
About painting and its customs.

Posted by santifernandez on 29 Aug 2021, 17:57

Hello colleagues, I would like to do a little anthropological work on our hoby, ask a question and have each answer and explain a little how it looks, alone or together, what time it paints more if in winter or in summer, with music, in a room or stay alone ... a little explanation of what the hoby represents.
Greetings colleagues.
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santifernandez  Spain
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Posted by santifernandez on 29 Aug 2021, 18:08

I will start with my story, I usually paint almost always alone at home and sometimes I meet several fellow fans in two local groups in which I am a member.
I have a table in the dining room of my house, that is why it is the reason for my cleaning .... I am in danger of a confrontation with my wife and I am not interested, hahaha.
I have another hobby, which is photography and I go out a lot with the camera in many places and I prefer to paint in the colder months or with less light, of course living in southern Europe we have a lot of light and heat.
For years I have belonged to this community in which I feel very comfortable and it has allowed me to meet colleagues from other countries and cultures, although I have changed my scale in painting I always have love for 1/72 and some project in mind.
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Posted by steve_pickstock on 29 Aug 2021, 19:04

I need to say from the outset that I would prefer not to have to have to paint. I would like it much better if I could get figures painted for me. Having said that budget constraints mean I have to do it for myself.
I have mentioned elsewhere that I'm a Type 2 Diabetic, which means that if my blood sugars get out balance I cannot concentrate for very long.
So, what I do is make sure that I have eaten properly and then I hit it for a few hours and try and get as much done as possible.
Music is very important while I work - I prefer orchestral and relevant - for example - the sound tracks from the Lord of the Rings films, back-to-back, one after the other; the soundtracks from Conan by Basil Poledoris, Arthur (the one with Kiera Knightly and the absolutely storming sound track) and Troy (meh film, great tunes) and other swordy type films.
I think I have actually documented the actual painting quite well over the last few months - including the fact that recently I have painted figures that actually ended up looking exactly how I was aining for.
However, I have a question. When I am watching other people's painting videos, it seems to me that people are jabbing the paint at the figures. Often these videos are speeded up, so it may be an effect of that, but I was always taught to stroke the paint on. What do other people do?
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Posted by Kekso on 29 Aug 2021, 19:14

I'm painting home, alone... with music or tv playing or Youtube... mostly during the winter, rarely in summer... evening is my preferred time of the day for hobby.
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Posted by Susofrick on 30 Aug 2021, 12:46

I'm painting at home. Very early weekend mornings. Before it was some evenings during the week too. When I'm satisfied with what I've done I usually go back to sleep again for a while. And then it's dogwalk, breakfast with the missus, and then dogwalk for a couple of hours and the day goes on without any painting. Due to the time of the day I paint it is VERY quiet! :-D But I do like music and share a lot of musical taste with Santi.
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 30 Aug 2021, 13:57

I always paint on the table in the small office that I have at home to work, the same table where I prepare and correct the works of my students and where I have online meetings and classes when necessary.

This office is my little corner, where I can work in peace without interfering or disturbing the rest of the family.

On the office shelves, the work materials are mixed with those of the hobby (figures, pictures, books, etc.). In the living room I also have a showcase where the finished works are exhibited, both made by me and bought in different places.

I prefer the evenings for my conversion and painting tasks, and the time I dedicate to them depends on how much I have available, that's why I usually do more in summer than in winter, when I have more work due to the obligations of the academic year and less free time.

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Posted by PaulRPetri on 30 Aug 2021, 15:24

Interesting topic. Since I retired in 2016 I paint during the day. I have my turntable set up and I play my old albums from the 1970's as background music. Sometimes I listen to books on tape etc. Unfortunately for me my 31 years career as a Cop has taken a toll on my lower back so I can only sit and paint for an hour at one stretch. If I am super motivated that day I will go into my basement area and work on basing or terrain items, I do this standing. If I alternate back and forth I can get several painting sessions in during the course of the day. The only night painting I have ever done was when I worked a side job guarding a truck repair shop I was fenced in and stayed overnight. I brought my light and painting supplies and painted all night long. I was younger and able to sit longer back then. I wish I had a group of people who were close by and we could paint together. I have done that a few times over the years and Always enjoyed it. Well thats my story and I am sticking to it!
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Posted by PaulRPetri on 30 Aug 2021, 15:28

Here are my hobby areas.
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Posted by Rich W on 31 Aug 2021, 23:02

If I'm lucky, I may get to paint on a couple of evenings a week (I have been known to 'binge' on a Friday night until 1am). My working week is quite long and the job is very stressful, and I paint in the same room as I work (when I'm working from home), so I sometimes find it difficult to sit and paint as my mind will wander back to work...I enjoy listening to podcasts whilst painting. I listen to a lot of Guardian politics, NPR, sports podcasts and a couple of history ones (the Redcoat podcast and America At War).
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Posted by Xantippos on 05 Sep 2021, 14:12

Good topic :) . I usually paint/model after eating, either morning after breakfast or after dinner, while I am reposing. On holidays, during summer and winter, I can do this twice a day, but when working this is limited to one session sadly.

I now never model for more than 2 hours, as staying so much time seated doesn't suit me. I model/paint much more on holidays, so I guess that means more in summer, as where I live it is so hot that I actually get less out during summer!

I nearly always model along my brother, in the dinner table, so projects are always put and taken and no chaos is left to accumulate :) .
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Posted by Bluefalchion on 05 Sep 2021, 14:22

I usually paint late at night after my 7 and 3 year-old boys have gone to bed, if I have any physical and mental energy left after they have finally subsided. When facing a deadline for a project, I will sometimes take the afternoon off from work to have a few hours peace and quiet.

My work area is down in the basement where my dogs sleep. You could see some pictures of it here:

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