
The Rubber Mould

Posted by Beano Boy on 13 Sep 2018, 17:21


Well I have not been able to do much hobby wise so far this year, but the stone steps and slabs which I made I was able to use on quite a few photo shoots for video presentations on You Tube.


The constant hum of generators .


Fred seen above will soon be upon another quest as he enters the ancient City of Dreams. The stone steps became walls and very odd looking gate way portals when topsy turvy turned on end. It seems that my table top never seems large enough for me. :-D BB
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Posted by Wiking on 13 Sep 2018, 18:45

Your pic with light and shadow, bows, turns ... I would not be surprised if ... ALIEN !
Roll small robot , roll Fred!

Fred ?

Yes, where is FredG ?
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Posted by Beano Boy on 13 Sep 2018, 21:18

With great regards and respect,
I expect that FredG, is busy with life in general ,
and with his plants that all have their very own season.

As for Fred my unit F.R.E.D, who was born on this very Forum.
he little realises it, but he is an explorer of brave new worlds.
Otherwise he would not be here.


Writing upon things that belong here, I sliced this picture from one of my You Tube vids and it in part shows the colour wash dipping that instantly adds favourable shadows instantly in quirky fashion.
So another missing picture from The Rubber Mould has been replaced. BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 14 Sep 2018, 03:14

Going through this topic lots of pictures of my work had vanished!
So I placed some Links to You Tube ,which shows in a few minutes what is missing .




So anyone interested in castle walls just click onto the Links. :-D BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 16 Oct 2018, 15:54

:coffee: Much of my work of 2017 and some from 2018 was wiped out on this Forum. Well in this case on,` The Rubber Mould', completely! Page 5 ,6 and part of 7 are blank.

I have managed to find some more pictures relating to the lost wiped out summer of 2017,on file so decided to present those here and now. I hope some will find it helpful and of interest.
It certainly was not great work,but it was big in scale and throughout June,July and August my days were spent in the warm climate of those days casting up columns and walls.
Casting up during the cold months of the years ain`t that good because of the damp smell of Plaster of Paris in our little house in Fiddle Wood.


Of great interest to me,i`ve just destroyed Fiddle Wood in one of my story`s by way of an Atomic Bomb, on YOU TUBE. https://youtu.be/l769YnloBhk :coffee: Great Music too. A free download under licence to aid the Arts. Just get some Popcorn and click on my movie Link and relax.:thumbup:


The Patterns used to create the rubber moulds came from a Wedding Cake of 1975 and I bought them from E Bay USA in 2016. For myself I thought and still do think they were a prise worthy of the few English Pounds I paid for them because they are highly detailed is shape and form.








Creating wall columns using half of the rubber mould.


These were designed by little old me to be stuck on flat outside walls.


I turned a flimsy toy wall into supportive walls for my railway layout.

However the rubbish castings produced by using the plastic toy as patterns, needed scribing out.
No big deal really as scribing is certainly a deep set in pattern in this my hobby style work.






I decided to place a medieval type door deep set into some of the stone walls. ( :sst: these were often raised up high above ground level, and wooden steps leading up to them were the common order of those days,as they could and would be removed or burnt down during a state of siege warfare.)




Instead of putting a plaster around a sore finger i put the plaster around the scribe and avoided getting that for sure sore finger. :-D



Dipping in home prepared emulsion paint colour-wash. Hundreds of castings large and small were dipped in this way.




It is usual that I work casting up several rubber moulds at a time this avoids wasting Plaster of Paris, and it is an orderly planned out production line of share oddities. ;-) So they all get dunked in a split second and the are coloured and sealed so no more white powder on hands when putting them into place. All that scribing out certainly was well worth the effort required to do it and a good end result defining each wall and stone edged doorway.




The gap between each wall meeting one another was filled in by casting up these columns made from my original moulds. So the walls run nicely along in one continuous way of support.



There are 14 walls 9 inches long,and 4 walls 6 inches long. All made in 2016.

