
The Rubber Mould

Posted by Peter on 11 Jul 2017, 17:54

What scale is that sphinx, Paul! Like it a lot! :thumbup:
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Posted by Beano Boy on 12 Jul 2017, 12:22


Similar bronze one in London UK .

Below mine is 105mm L x 90mm Ht x 35mm W_____________ Although i did reduce the height of the base for my story telling Sc-Fi & Fantasy props.


Peter ,the Asterix figures along with my Sentinel are 32mm in height. BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 13 Jul 2017, 13:27


Here we go again with Playmobil this time used to make two side Patterns in rubber.
The Lego Boxes ensures each will be the same size round each edge. blu tac helps keep it in place.
Very simple to press rubber into the moulding boxes giving me the means to do good ornate walls.
Each level Pattern will be removed turned over facing side up then the outside edge of each casting will be formed by Lego Bricks raised up above the pattern. Filled with Plaster of Paris,and I will need 10 off each. My Egyptian stash is very cheaply stacking up.:-D BB
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Posted by Peter on 13 Jul 2017, 20:34

Mh, still wondering if it would work with 1/72 figures to. :eh:

New project looks nice to! :thumbup:
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Posted by Beano Boy on 14 Jul 2017, 17:20


Silicone was pushed in filling the boxes. Cost £2.75 UK Stirling.


Each one was trimmed around the edges with scissors.

The Lego Bricks were built up to one brick above the patterns.


Then Cast Up! :-D BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 14 Jul 2017, 18:28


Well that certainly worked out fine and here are the first two ancient wall reliefs. :-D BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 17 Jul 2017, 22:40


This is one of my favourate Napoleonic pictures.


Colourful walls painted by my good self I would like to try and paint at a later stage upon my roadway into my slice of the ancient side of my hobby. Above a hunting scene is the type and style I need to tackle in a most cunning way and one that would involve not one paint brush being dipped into paint at all.


To realise the full extent is a something somewhere yet to come that might well explain it. BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 30 Jul 2017, 14:16

Image"Like magic, an army did appear, And a forest full of tree`s."

The medieval fellow is indeed singing out his charm concerning such strange going on`s.
Although it happend way before his time. Or rethinking upon it even ours.

I finished my ancient casting up of rubber moulds a few days ago.
There being always a little stuff left over after each pour,it was duely emptied into much smaller things i`d made. Much better than throwing each and every splodge into the bin,for amounts do add up into mountains desterned for landfill and i care little for filling holes up at my expence. For waste is waste make no mistake. So I hatched out a plan a sure fired thing to raise an army like no other,and the singing concerns this fact as legend although few know of it until now.

:mrgreen: "And so he sings."
:winky: " in his crusty way."
:sst: "of open display."

:read: "In the time of RAMESES III."
:sst:" an army did appear. "
:mrgreen: "It only numbered 860 though."
:cowboy: " Which like toy redskins hid behind 76 tree`s."


Khonsu Temple Karnak Ramesses III


My tree`s and Lego type army of 860 certainly grew,and grew.
I have colour-washed dipped a few since this picture was taken.
It all makes for fun. :-D BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 01 Aug 2017, 01:54


One Candy Floss Stick,a Ruler, PVA Glue and a sharp craft knife.
Plus A pair of Pliers to snap the cuttings off.


Well the re-usable Pattern has been set out in two sizes of bricks stuck onto a paper card.
So several molds can be made in order to quicken up the pace of making them. Each would cost under a Pound to make.


The moulding box of Lego Bricks surrounded the card and so it was filled with silicone after the Pattern had been brush over lightly with cooking oil.The results were OK , but a couple tore to the edge which is no real problem. The next silicone mould will be much better.

The brick walls in turn can be moulded in rubber saving time and money too. :-D
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Posted by Beano Boy on 01 Aug 2017, 13:13


The first castings of 69 Bricks were produced today. A couple have an air hole but simple finger and thumbed trimming will give character to them,so no waste. Colour can be added to the mix before casting up,but that seems to delay the stuff going off. So mine are white and will be dipped in a colour wash that will fizz them up,and seal them tight so no chalky mess ever again while handling them.
I intend to make another rubber mould so 138 can be cast out of one tiny mix.
These simple bricks allows for double sided walls,pathways and roads to be modeled by those who get a buzz out of making there own stuff.

More paving and curb stones are planned in the future,as is much larger stone. Have fun :-D BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 01 Aug 2017, 18:04


The 2nd silicone mould was made and the old butter knife smoothed it over after the rubber had been thumb and fingered into place. Meanwhile the 1st mould had been cast up again and the bricks emptied onto the stash pile.


The 2nd mould has been taken out of the Lego Box, and my home made board pattern set up again on the moulding and casting up table for the 3rd and final mould. An untidy place of productivity!

These combined will yield 207 from half a tiny yogurt pot mix.


All the bricks will be used on the raised canal for pathways, and the roads of Honey Well. The picture above was taken last year.

See you guys later. :-D BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 05 Aug 2017, 17:49


Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 19 Aug 2017, 17:01

The stone white castings were made from my rubber mould,that came into being using a small part of a flimsy castle wall for a make-shift pattern. Having gone through other moulding processes i see no dire need to show how that was accomplished as basics using Lego Bricks and Silicone has certainly been fully explained here within this open ended project before. In short,what is pushed in,there the impression remains.

