
Diary X: November 2017 v. Ildfus Mahler

Posted by Bluefalchion on 18 Apr 2019, 06:38

It was on to the November 2017 duel. Mr. X had won five, lost two, and tied three thus far, vastly exceeding my expectations. The subject was to be the standing ashigaru spearman from the Zvezda Art of Tactic set. My mystery opponent chose this figure, so I ordered two boxes just in case I would accidentally break one during assembly.

First, it was the research phase. I learned that the vast majority of the Samauri armies were made up of peasant warriors such as this fellow. They wore their normal clothes underneath the lamelar armor, so almost any color or pattern could work. And those little balls fastened along a "string" around the figure's neck are daily rations of rice!

I started in to paint the figure. The warriors from this box are quite obviously 3D prints. They are highly detailed sculpts, challenging to paint. Especially the immaculately detailed faces. Remco informed me, late in the project, that there will be three photographs for this duel. That was necessary so the personal flag attached to the back can be shown, both sides. I learned that warriors wore these so opponents and friends could tell who is who once the battle commenced. And there weren't always flags--sometimes they were other three-dimensional objects!

Once the painting was complete, I was frankly thrilled with my figure. It had one of the best faces I had ever done. And the turtle pattern on the pants was quite fetching, if I do say so myself. But in the photographs, he did not look quite as good as he did in my living room. I actually sent in about six or seven different pictures, and poor Remco had to sort through them all and figure out which ones to use.

Here is a link to the duel:


Of course it was an unholy slaughter. Ildfus Mahler had an entry that defied belief. One clue as to the identity of Mr. X was that I always commented in every duel, yet I never once revealed which entry I had voted for, even though most commentators would do so. I can now tell you all that I voted for my own entry every single time in the two-year term.

I did so because I honestly believed my entry was better. But in this duel, I strongly considered voting against myself for the one and only time. My opponent's entry was simply stunning. In the end, I justified voting for entry number two because of the turtle pattern on the pants, and because it appeared that entry number one had sanded down the complex lamelar armor and made it plate armor for ease of painting. Also, how could he get his black background so black without using some form of photoshop?

Most voters went the other way, and I cannot blame them. So Mr. X went down to defeat 20-5 at the hands of surely one of the single greatest entries in any duel in the long and glorious history of Bennos Figure Forum. So it was on to December, with the worst thumping of the entire streak, dropping the record to five wins, three losses, and three ties.
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Bluefalchion  United States of America
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Posted by Wiking on 18 Apr 2019, 12:58

Bluefalchion wrote:
My opponent's entry was simply stunning.
... voting against myself ...

This is the spirit of BFF competition I think.
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Wiking  Germany
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Posted by Bluefalchion on 18 Apr 2019, 15:59

And then, a few months later, Ildfus Mahler used the figure from the duel to do something even more incredible:

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Bluefalchion  United States of America
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Posted by Graeme on 18 Apr 2019, 19:11

This was a very difficult choice because David's painting was technically brilliant.

But I voted for Your figure, Partly for the reasons you mentioned, I liked the patterning on the trousers, I liked the extra detail and colour you put in the armour, and just generally, I liked the style. But also, while David's face and skin tones were amazing, there was a kind of other worldly aspect to them I couldn't quite get a handle on. When I looked in the face of Your figure I saw a real life everyday sort of person looking back at me; so I voted for him.

Then David showed us the Koi Pond vignette and I think we saw the figure in the environment it was meant to be in. The Koi Pond was just incredible! One of the best things I've seen.
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Graeme  Australia
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Posted by Bluefalchion on 18 Apr 2019, 19:45


Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I was quite proud of the face on this guy. Another reason I voted for my own entry was that I was a tiny bit concerned that my entry would not receive even one vote. Getting your vote and three others against David's magnificent entry is maybe a bit of a moral victory in and of itself.

As it happened, these two painters would rematch in 2018. But more on that later.
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Bluefalchion  United States of America
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Posted by Kekso on 20 Apr 2019, 21:38

It is hard to beat opponent like this one. But I admire you painted a pattern on the pants.
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Kekso  Croatia

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Posted by Bluefalchion on 20 Apr 2019, 22:28

Kekso wrote:It is hard to beat opponent like this one. But I admire you painted a pattern on the pants.

A lot of good it did me! :D
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Bluefalchion  United States of America
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Posted by Susofrick on 24 Apr 2019, 08:03

I always vote against myself even if I think my entry is better. It is very fun to duel, and it is very fun to see what Mr X have done to he figure you have chosen. And with this diary we also get to know more! Remember reading Grandpa's diary, great fun! Especially when they made radios and built their own real car (this was around 1920, when you could get away with stuff like that). :-D
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Susofrick  Sweden
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Posted by Bluefalchion on 24 Apr 2019, 14:15

Susofrick wrote:I always vote against myself even if I think my entry is better. It is very fun to duel, and it is very fun to see what Mr X have done to he figure you have chosen. And with this diary we also get to know more! Remember reading Grandpa's diary, great fun! Especially when they made radios and built their own real car (this was around 1920, when you could get away with stuff like that). :-D

What an interesting time to be alive.
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Bluefalchion  United States of America
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