Work in Progress

Future projects

Posted by Santi Pérez on 03 Aug 2017, 18:15

Hello everybody.

I have used the first part of my summer holidays in finishing two old works in 25 and 54 mm, respectively (I will post their pictures next days).

Back to 1/72 scale, and after watching several movies on colonial wars (Zulu, Zulu dawn, Karthoum and The four feathers), I had originally the intention of making a colonial diorama (or two).

But I have recently received from Caesar Miniatures in Taiwan two fantastic sets of figures based on The Lord of the Rings series (Elf Warriors II and Orc Warriors set 2). So, I'm planning another diorama using them.

I do not have clearly which diorama should be the first one to be made. I want to share my outlines pictures of the three projected dioramas and hope to take a decision meanwhile.

The first project is entitled "GORDON MEETS THE MAHDI" and these are its first outline pictures:




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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 03 Aug 2017, 18:33

The second project title is "ZULU AMBUSH" and these are my outlines:




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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by Bluefalchion on 03 Aug 2017, 18:49

Can't wait to see the finished product, and the progress along the way!
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 03 Aug 2017, 18:55

And finally the last, but not the least, project. It's "THE LAST ALLIANCE AGAINST SAURON" with these outlines:





I hope you enjoy the pictures, and I accept advices too. ;-)


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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by Carlos on 03 Aug 2017, 19:03

Santy, coming from you anything is promising.
Even if you did "gordon being beheaded by the orcs".
Im following all the ideas.
Carlos  Argentina
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Posted by Emperor on 03 Aug 2017, 19:31

Great project. I got only one question. Where do you get those great looking wooden bases?
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Posted by Marvin on 03 Aug 2017, 21:22

I'm looking forward very much to seeing these develop and come to life. Some of these figures are old favourites of mine that I've never painted myself so it will be great to see them given your treatment.
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 05 Aug 2017, 19:26

Thank you for your kind words, Bluefalchion, Carlos and Marvin. They encourage me to continue forward with my projects.

I always have a lot of ideas boiling in my mind on new works. My inspiration is continually in action. This is the first phase of any project.

The second step is to realize the idea into real elements: appropriate base, figures to be used, conversions to be made on them, other elements to complement the scene, overall distribution on the base, etc. This is the phase represented in the pictures above (conversions don't appear still, but are already present in my mental designs).

The third step is the most difficult and slow for me: the painting of the figures. It takes me a lot of time to complete every figure so, obviously, the most figures the diorama includes the most time to see it finished.

The last stage is quick and easy: varnishing all the painted elements and placing them in their respective places.

Bearing in mind that my summer holidays aren’t eternal (unfortunately :( ), I think that I’m going to begin with the Gordon-Mahdi project. This is the one with less elements and, therefore, with more probabilities to be finished in a reasonable term.

I will continue posting pictures of its progress in this thread.

Great project. I got only one question. Where do you get those great looking wooden bases?

In answer to your question, Emperor, I usually get the bases for my dioramas in model shops in my city, Madrid. Sometimes I have acquired any of them online from Andrea Miniatures website ( Sadly, many models shops have being closing in the last years, making harder and harder the task of finding the appropriate base for each diorama.

Thank you again for your support, dear friends, and cheers for you all. :-)

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by Peter on 14 Nov 2017, 19:17

Lovely projects! :thumbup:

Can you tell me from wich set those High Elves are who are fighting against those Orcs?
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 17 Nov 2017, 19:19

Hello, Peter.

Both the Elves and the Numenor warriors present in my project are from the same set: Caesar Miniatures set S012 (Elf Warriors II).

The set includes three kind of figures from The Lord of the Rings film series in several poses: firstly Numenor and Elf warriors from the first battle scene in The Fellowship of the Ring, and secondly Elf warriors from the Helm's Deep battle scene in The Two Towers. They are great figures, plenty of detail, well animated and proporcionated, and very good copies of the original characters in the movies, as you can expect from Caesar.

I think this set hasn't been distributed worldwide and it's only available direct from Caesar Miniatures' website (, where I found it some months ago.

I hope to have been of help. Best regards. :-)

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by Peter on 17 Nov 2017, 20:22

Thank you for the information, Santi! :thumbup:
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