This part deals with problem solving and therefore was lots of fun to do.

Each cast up wall was successful to a certain degree. :eh: " Eh!"


However where they butt up to one another that straight piece of wall is eye distracting,and spoils the whole look i require. Action to rectify this was needed.
Sure plants could be stuck over this eyesore,as i have seen on many a layout,but there is always an easy pathway to follow to achieve a much better butt ending.That is if one has made the mould. :-D


:coffee: "First I`ll have a break before showing you that route i took.

:sst: "with bb`s apple turnover intermission at an end, it`s back to the topic.", said the little button that never speaks in capitals.


Plan A
At first i made a thin flat buttress, which came out well and would fit over that gap , however it threw out the spaced out measurements between the buttresses,and looked rather odd to the eye.


It also easily broke during trimming with a knife.
Therefore a full thick buttress was surely needed to get strength and uniformity into place.


Plan B
So I made two simple forms from scrap styrene sheet,and pinned them into place on the mould where both buttresses are,and this was so the castings were the same thickness of each wall when they were cast up. A longer styrene section was pinned into place across the wide open bottom of the rubber mould. For greater strength the pins were pushed in at an angle through the sheet and into the rubber. Thus it would resist the pressure caused by the Plaster of Paris pour.


Here is one i cast up earlier,and with the styrene flashings removed from either side, and having had a quick trimming it is ready to slot into place between those two supportive wall sections.

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: "That reminds us of the BBC`s Children program, Blue Peter!"


A great part of enjoying this part of the hobby is solving little problems to reach a satisfying better look to whatever it is one is making. Model figures and toys need props to aid the display of them,so Tutorials is wide open to anyone wishing to show early stages of their work.


It sliped into place just simply nice.


Thus the two walls are unified into one,and after the buttress is placed one at either end, yes two other wall sections can be pushed into place butting up to them. And so the repetition process of crisp and tidy can likewise continue on.

If you can remenber my unusual raised canal? These are the supporting walls for some of that. They will be siliconed into place on the Honey Well layout and hopefully will raise a few smiles along that round about way as the little trains pop in and out of the tunnels that were made last summer.

In the time being i need to make more walls and buttresses!
:sst: "lots and lots of them."
:-D See you guys later. BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 22 Aug 2017, 19:07


Yesterday two left and two right sided shortened buttress end walls were cast up. These left sided walls will start the build off on parts of the layout,and the right sided walls will finish nicely the endings. There are 14 walls 9 inches long ,and 4 walls 6 inches long to this long overdue build upon the railway,and the raised water ways, canal layout built last year. :-D
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Posted by FredG on 22 Aug 2017, 19:14

Beano Boy wrote: There are 14 walls 9 inches long ,and 4 walls 6 inches long to this long overdue build upon the railway, and the raised water ways, canal layout built last year. :-D

How did it become delayed BB? It's not as if you're modelling anything else :P
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Posted by Wiking on 22 Aug 2017, 20:26

The most I like is what you do. What happen and how you solve the trouble to reach your target.
Plan A and plan B.
And all is shown by pic !
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Posted by Beano Boy on 22 Aug 2017, 23:04

FredG,i guess in all truthfulness i lazy-like get side tracked into off balanced things like playing with Lego Bricks. :-D
Wiking,thank`s for liking this style of presentation . :thumbup: :thumbup: Thank you both for commenting it is as welcome as indeed is that cooling breeze upon a very hot day. :coffee: BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 25 Aug 2017, 11:45

This one is for wondering down upon a sunny idyllic day.







To be cut up to form Church Tower,other walls and the Honey Well Railway Station Clock Tower,that was demolished in WWI. It received a direct hit during a German Zeppelin raid in January of 1915. The bombs were aimed at Norwich but hit Honey Well,2 miles away from that city. The rack of bombs peppered along the canal and railway missing the small town with its rather strange buildings.

The clock tower is due to be rebuilt next year 1934 ,
and it should be a very good year for day dreams to knit together. :-D BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 05 Dec 2017, 01:14

More Parts For The Asterix Project.


With three new rubber moulds to make,i set to and began the process of making the Patterns.


A simple task of scribing out Foam Board with a pen.
This is the cheapest way of making Patterns for my timber framed building.


As these are part of a larger build already started,i needed to set the angle,which is that of the larger A Frame. There is a base and two side walls to mould in rubber later. I will need four castings off each.

It should be fun. :-D BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 13 Dec 2017, 21:12



This tiny Reaper Statue is set up for rubber moulding and she will be cast in three parts.

Part 1 Plaster of Paris odd side. __________ This method has already been dealt with earlier. :-D
Part 2 the bottom half of the rubber mould.
Part 3 the rubber top half.
For this very small 37mm object,I used the Soapy Water and Silicone method already shown in past episodes within this open ended topic.
The aim is to include the statue as part of stone arched over entrances,
and built into the stonework beside Gothic type windows.

I had failure after failure with casting this one.
However today i am having good solid results. BB
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