Game Reports

“Move ’em out Sergeant Sergeant Quincannon!”

Posted by Harry Faversham on 28 Feb 2020, 13:10


‘The Dook’, a title always given to the CO of Earth’s Elite Regiment, the ‘Waynesmen’. Centuries before their ancestors, wearing dirty shirt blue, had ridden the Plains settling the hash of many a hostile. Now their decedents are riding the stars doing the same thing…


Intelligunce reports have brought the ‘Waynesmen’ to a backward planet searching for a recluse. A brilliant boffin who has solved the magic of time travel! Being a good human, Professor Arrikenstein has sent a message to Earth… 'come and get me, and it will benefit all of mankind!'

Unfortunately, the message has been intercepted by darker forces, The Scabbys, vile human mutations of a terrible plague. Under General Scaborus they too have arrived on the backward planet…


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Harry Faversham  England
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Posted by Harry Faversham on 28 Feb 2020, 13:44

"It's quiet Sergeant?"

Said 'The Dook'.

"Too quiet Colonel."

Replied Sergeant Quincannon.

Five hundred yards away General Scaborus was saying much the same thing to his Sergeant, both sides wondered what had happened to the villagers? Each Commander knew their rapid deployment had given no time for the locals to do a runner?

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Harry Faversham  England
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16 Nov 2013, 13:56

Posted by Harry Faversham on 01 Mar 2020, 16:21

With scouts out both sides close in on the village…



General Scaborus leads from the front, storming the main compound and double tapping two Waynesmen…


On the General’s right flank the lead Scabby scout finds out where the villagers have gone. Kicking down the hovel’s door he is charged by a screeching Tyranid!!!


The creature quickly rends the unfortunate scout limb from limb, scuttles forward and gets another Scabby before he can draw a bead. These vile creature seems to have a taste for rancid and postulating human flesh?


A general firefight now breaks out with the Waynesmen’s power armour proving very resilient to Scabby blasters…



The Scabby’s armour seems as scabby as the blokes inside it, and the rampaging Tyranid also gets the good news…


On the plus side in all the mayhem, Scaborus is the only combatant who’s still mission orientated. He breaches the main compound door and pays a terrible price…


As the General’s death screams echo around the village the last Scabby’s break and run back to their landing craft. The Tyranid that killed him enjoys it’s victory for only seconds, before Waynesmen cut it down. They form a perimeter around the main compound. Knowing the main hall is empty of vile beasties the two scouts enter to locate and free Professor Arrikenstein……


There is a faint rustle to their right rear and a shadow hurtles from the unchecked hovel. The courtyard is turned into a charnel house!!!


Although badly shaken the Waynesmen are made of stern stuff a barrage of blaster fire greets the monster as it sprints in, screeching, for the kill…


Sergeant Quincannon stalks through the carnage and brings a scruffy looking oik to ‘The Dook’

“Doctor Arrikenstein I presume?”

“It’s Professor Arrikenstein, actually young man!”

“Would you kindly step this way Sir?”


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Harry Faversham  England
Posts: 561
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16 Nov 2013, 13:56

Posted by Susofrick on 02 Mar 2020, 10:18

Nice! Funny that this and Egbert's dio about the movie showed up the same day! Maybe they didn't, but I saw them the same day. Whatever ... Cool to see and LOVE the title!
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Susofrick  Sweden
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Posted by Beano Boy on 03 Mar 2020, 11:53

Quincannon :thumbup: is more than capable at bashing heads a plenty,
and kicking butts a flying in the face of overwhelming odds!
A paper of peace now signed.......
but Quincannon :thumbup: Irish down to his bone marrow knows it will not stand. BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 03 Mar 2020, 11:58

:coffee: A simile of Uncle Sam? You can bet on it. BB
Beano Boy  England
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