Well guys this has been a huge chunk of my hobby style work returned to its place here upon the Forum. Thanks for viewing. BB :-D
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Posted by Kekso on 21 Oct 2018, 12:12

I'm in the search for columns that would fit in 28mm scale diorama. Those of yours look really nice.
By now I forgot where did you get master column to make mould.
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Posted by PhilC on 21 Oct 2018, 13:43

Paul... How did you learn to do all these things ? I can't believe my eyes, you can create things! You're a sort of god, to me :)
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Posted by Beano Boy on 21 Oct 2018, 14:02

Information for Dalibor,or anyone else.

I bought mine from the U S A. which are classic period piece pre 1975, off a couples wedding cake, and I paid a mint for them. Postage is really high from America too. They are very ornate and not the ones shown below.

On E Bay you can order cheap ones from China just type Cake Columns. Priced at 4 for £2.67
However the slow boat from down under sometimes never arrives.


If you need them before you grow old you could buy more expensive ones at AMAZON £ 5.29 for 4


Higher ones are priced £6.97 for 4 , of course they are all hollow plastic.
A visit to your local cake shop could prove fruitful too,
:-D because they might be able to get them for you.

Ideal for using as Patterns in a rubber mold. Casting in Plaster of Paris how many you like.

Ancient EGYPT beckons me to complete this years hobby style work of massive King Tuts!

I only show the pathway in order to display how easy it is, and gosh! It is so much fun. :-D BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 21 Oct 2018, 18:53

Hi Phil ,
Welcome to my world I`ve been making toys all my life from a mere skinny boy up until today.
They are props to aid my story telling .


TALES FROM THE LIBRARY __ THE TIME TRAVELER was published a few days ago on YOU TUBE


Above the real photograph of the Hittite Wall, inspired my work below.


I bought the HITITE metal figures over two years ago and a broken Female Griffen came in the joblot.
The Males have no wings.


The Rubber Mould is not rocket science unless you are making one.
All in all it is just relatively easy analytical stuff. BB
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Posted by PhilC on 21 Oct 2018, 18:57

You can call it as you want, such knowledge and handcraft does impress me :shock: :-D
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Posted by Kekso on 21 Oct 2018, 20:01

Thanks a lot Paul. "Cake columns" is what helped me a lot. 4 would be more than enough so I wouldn't make any copies. And China seems like good option since I don't need them right now. I have experience with ordering from China. Usually it takes 10-30 days. And I never order expensive or electronic stuff in case it gets lost (which very rarely does).
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Posted by Beano Boy on 24 Oct 2018, 17:45




£12.00 for 4 that is four times more than the ready mixed stuff in a small tub priced at £20.00
Mould making from Arts & Craft shops can be very expensive indeed.

:mrgreen: "That`s not funny."____________ :sst: "but it`s cheap." said the little button.


Grandad looked above.
:coffee: "I can remember Mother making cakes with that flour in 1938, just after she`d dug the air raid shelter into the back garden."
:wink: " Yes we had black sticky buns for tea that night." :shock:
:coffee: Then after we all watched Mother filling the sand bags up and piling them on top.


:sst: "a year later gerry landscaped it for us."
:mrgreen: " Gerry had a wheel barrow and lived next door."
:coffee: "Mother shortly left us with Gerry from next door." :drool: :shock: :eh:

:read: " Now, now we must get on."

50% X 50% MIX of silicone and cornflour.

You can wear a mask if you are clumsy enough to powder a puff all over the place.
:coffee: " Where`s the brush Mrs B ?"
:mrgreen: " I kind `da like that BB.
:sst: " who is that masked man with that unique secret name, that everyone knows?"
:cowboy: " I wore a mask once, it got me 10 YEARS in YUMA! "

Mix it by hand without wearing rubber gloves.
The gloves are silicone rubber so the mixture will stick to them even with oil on them.

:read: " Yes it`s entered in the journal that BB, got awfully stuck up one time trying to get those stretchy fingers off his hands because he wore rubber gloves." :shock:

:sst: "yip with half a pound of rubber stuck fast tight to them."
:read: " And with the LEGO BOX stuck to all that stuff too."
:mrgreen: "With BB,Shouting out! Darn Stuff, LEGO, LEGO!"


10% Added


Add some good squirts of oil. Then mix by hand.
Do not use cooking oil as this will leak out as a sticky sugar-like sweet mess.
20 Pence worth of Baby oil will wash out with the first hot soak in soapy water,and final wash.

