 'after the battle' 911-605 BC


070 - Imperial Roman 'Surprise' Set 2



083 - Neo-Assyrian Empire Set 3 Siege Engineers 'Hupsu' 911-605 BC
(another Set 3?)

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Erich von Manstein  Aruba
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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 06 Oct 2023, 09:19

More updates are trickling in... :thumbup:

083 - Neo-Assyrian Empire Set 3 Siege Engineers 'Hupsu' 911-605 BC

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Posted by Michael Robert on 06 Oct 2023, 14:53

Interesting, interesting,...

These figures seem to me results of 3D CAD-CAM sculpting, not the scultped masters from the beginning. They are certainly full of life (or the opposite for some of them them).
Personally, I have become so used to the sculpted figures in Strelets style - same style Linear-A started with. I will miss them.
Let's see what comes. For sure great topics.
My small (older) quibble - the violenced woman has silicone breasts just as the Amazones before. In that age silicone didn't exist.
Thanks for posting
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Posted by Ochoin on 07 Oct 2023, 05:42

Any hints about the LA Hittites yet?

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Ochoin  Scotland
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