Work in Progress

30 years war imperal gun emplacement

Posted by dombom on 21 Sep 2021, 13:18

On second thought, I gonna look for some camp followers indeed to add them to the moving tross.
Some women or boys holding a pig or a goat on a rope would be somethig which gives the scenery some extra flavour.
Thank you for your suggestions :-)
Hope I can get something to my taste in near future.
dombom  Germany
Posts: 196
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14 Jan 2019, 03:10

Posted by steve_pickstock on 21 Sep 2021, 14:19

Okay, just so that I am clear here, when you refer to 'lances', you mean pikes? If so the pikemen are in absolutely the best place, for what they are about to receive.
If they are facing horsemen they can reach out over the chevaux de frise if any of the cavalry come too close (and there is always one who does). If they are facing an oncoming infantry assault party, they can do for them as they try to clear the barrier.

If I had been the officer commanding the foot soldiers I would have a detachment of musketeers at the side of the the lane to shoot into the assaulting force's flank.

The story as I see it, is that during a bombardment of an enemy fortification, there has been a sally and the pikes have been moved into place at the 'pass' or opening to the lane to stop them. Their shot have been placed on the flanks out of picture - one on the left side of the pikes, and the other on the right side of the guns.
The lane behind the gun emplacement is busy as more guns are moved to a new position and one of the escort has stopped to watch and give his opinion.
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steve_pickstock  England
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Posted by dombom on 22 Sep 2021, 07:36

That sounds very reasonable :-D
Thats the full story behind it (so I just decided lol).
But yeah, usually the lances / pike formations at that time had to their left and their right flanks arkebusiers and later musketeer squares, as well some surrounding them:

The pikes gave some protection against cavalry charges, while the musketeers could shoot the foe.
During the TYW the number of pikes was gardually decreased while the number of musketeers was increased, as it proved more efficient.

So, as you mentioned, the additional musketeers are not visible in the scenery, but the idea is there ;-)
dombom  Germany
Posts: 196
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14 Jan 2019, 03:10

Posted by Minuteman on 22 Sep 2021, 21:42

A fine diorama dombom. A model to be proud of !

I think the only advice I'd have is very much the same as you might give to an artist painting a picture. It is very easy to add too much, and sometimes 'less is more'. So, knowing when there are 'enough' figures in the diorama and then not adding any more is part of the art.

But all very good, and the painting and groundwork is very good indeed.
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Minuteman  United Kingdom
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Posted by dombom on 23 Sep 2021, 06:15

Yeah, sometimes less is more, agree on that.
I added one more pole flag and I'm still thinking to add some impact from the enemies artillery. But that would be like some holes and canonshoots stucking in the ground.
Not too sure about that though.
I'm quite happy for now and improvesments can be done at any time later on.
dombom  Germany
Posts: 196
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14 Jan 2019, 03:10

Posted by Rich W on 26 Sep 2021, 10:06

Looks excellent, you have put together an exciting diorama which full of well painted figures and superb groundwork. Congratulations! I look forward to seeing what you turn your attention to now.
Rich W  United Kingdom
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Posted by dombom on 27 Sep 2021, 08:42

I do have two projects I'm working on now:
One is a chinese Han dynasty mini diorama with just couple of figures
The other is WW2 King Tiger: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=24468&p=276348#p276348
dombom  Germany
Posts: 196
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14 Jan 2019, 03:10

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