
Dalek City of Dreams

Posted by Beano Boy on 07 Feb 2014, 20:23

(It has always been my intention to use stuff everyone more or less have in their own homes to create the Dalek stories.By doing so I could concentrate upon building up a Large Dalek Army. All one needs do is remember childhood days of youthful play and use your own bright imagination.)....lf we know English History Well,we can look back upon the Dalek invasion of part of Great Britain,and upon 1949 the year that the Atomc Bomb destroyed the small Town of HoneyWell along with other outlying towns which are far to many to name here.No Man,Woman,or Small Child ,or anything made of flesh escaped destruction within a radius of 50 square miles.Image.......Image......As you can remember the Daleks were protected from that blast by their Force Field.What you are about to see and hopefully read will reveal to you what is happening,because as the whole World knows Great Britain never was attacked in such a way. So one must first travil to a planet named,Skyro!..To a place on that Planet named ORYKS,but in this case it is called by many,"The City of Dreams!".................Imagewhat you are seeing is the outside defences of that City,and through the telling of this story,you have travilled far into the future,and infact on Earth you like myself ( Maybe!) are dust! Speaking so of dust everything outside this City is made up of this remarkable stuff! The whole planet is infact because of Atomic War............Dead!ttp://]Image[/url].As can be seen too because of lack of security is my Cusions handel revealed to you.He will at one stage become The Clock Maker! That is for another Time & Place in another head spinning very Tall Tale!Image.This City that is soon to be revealed to you is unlike any that you have ever seen before........Image.
A Spacecraft is preparing to leave.Aboard it are over 300 Daleks ...............Image.As it zooms skywards leaving the City of ORYKS behind,Image..This is the end of Part One............................................Memo from Beano Boy Productions,Part Two is in the Can,and will follow shortly!
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 08 Feb 2014, 01:11

Unknown to them,as they enter Time & Space,this Spacecraft will soon have a damaged Hyper Drive!
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 08 Feb 2014, 17:23

Within the protective wall`s,there certainly is Life.ImageThis is the Lowerclass area of the City of ORYKS.Image This City great in splender has countless Avenues of tree`s that add well to the charm of this place and even though having a proper name that is true,Welcome now to the City of Dreams!Image...This is a strange place.Yes indeed so,and very transparent.Image.....Here Daleks come and go, doing what they have been instructed to do......Image As you travil deeper over this vast city in this splendid unseen way you see the most important place of all.ImageIt is here the very Hub of the city is. Elsewhere one might well say,that the heart of the city is here,but no such heart is here.There is only a Giant Brain installed here longago by those who built this Spralling City. A Brain that controls everything that you can see here spread out for your eyes alone.ImageHere high above the City Center of this odd strange transparent place there seems to be a highly structured system in place.Image.All is highly organized......Image.There is no Crime!......Image..A system of total obedience is at work here.....Image..However a total system of cold harsh reality is in place.....Image.There is no such word as NO here,and the Yes is as cold as the icyest wind one can well imagine...Image.Yes this place is teemming with activity....Image.As we look on futher at all what you see.....Image.You might well be asking a something..Image.You might be asking,What the Heck is going on Here ?Image.All will be revealed in Part 3..............This is the End of Part 2.( No Solvent Glue was used in this Beano Boy Production and no Dalek was harmed in anyway.I removed the Slug Pellets!)
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 09 Feb 2014, 12:26

Skyro a dead planet,the last 300+ daleks have left the City of ORYKS,and also on board this spacecraft is the Giant Brain that has orginized and dictated everything in that city for thousands of Skyro years.( One Skyro year is equal to five of our earth years)Now it can be revealed here for the very first time what is happening in the City of Dreams,and why it is called so by that name. These pictures in part will explain to you along with these letters that have been set down to guide all who have eyes to do so.ImageIt had once been a real,and wonderful city.Upon a lush green planet with other much larger cities. Cival War broke out between a split federation of states,and the Atomic Bombs fell like teeming rain upon this once fertile Planet called Skyro.Image......ImageThis war called The NACIREMA Cival War totaly deverstated everything. Only a small few survived this rain of death perhaps as little as a hundred million.ImageAfter this Great War of anialation the Planet quickly began to die and those Daleks that had suvived it ,struggled on with their lives within their protected cities,ruled over by the Giant Brains that had caused the war,and which never Died. Enotsal was the last such Brain to leave Skyro.After the encounter of trying to capture the Tardis and then narrowly escaping the tidel pull of the event horizon from Sagittafius A* The Masive Black Hole. Enotsal ordered repairs on the Hyper Drive,but it was totaly burn`t out,so the order was given the crew of the Space Ship to build another one,while the army slept in Suspended animation chamber`s. So as the crew worked on Enotsal had thought to itself,I`ll have a little snooze too..Soon a dream appeared to the Brains liking,it was dreaming of its lost City,and likewise the same type dream was had by other Brains and so they in total agreement called their very own long-lost city The City of Dreams! lt was also dreaming of the destruction of Honeywell.Image..It was a great dream for a quite mad Brain,to dream of,and all was prepared for its favorate part....Image..Detanation!.......Image.However something had woke Enotsal from its splendid dream,and it was some Wild Atomic Party the crew were having after the construction of that new Hyper Drive that worked wonderfully well and with such a ZooooooooooM!.......Image.To find out how that party ended you must go to the Topic,Return of the Daleks. For you who have followed on reading these stories the fact that they are now linking up should be much clearer in your minds. This is End of this Part of that story.This has been a Beano Boy Production coppyright 1776......Coming soon Dandy Boy the Clock Maker.ImageThis will explain just how the Tardis will escape the Black Hole!
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 14 Feb 2014, 04:43

The real City of Oryks on the Panet Skyro was constructed in part from a steel like metal,and a form of hardend concrete. However part of protective wall`s were made using a see through metal called Cits-alp! I constructed the City of Dreams in transparent plastic,because the Brain having the dream was so Paranoid even in IT`S sleep. IT,had to see though everything that was taking place. It was this Paranoia that all the Brains suffered from, which sparked off the Nacirema Atomic War.
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 21 Jul 2019, 23:24

After a long time trip to photobucket ,they got wise as too what i was doing. Mainly deleting my photo files that had photobucket printed across them. So yes they have once more locked me out of my Account files, but i did blitz the files i could. Call it a special ops mounted and undertaken to torch a grey area there. There ain`t much of anything of mine left there now. They ruined 99% of my early stuff i placed upon this Forum,years ago. So i Zapped their free advertising off this second home of mine.

Sorry for new viewers who visit this item, but the war upon these pirates was declared by myself over three years ago. i feel i have had a little payback now as i deleted thousands of my photographs there that they were holding in way of greedy malicious ransom . Their blackmailing e-mails by the hundreds that go into my spam box each year, i feel might well have reached their end.

They had blocked me from canceling my Account three years ago and that was still the case,but i managed to effectively wreck all my files good and proper. Yes that which belonged to me by copyright is ablaze and smoking. :thumbup: Who Dares Win. BB
Beano Boy  England
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