:sst: "that`s right."

Open a window or door or both or all,as this stuff smells of Vinegar.

:mrgreen: " But don`t put it on ya chips!"

My boy went to sea in 1943
Peter Brighton, of Shorncliffe Avenue Norwich never came home.
Well before my time but I know of him.
I knew his brother Lenny ,
and played with his boy Peter my best friend.
Peter Brighton 1948 -1999


We must get on now.

A 2014 Project

It was never posted on,` The Rubber Mould.'


Bottom half made by pushing the pattern into it to the halfway point.


Guidance holes were pressed in and Baby oil was used to separate the two halves. The box was then built up for the top half.The silicone mix was then pushed in one end.Using finger and thumbs adding while adding more it was likewise worked across the bottom allowing the air to escape.

This method applied to most of my two part moulds so patterns can change but the mixtures stays the same.


The two part mould was cast up with Plaster of Paris.




These stand in one of my display cabinets at the end of the shelves like book ends.
The original little fellow being quite rare :sst: " along with grandad." were the last to be produced for WOOLWORTHS on the high street just before they went bust! Mrs B, bought them to stand outside in a flowerpot. :mrgreen: " Of course Grandad being Grandad ended up with a whole flower bed all of his own." :-D BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 18 Nov 2018, 14:47







Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 19 Nov 2018, 14:16


35mm statue standing 44mm high and these are part of next years rubber moulding effort of 2019



The watercourse will stream between them cascading over the edge.


Here is another I am awaiting in the mail. BB
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Posted by Peter on 20 Nov 2018, 21:17

Keep on going Paul! I like it a lot! :thumbup:
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Posted by Beano Boy on 21 Nov 2018, 00:58

Thank you Peter. I will carry on and share a little of how its`s done and dusted.

The rill that carries away the water is a certain something I am making by using the packaging from a packet of chocolate covered mint sticks! Two small yogurt pots with Plaster of Paris mixed up in them,fills up the perfectly shaped plastic container. Producers call this very fine white powder Resin after adding stuff to colour it a little. So no need for a rubber mould for that part,however a two part mould is required for the small figure production in order to construct a scene in my book.

From the book. FINDING PERCY

Percy the explorer of strange new worlds finely reached the top of the plateau. It had been one heck of a long climb. Now flaked out entirely exhausted he slept away the hours of darkness in the lush green of the tall waving grasses without even one care of this lost world. The frightening roar of the night time wilds, of screaming death and that of the lucky living were oblivious to his unconscious ears._Two silver moons now fully wide awake rose up one after the other over the horizon their heavenly reflected light showing the outline of the ancient stone citadal now home to millions of giant well fed Bats.
Percy slept on dreaming of his Library..___ A wild dog howled in the distance....

That`s it guys. I hope to see you later. BB
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Posted by Graeme on 21 Nov 2018, 04:27

Everything looks great with the moody lighting.

I'm looking forward to the water feature; and more of the story. :-D
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Posted by Susofrick on 21 Nov 2018, 13:27

Like the lighting very much! Also want to see more.
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Posted by Beano Boy on 21 Nov 2018, 18:17

Thank you guys.
Gunnar, the lighting is my favourite time when I get to play upon such things that will eventually turn moving shadows into an art form and without really doing any extra work at all.
My motto is,`if it`s free use it'. :mrgreen: "Like using the plastic trash!"
:sst: "those mint sticks made bb quite sick.", said the little button.___ :cowboy: " Ya! an I ain't seen such throwing up since I last changed me socks! Mentioned the Cowboy who always sleeps in his boots.

:read: " Now now Order! We must get on."

As I do like odd numbers.
The Book will run to 17-19 Chapters which is a wee bit large to say the least for plunking that heavily upon this Forum. :coffee: However I can slip a few snippets in, as the film sets develop themselves.

Graeme, the water feature will be no problem I`ve fitted a hose to the outside tap. :-D BB
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Posted by FredG on 21 Nov 2018, 22:17

I'd keep an eye on that hose BB, t's brass monkey weather tonight :affraid:
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