
1/700th age of sail Brigs

Posted by Beano Boy on 28 Jun 2020, 00:18

By the way it was of course the top right hand corner for viewing the slits in those hulls. BB
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Posted by Kekso on 28 Jun 2020, 12:37

I don't see a microscope on 2nd picture... that means you still see pretty good Paul. :)
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Posted by Beano Boy on 28 Jun 2020, 21:50

Well Dalibo
And all you Guys out there,
i feel like a Pirate,
i have one good arm
and one eye.


Showing full extended metaphor of age of sail rigging... ain't that cool?

However there's still plenty to do.
for this ships captain.
Watch this space... BB
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Posted by Fire at Will on 29 Jun 2020, 07:11

Well you have got me started on assembling my Brigs and Frigates
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Posted by Beano Boy on 29 Jun 2020, 13:39


As anyone knows when fitting together toy flat bottom age of sail boats or ships, one tends to learn the pit fall failings in their designs. Above shows the inner strength of the blue print plans of the real ships that were highly top secret in their day,but soon discovered by the very actions of war between empire building nations. The fact that each mast ran right down through each entire deck and was fixed deep into the ships keel gave the masts great stability from the riggers and stresses of ocean going vessels.


As these mass stick directly to the deck causing a pivotal point they could easily break, so rigging them out is going to be fun. Fun in the sense of not stressing each mast while putting the cotton thread in place. i also decided to fix the masts in place before painting them. Well i have nothing to lose because i am no artistic author painter anyway. My goal is doing the rigging after putting the sails in place.

Ride on Will ,jolly good news to hear. :thumbup:

:coffee: Before i leave a question.
Does anyone know where the Dolphin Spanker is on the sailing ships? BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 29 Jun 2020, 21:39


The long awaited for Age of Sail toy ship finally arrived with the smile of the deliveryman as he left it at my garden gate. i thanked him kindly from the kitchen window and gave him a thumbs up as he left to finish his round along the concrete slabbed courtyard where we live isolated but happy.


She was a French Monster of over 118 Guns.




Soft metal and flimsy boxes and a Smashing Mail Service certainly adds disappointment to many a hopeful face.However i see past that what i expected anyway,as a much better topic unfolds within my imagination.That place where dreams are always most welcome. i would always urge my students of past times to try and use theirs too. BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 29 Jun 2020, 23:00



As i always have blu tac in the hobby stash, i decided to use the cheapest option
for a painting handle which as can be seen cost me nothing extra at all.


With the camera settings now reset ,
the little Brig looks a bit sharper than before.
My Mrs B, used my camera outside
and twiddled about with the settings!
i never noticed it so my pictures before were a bit snowy.
Sorry about that.


Perhaps little blu tac men are needed to crew this wee craft?
:mrgreen: He, He.
:eh: That ain't funny.


:cowboy: Perhaps even a WingNut swinging from the yard arm might do?
:eh: That ain't funny anymore.


:sst: did anyone find out where the dolphin spanker is ?
:read: Little Button,it is often called a Dolphin Striker!
:eh: Now that's sort of funny, i think?
:read: Or where aboard ship it goes?
;-) Boy that Book Worm is smart,i bet it knows and is not letting on?
:read: It went up and down with the diving Dolphins.
:eh: Well that just about beats it all? The whole ship riding the blu tac waves does that.


:mrgreen: How will BB,know were to put it if no one helps him out?
:coffee: it is a puzzle to be sure,as i don't even know what it looks like.
:sst: it's on a mast bb. :coffee: But which one.
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Posted by Graeme on 30 Jun 2020, 03:45

I would guess it's on a sprits'l boom where it would literally be spanking the dolphins riding the bow wave.

I'm watching this with great interest Paul.
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Posted by Beano Boy on 01 Jul 2020, 00:00


You are correct Graeme . :thumbup: Good Lad!
:sst: does he get a prize? Asked the Little Button.
:mrgreen: More than likely a surprise!
:eh: What surprise is that then? Asked the rather curious WingNut.
:coffee: Nothing other than keeping his good name for one extra day.
:sst: so that surely is a worthwhile Prize to have then?
:eh: But how long will he have to wait for it?
:coffee: Well i guess that will be entirely up to him?

