
Gallic Warrior Queen on her War Chariot

Posted by PhilC on 22 Sep 2021, 20:16

Good evening gentlemen and women :-)

I'm still working on my Gallic warband these days - yes yes, I could keep on focus on one subject only. This time I challenged myself to paint a war chariot. You might say that war chariots are rather common in a celtic army, why is this a challenge? Well, it is, because:
- I am not a modeller
- I don't like to paint horses
- What I see on this venerable forum is so awful... some masters even had reins for the drivers !!!

So, I tried my best, and this is the result:




The reins proved a nightmare to stick, and I'm not sure that it is really possible to drive a two horses cart like that, but anyway, I am rather happy with the result.

One last thought: since next month is Orctober (I encourage all of you to join the horde), I might consider convert an old Airfix cart as a Goblin war chariot, just like in the old Warhammer days :mrgreen:
More pictures and comments here:
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Posted by huib on 22 Sep 2021, 20:47

Great figures, Phil! Scary warriors, those Gauls.
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Posted by steve_pickstock on 22 Sep 2021, 20:58

That is stunning work, the whole thing is. Amazing.

With regard to the driver - it's documented somewhere - I think it might be Caesar in his Gallic War, but I could be wrong.

If I recall correctly - it goes something like ' the drivers can drive their chariots at full speed along a slope (not up or down but along the slope), the drivers would stand out, balanced on the pole between the shoulders of the horses'.

It's a passage that stuck in my mind - it could be complete cobblers. Caesar also wrote that elk hunters in the German lands seek out the trees that the animals used to lean against when they sleep (because elk can't bend their knees), The hunters cut part way through the trees and when the elk leant against them, the tree would give way and the animal fell over, leaving them vulnerable.

So Caesar wasn't against repeating hearsay, but he did face off against Gallic chariotry in battle, so if they DID do the fancy stuff, he would have seen it, first hand.

I also think it may be true because people like to show off. You only have to look at what someone like the skateboarder Sky Brown can do with a plank and four wheels. Chariot drivers had a duty to make their warriors look good, so the better the show the ... you get the idea.
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Posted by Kostis Ornerakis on 22 Sep 2021, 21:33

Very nice work! :yeah: :-D
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Posted by Minuteman on 22 Sep 2021, 21:37

Great work! The chariot with Queen and driver looks very convincing, and I very much like the paint-work on the cloak and the woad-daubed warriors. The white horses and druid add to the mystical element of a Briton warrior Queen going to war.

These tiny HaT models are a great improvement on the old Airfix version in terms of historical accuracy, but the ones I own are in the terrible rubbery plastic that HaT used a few years ago and they have remained un-assembled. You have done a fine job here, including with the reins.

I have also read and remembered the reference that Steve P mentions regarding the exceptional manoeuvrability of these chariots and gymnastics of their drivers; clearly made a great impression on Caesar. Having heaved myself up the slopes of Maiden Castle (in Dorset) not so long ago, the thought of driving one of these things anywhere near a hill-fort is quite extraordinary...although my guess is that they were reserved for flatter battlegrounds.
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Posted by CliosPaintingBench on 23 Sep 2021, 01:49

PhilC wrote:Good evening gentlemen and women :-)

I'm still working on my Gallic warband these days - yes yes, I could keep on focus on one subject only. This time I challenged myself to paint a war chariot. You might say that war chariots are rather common in a celtic army, why is this a challenge? Well, it is, because:

- I don't like to paint horses

Yeah I don't know why, but I still dread painting horses. I think it's a psychological thing. I wasn't kicked by one, it was more like, I came from Warhammer 40K and I never had to do it, but then suddenly, every ancient army seems to have horses and there's no real life reference for power armour - but there is for horses and people can see very quickly if it looks unrealistic. I've gotten better at it, but I still dread it. I always research my horse coats before hand.

It seems like you've been working on this Gaulish army for years! I remember first seeing them in 2019 when I was researching my Celtic army. It looks like you're an even slower painter than I am lol. Any idea when you'll be done.

I love your chariot, always nice to see painted Celts. I've always liked your painting style and the way you do plaid. Thanks for the referral to Junkyard Planet, great blog!
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Posted by PhilC on 23 Sep 2021, 07:07

Thank you all for your comments :-)

steve_pickstock wrote:That is stunning work, the whole thing is. Amazing.

With regard to the driver - it's documented somewhere - I think it might be Caesar in his Gallic War, but I could be wrong.

