
Napoleonic French Dragoon Project Part II

Posted by MikeRC97 on 20 Aug 2018, 01:35

Back in the spring I decided to paint some French Napoleonic Dragoons in two different scales: 1/72 (Italeri) and 28mm (Perry). I posted a WIP thread for the 1/72 unit which can be found here:

And the completed unit can be found here:

I had intended on doing a WIP thread for the 28mm unit but work kept me very busy all summer so I never got around to it, but I finally completed the Perry dragoons, here are the pics.


This unit is the 6e Régiment de Dragons that was part of the 6th Cavalry Division, IV French Corps at the battle of Ligny in 1815. This is the second unit of a French force I have planned; the first unit of infantry can be seen here:

As with the infantry unit, the Dragoons are organized for the Lasalle rules using the recommended 28mm basing, for cavalry this means 2 mounted figures on a 50mm square base.


Lasalle cavalry units represent a “small” regiment of 300 - 500 men (4 bases) or a “large” regiment of 500 - 700 men (6 bases). The small regiment with 2 figures per base has 8 figures, so each figure represents a single company (as I mentioned in the 1/72 thread there were 8 companies in a French cavalry regiment organized into 4 squadrons). For this reason I have modeled the first rider as a member of the elite first company with epaulettes. By 1815 the bearskin was no longer common so I have included a helmet with plume instead.


The second figure carries the regimental eagle and 1815 pattern cavalry flag. Once again I have used a beautiful paper flag by GMB designs.


Here is a close up of the base with officer and musician. The officer figure gives a good view of the 1812 Bardin habit veste which replaced the pre-1812 long tailed jacket seen on the Italeri figures. I’m really happy with how the red came out on the jackets.


Third and fourth squadrons. I used the same paints for the horses and riders as I did with the Italeri figures, details can be found in the 1/72 WIP thread. The WIP thread also has details on how I finish my bases.


I love Perry miniatures - the figures are beautifully sculpted and historically accurate. In this view you can see the Dragoon musketoons included as separate bits in the Perry set. Italeri did not include these in the 1/72 set.


Close up of the third squadron, once again I painted the helmets in NMM as I did with the Italeri figures. I like how the NMM gold looks with the bright, almost “cartoony” colors of the Napoleonic uniforms.

I have a lot more Napoleonic units to paint in 1/72 and 28mm but I’m going to take a break from this period for now, all of the details on Nappies take forever to paint! Time for some nice and easy WWII AFVs for a change.
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Posted by Kekso on 20 Aug 2018, 10:40

There is always some extra space for some cake, ice cream and lovely painted Nappies :D
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Posted by Susofrick on 20 Aug 2018, 12:49

I only have cake and nappies! Where is my icecream???? Really like your project, Mike! Looks great!
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Susofrick  Sweden
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Posted by Kekso on 20 Aug 2018, 13:59

Susofrick wrote: Where is my icecream????

I have only one word (name) for you that will explain everything ... Remco! :xd:
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