:mrgreen: Now everyone on the Forum will want an extra one.



Modern day sailing ships and yachts still have them,
and the key reason why their nick-name is on display here.

From the evergreen gardens of Fiddle Wood UK
Stay Safe,Stay Well. BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 01 Jul 2020, 02:53


Three thin colour washes were easily brushed on to my first sample Brig.
All was going well when Oops!


While i was holding it the bottom which is of course the top of the container fell out!


Sending hundreds of prickly sticks spreading out upon the stone floor below.


My Dear Mrs B, kindly picked them up for me, as i find the floor far to low for me.
i should have checked it over and then sticky taped it into place.


i had found it oddly much easier to stand by the window
and start my misshape first day painting adventure.
My very own color-wash mixture of cheap acrylic paint thined out with wet water.
:eh: Will it work? Asked a puzzled WingNut. :coffee: You mean, stay on?
:mrgreen: Sure it has and will remain so, to be buffed up with other colours befitting,
Horatio Horn Blower himself.


The first of the yellow placed simple like on the hull by washes. Doing this first means i don't have to pick it out later between other colours, which for me would be very tricky. Difficult indeed.


The Royal Navy were well into painting ships yellow and a combination of darker oak or black,which seems to me to be very wasp like in appearance, and leaving them in clusters bobbing upon the oceans briny seas.



As i have ten of these Brigs,
i might work some blue in on some and even red too.
After all Spain had red ships and very large ones too.



i am no great painter but i am trying to add thin layers,and at best i am a few steps closer to the rigging out of my first tiny Brig. However the sails go on first. As always a learning curb for myself. BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 01 Jul 2020, 02:56

Black and Bronze for all the guns should look like the hot end of a broadside , rather cool! BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 02 Jul 2020, 13:29


:eh: O dear me there's no Jolly Roger.


The sails go on next.
The bottom yard arm beam will be glued into place on the far right of the Brig at the same time as the sail will. It being the case of getting it fit between the two.

Becalmed upon such a blu tac sea seems to work well,but the invisible crew are getting awfully thirsty.
:mrgreen: Their only drink is RUM!
:cowboy: I only have Red Eye!
:sst: so does bb.

:coffee: Yes,yes. Moving along now.
However ship mates this is certainly turning into the squint eyed adventure i expected it to be...
for i am all at sea,all at sea with taking steps into the unknown for little o'l me. BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 03 Jul 2020, 16:17

We lost internet connection most part of this week.
So it put my writing and other hobby stuff way behind.

i write mostly upon my Blog these nights
as the wise Owls in the wood fly out for their meals
yes i know them quite well,
however they themselves,
know completely nothing of me.

Each night as it passes me by my reward is,
i sure am glad we put those large wooden boxes high up,
into the Oak Trees in Fiddle Wood, Wood over 20 years ago.
Magic and Wise are the night Owls.


i'll see you soon with an honest update soon. BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 03 Jul 2020, 22:12


:coffee: So the day arrived for windward sailing but things sometimes happen,
but things not totally unforeseen, as accidents are always expected
and this is why i often like my hobby even more, because i can explain
and show the pitfalls to others along my cheerful way. :mrgreen: Ya!

i applied glue around each sail to stop them splitting apart.


Each sail is rolled over by the smallest brush handle a delightful tool to use .


i decided to stick most of the sails on before rigging it with twine.


The glue did the trick and each sail had a nice sea breeze behind it.


i was pleased to get them stuck in orderly place but that feeling would not last long.


The spar snapped off with the slightest touch.

:sst: please treat these kits as if they were fine glass. or not buy them at all.
:mrgreen: Good advice from our little Button.

Before other work continues i took fresh opportunity to practice some rigging with twine.



Yes i am quite confident about this endeavour.
i also like my homemade mix of paint and wet water.
There is no need here to cover them over with expensive
varnish to protect this work. :mrgreen: This paint is staying on.

:coffee: And so be so kind as to roll it on Winky

________________________ :winky: PLAN B : THREE BRIGS THIS TIME
:eh: That's Crazy!
:mrgreen: Look who's talking?

:cowboy: Brig 1 below Pards!




