

Posted by Wiking on 19 Aug 2018, 18:03







Made in 2018

Vehicle: ACE, AML-90
Figures: Matchbox, Esci

Yes, right not in my usual timeline WWI to WWII.

In my opinion it is the only modern war.
And not all modern technique really worked as expect.
I am impressed for the soldiers duty to both sides of the conflict.

Several years back I saw an report on you tube. And the film: Falklands` Most Daring Ride.
And remember as a child, this conflict as unreal for me. Two first world states started a war.
Today I know a bit more.
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Wiking  Germany
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Posted by Susofrick on 20 Aug 2018, 07:52

Yes, one of the wars I remember. Your standard! As usual! :-D
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Posted by Kekso on 20 Aug 2018, 10:38

Thank you for continuously making great diorama and sharing it with us here on forum.
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Posted by Michael Robert on 24 Aug 2018, 15:22

Hi Wiking

I Always like your dioramas, but here I do not understand its title "unused". Also, can you explain why you think it is the "only modern war"? There have been and there are so many wars since WWII, a lot with much higher levels of technology involved. Also, it seems to me that today there are wars which are just that because of a low level of technology involved, but perhaps I'm all wrong and your criteria is another.
Anyway, it is brilliant modelling as ever.
Thanks for sharing
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Michael Robert  France

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Posted by Bluefalchion on 24 Aug 2018, 17:45

I think Wiking is referring to the fact that both Argentina and UK were armed with sophisticated air forces and navies and advanced weapon systems. In fact, the Argentine airforce sunk several UK ships using Excocet missiles.

Most other wars since WWII have pitted world powers against third-world nations or groups tied together with even looser organizations. Even though the world powers have not always won.
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Posted by Wiking on 24 Aug 2018, 19:19

Hey Michael,

thank`s for your very nice words.
The title "unused" refer to the AML-90. The Argentine Army bring 10 -12 (different sources) to the Falkland Islands around Port Stanley. But they never used it in the conflict. I read that not a single shot was done with it.

It was the best war machine there.
NO combat losses no kills.

Michael wrote:
... why you think ... "only modern war"...

Thank you for the description Bluefalchion.
I can`t write it better.
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Wiking  Germany
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Posted by Michael Robert on 24 Aug 2018, 20:34

Thanks Bluefalchion and Wiking for your explanations
Not an easy one to guess with the "unused AML 90" - real detailed knowledge

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Posted by Carlos on 31 Aug 2018, 03:27

Excellent job, I really like it. The pannard have being painted with the rigth colors. Figures are great, paint the british modern uniform are not easy, but you make the honor to these old friends from matchbox, and the argentinian oficer have the tipical mstache that they used in those times.
But the best are the buildings and the base, you have a sepcial skill for these.
And is rigth, the panhards never
most of the panhards were never used in combat, they were useless for that type of terrain,muddy and flat in which only could fight like in the first world war.
Trenches and breakthroughs.
Abouth these war, the political instances whether domestic or international, were more important than the battles and the war itself, if you do not understand the whole political game of Galtieri, Tatcher and the United States, everything military and strategic in that sad and bitter war will only leave doubts about things.
And the more you find out about the political instances that war, more anger, more sadness and more bitterness feel.
A war between two countries that until the day of the war were friends and allies, a war that should never have been fought and that caused many deaths and injuries on both sides.
For us, the Argentines, had something good because it meant that we could recover our democracy and we leave the so called "cold war", for the United States it was not so good meaning that they would be left without their best ally (we were the Argentines) to face the Latin American wars supported by Cuba and Soviet Union and only the British will be able to say if for them it was good or bad what happened later with Margaret Tatcher.
I'm not sure, but think I will never make a diorama about malvinas.
I have many friends and acquaintances who were sent there and is difficut for me model with that.
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Posted by Peter on 04 Sep 2018, 21:06

Excellent made diorama, and it is good to see those old Matchbox figures. :thumbup:
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