Thank you Steve for your very interesting answer. Yes, I've read De Bellum Gallicum too, and the ability of those drivers is mentioned by Caesar. But my comment was not related to their skills: I meant that the accuracy of the reins I've added is highly speculative, and certainly simpler than in real life, hence the remark: a Gallic driver might have found my two pieces of kitchen twine a bit ridiculous :mrgreen:

Minuteman wrote:These tiny HaT models are a great improvement on the old Airfix version in terms of historical accuracy, but the ones I own are in the terrible rubbery plastic that HaT used a few years ago and they have remained un-assembled.

Thank you Minuteman. My models are the same as yours. The only complaint is that the plastic peg meant to stick the horses to the chariot are very small, and bend when you try to insert them in the related hole - I had to enlarge the holes before gluing. No problem regarding the painting.

OwenChpw wrote:It seems like you've been working on this Gaulish army for years! I remember first seeing them in 2019 when I was researching my Celtic army. It looks like you're an even slower painter than I am lol. Any idea when you'll be done.

No idea either! But I must say that I'm currently painting my second DBA Gallic army (with chariots this time) :mrgreen:
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Posted by Konrad on 23 Sep 2021, 08:47

Very nice work!
And i like your horses. ;-)
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Posted by Susofrick on 23 Sep 2021, 09:04

Looks very nice! Think I have the chariot-set somewhere, but only used the singing/chanting lady. No, not another project now! :mad: :mad: :mad: But I am tempted! :-D And it is good that the queen avert her eyes from the many nude men around her!
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Posted by steve_pickstock on 23 Sep 2021, 09:38

PhilC wrote:But my comment was not related to their skills: I meant that the accuracy of the reins I've added is highly speculative, and certainly simpler than in real life, hence the remark: a Gallic driver might have found my two pieces of kitchen twine a bit ridiculous

Ah! :yeah:
My apologies.
I only have a very limited knowledge and experience of driving horses, but as I understand it, based on modern driving techniques the two left hand reins go to the drivers' left hand and the right hand reins go to the right. However, logic suggests that in this pose the driver would have held both sets of reins in his left hand, while waving the other about in dramatic fashion. Your pose, therefore, could quite easily be correct.
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steve_pickstock  England
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Posted by Bluefalchion on 23 Sep 2021, 13:29


Your horses look quite passable. The dapple grey color scheme is quite fetching. I especially like the heads and noses. You have created a very convincing transition from the lighter color to the darker skin around the nostrils and lips.

I never used to spend much time on the rare occasions I did paint horses, but then I started deuling and I would always lose if a mounted figure was the subject. Voters almost always voted for the best horse, regardless of rider.

So I studied real horses carefully and started using more thin layers. The eyes are especially tricky to get right, but it is very tough to have a good final look unless you do.
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Posted by Graeme on 23 Sep 2021, 14:05

These are really nice. Great use of colour, the chariots look good, the tartans look fabulous, and ooh! I'd like to copy that bird on the shield design if I thought i could pull it off.

Excellent post.
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Graeme  Australia
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 23 Sep 2021, 19:33

Wow, PhilC, you have made an amazing paint work on these figures: shield designs, skin drawings, clothes, horses...and all arranged in a lovely setting. :love: :notworthy: :love: :notworthy:

My very best congratulations. :thumbup:

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Posted by Howlin on 24 Sep 2021, 01:30

the horses were the first thing that stood out to me, not an easy design!

Well done
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Posted by PhilC on 24 Sep 2021, 23:04

Thank you all, once again.

Susofrick wrote: No, not another project now! :mad: :mad: :mad: But I am tempted! :-D

Ah, the best sort of temptation, in my opinion :mrgreen:

steve_pickstock wrote:However, logic suggests that in this pose the driver would have held both sets of reins in his left hand, while waving the other about in dramatic fashion.

What you say is funny, because at first, my intention was to represent a driver holding both reins in his left hand. But just before gluing, I thought: 'What the hell is he doing with his right hand ???' And it seemed necessary to me to give him a rein in each hand... Maybe I should have given him a shield to bear ?

Bluefalchion wrote:but then I started deuling and I would always lose if a mounted figure was the subject. Voters almost always voted for the best horse, regardless of rider.

Thank you for this critical piece of information, Bluefalchion! I will remember that I must absolutely refuse any duel involving a horse rider :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Graeme wrote:ooh! I'd like to copy that bird on the shield design if I thought i could pull it off.

Unfortunately, I don't remember where I copied this design from, but I assure you it is a copy, I didn't imagine it myself :)
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Posted by Ben90 on 30 Sep 2021, 22:19

That is some fantastic work! I like everything, but the horses really stand out!
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Posted by Peter on 04 Oct 2021, 22:11

Stunning! Wonderfull painted figures! :love:
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Posted by MABO on 10 Oct 2021, 22:26

Super paintjob! Horses, clothes, skins...
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