:coffee: Brig 2 below


All the spars have been reinforced by winding twine around them
which was soaked in super glue and which dried hard as rock!
My micro scissors will cut off loose thread by snipping a very close cut.
:mrgreen: Anyone for a hair cut?


:mrgreen: Brig 3 below




More 3rd rated 80 Gun Frigates.


i bought two boxes saving £15.00 on this deal.
£13.00 on the Kits and a further £3.00 because i asked for combined postage.


Two Tweezers to help out with the rigging.

i bought 2 off a guy on EBay before who turned out to be a 30 day Con Man!

He holds your refund for 30 days before sending it back. So he makes interest by fraud.
He has a shock coming his way his ' PAYPAL ACCOUNT', HAS BEEN FROZEN!
Nothing going in or out.

:cowboy: Yes got the Blighter! Next step close his EBAY shop down.
:coffee: i think he will rue the day he deceitfully cheated me and wasted my time.
:mrgreen: BB, certainly is a Trooper when crossed.
:cowboy: i knew it when i saw him under the clock at Hereford.


Back to the Frigates there being six of these big boxes,and because there are flags for British,French and Spanish, age of sail ships one has a choice of which to paint up.

:coffee: Well it has been a long post,so thanks for stopping by. BB
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 04 Jul 2020, 21:53

Great job on these tiny ships, BB. I admire the patience and precision behind them. :shock:

Congratulations. :thumbup:

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Posted by MABO on 06 Jul 2020, 17:04

Looks like a nervous job, Paul. When I played with Benno, as I have already mentioned, I was hooked by these models. (Having read all Hornblower books.) But when I see all this tiny stuff I am not sure if it would not kill my nerves in the end. So I will follow you and decide afterwards. :eh: :mrgreen:
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Posted by Beano Boy on 07 Jul 2020, 01:18


British Royal Navy Brig on Station
During The French & Indian Wars, North America 1754.


Santi Perez,and Jan,
Thank you guys for commenting it helps oil the cogs of determination.

i have 32 ships to build , paint and rig out. i also have it in my head to do my best attempt at it but i am not entirely in my comfort zone. Although i am trying to paint again after a long absence. It being so tiny a project to build up and nobody can see it in detail anyway. So a good painter is not required i make a wash and it goes on so quick,and dries in a few minutes so it is interesting to do. More to the point it is lots of fun each day,as i while my self isolation away.

............................................................. :eh: THE RAGING SEA
........................................................ :coffee: The badly damaged Brig.


i took time out to practice the rigging on this damaged ship.It certainly was worth doing it, although i only finished off 50% of work needed upon a ship of her size.


Yes i am much more confident now, as i know the pitfalls .


As rigging is concerned, It is just a small sized matter to consider...


... as to where to start,


and where to finish!


Caught mid Atlantic in high roaring seas,She slid beneath the winters grey and icy embrace.
all hands were lost. BB
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Posted by MABO on 07 Jul 2020, 06:05

The rigging looks very good to me. Congrats for your patience!
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Posted by Kekso on 07 Jul 2020, 10:28

Now I want to install and play Sid Meier's Pirates video game :xd:
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Posted by Beano Boy on 08 Jul 2020, 04:01


A Fifth Rated 32 Gun Frigate, although in reality she had 40 Guns.


The US Cutter " SURVEYOR", with raised up ratlin rope reinforced with small chain certainly caused great concern to personal in barges trying to board her from HMS NARCISSUS, Gloucester Point,VA, 12 June 1813. Her crew of 25 were attacked by 68 sailors and marines .Heavily outnumbered the defenders lost the ship,and she was taken as a Prize by the British. The ship was Re-flagged,but her fate is unknown.


Another larger spindle and bobbin was duly set up for the light brown twine i intend to use for flat lines that support each mast from the ships sides this will give a good contrast with the black rigging lines.




Just a few Guns to paint , sails to stick on before rigging the ships.
i am also considering using white cotton too.

Very kind of all you guys to comment here. :thumbup: thank you.
Pirate game play sounds cool,
:coffee: but i have very little time left these days for such fun.BB
Beano Boy  England
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