Work in Progress

Honeywell Station

Posted by Beano Boy on 05 Dec 2013, 21:08

Some of the process of the brick working on this tiny place was seen in another topic,which recieved great interest,and so now that the complete Railway Station is finished,I thought you might like to see the end result ,but there are no rails laid yet,so these little people will have a long wait and I fear the school children will not get to school today.However, I don`t think they will mind. This place, is somewhere in the England of my youth & imagination. The year is 1953 & this is the tiny ancient Hamlet town of HoneyWell which I am scratchbuilding. So this is HoneyWell Station. Shown now just for you.ImageImageAt this present time I`ve just set this up on my small work table,just to give you a birds eye view of what it will look like.ImageImageImage I finished a sample of pavement today,just in time to catch the light of day & shoot these pictures.
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Posted by Mai Strac on 05 Dec 2013, 21:37

Cool, thank's for sharing!!! :love: :love: :thumbup:
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Posted by SamSagace on 06 Dec 2013, 08:39

beautiful station !!
the railway is on the other side of the building ?

Your work is very impressive, you know ? :drool:
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Posted by Susofrick on 06 Dec 2013, 10:35

Agree with Pascal!

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Posted by Beano Boy on 07 Dec 2013, 17:35

Here`s the other side Pascal.I`ve placed two oo scale rail track`s just to give you idea of what the working end of HoneyWell Station will look like. However the track`s on the proper layout is much higher then can be seen here.ImageHere are some 20mm Dapol figures & some of mine too.Image The platform is filling up.Image I`m sorry to say,"They`ll have quite a long wait."Image Well I`ve got to relay the track upon the layout!ImageThere will be four OO scale rail track`s passing by this busy little Station.ImageHere are a few more figures .ImageGosh!ImageIt`s made so the main building lifts off,and gives oppertunity for you to see the other model figure`s at the front again.Imagesee it`s back#! Now a word. When I was a very small boy,Great Big Steam Trains arrived into the city,full of scrap metal,and I`d watch the iron & steel being cut into bits ready to feed the furnuce in the foundry nearby. The year was 1954 & the scrap loads were hundreds of 105mm Heavy Guns that were no longer needed.They stood alongside the railway track & I along with my little friends played about on them for many days. I have always remembered this,and I intend to model this period in my life,& there will be hundreds of guns to model in the scrapyard that I will create! And lot`s of tiny scruffy kids playing on them too. Thank you kindly for looking.
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by blucher1815red on 07 Dec 2013, 17:39

Hi BB, I have sent a personal message to you, have a look. By the way the buildings look really good.
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Posted by santifernandez on 07 Dec 2013, 20:20

I like the project.
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Posted by CapitaineDanjou on 08 Dec 2013, 00:20

Nice wodk. :thumbup:

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Posted by MABO on 08 Dec 2013, 12:07

You are extremely busy and the houses looks really nice. I like your project and I hope to see the progress here soon! :love:
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Posted by Beano Boy on 08 Dec 2013, 14:00

Yes Mabo,I am quite busy & being so keeps me from becoming bored. Working on more then one project means I can often leave what ever I`ve been working on for mounth`s on end, and work on another.This might seem crazy to some, but it saves me from making costly mistakes,and when I return to what ever it was I`d left before,I often come back with fresh idea`s,and improvements! Be it Wrighting,Model Scrathbuilding,Model painting,or doing reserch for projects,or studying Dickens`.Yes I am very busy in my happy Retired way of life. I tend to listen to the TV,being far to busy to watch the darn thing! & (i) often quite grudge the time spent in sleep! (" Little snippets of death!") Of late I`ve posted a ton of my work on this Forum,and it`s taken time out from my usual pattern of life,but the aim has been to perhaps help the new ones coming into this vast expanding hobby,& perhaps even the older ones too. So in a few brief week`s I`ve placed about 10 years work of model related things on this Great Forum,set up by Benno. I make no money in the life I lead,however I`m never out of idea`s! Very soon I`ll be working on the groundwork & the garden of Hougoumont,and whilst working out the street plan of HoneyWell too.Between now & then I have to re-lay 128 foot of oo scale railway track! My! What................................FUN! Thank you for your kind comment & your keen interest too.
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Posted by MABO on 09 Dec 2013, 21:59

:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
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Posted by Beano Boy on 10 Jan 2014, 23:53

I have been collecting,ArmouredTrucks,Sherman Tanks ,Matador Truck`s & 5.5 ince Guns,and Oil Drums and other stuff too,and will shortly start building my Scrapyard already mentioned in this Topic.
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Posted by Beano Boy on 25 Jan 2014, 18:47

( Please excuse the Cavalry upon my table) After making HoneyWell Station,it seemed only right that it should have its very own Signal Box. So I made a model. This is my Scratchbuilt Stone Signal Box,but with a difference to others. I also modelled the inside and fixed it up with a tiny light.Everything eccept the lightbulb and wire,is made of paper just the same as the Railway StationImage........Image......Image......Image...................The roofwork is scribed using a pen,and painted with enamal paint and simply drybrush........... The walls are made from paper card too,but the stone work is my very own system of creating brick and stonework....Image......Image.......Image.........Image..Image......... How to model brick walls has already been posted before,and it only requires looking for it on this Forum................I have not put plastic glass into this model because it will soon grimmy up and is a pain to clean,and cleaning scratches the plastic and when the light is on it looks awful. Without glass in the windows they look clean all the time especially when the light is on...........................The inside is made from the same paper card.All the tiny shapes were drawn and designed by me and cut out using a very sharp pointed Craft Knife. Then painted with enamal paint that soaks into each little piece,and when dry it is as tuff as the strongest plastic,but much cheaper.So all the switches,and everything else that you see including the scribed painted floor is paper card. The tiny clock is a picture I took and trimed it down tiny and printed it off..There were only ever two men in a Signal Box,however I wanted to,and did place four,but at the shift change for these workers. So one shift is clocking off,while the other has just arrived for thier shift to begin ....Image..Here you can see the little light bulb...Image.and the tiny clock.Image..Image.They even have a very good stove ,and they can have a strong brew of tea whenever they like,but only after I make a kettle out of Bluetack! .Image....So as Harry and Stan start work,Fred and Jimbo are going home.ImageSo all I need do now is wire the thing into the power suply,and.......................Oh! Yes make that Kettle,I think it will be a Copper one.
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Posted by Alex on 25 Jan 2014, 21:39

:angry3: :angry3: Envy! That's my main feeling when I see your city .... :joker: :joker:
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Posted by Beano Boy on 29 Jan 2014, 15:16

No picture as yet,but I so much liked making the Signal Box and the way everything turned out in the end,that I decided to make another which although basicialy the same size and shape will just be a little bit different and not a copy. There are when complete four railway lines already laid,and I intend to install another one soon. So there is plenty of scope for placing this second tiny 20mm scale Signal Box on the layout too.I`ll post a picture later when this mess I`m working in is cleaned up,and the model is complete and with tiny figures installed.I supose it has cost around £3.00 to make these unique tiny things.
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Posted by Beano Boy on 01 Feb 2014, 22:15

The other little Signal Box is finished and is slightly smaller then the first one,but is still 20mm scale or if you prefure HO,OO Scale! Here it is on the right side of the screen.ImageI decided to place the stone steps leading down to the back of this tiny building unlike the first one I made which led down to the front.Image I used the four man setup as before.So this is the front that faces the railway.Image This is the other side view.Image...This is what I like doing the inside modelling work,and as before everything is made of paper card.All this will look splendid when the light`s are switched on.Image.....The little clock is again installed along with everything that was in a real Signal Box.Image....A look see through the window.Image....Bert is going home.Image.....Image...the other two Slim and Jim are getting ready to start thier shift.Image....There is Sam near the door just about to leave for home.Image.....Image.....The roof is back on.Image All finished, eccept for two Bluetack Copper Kettles! l Hope you like. Paul
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Posted by Beano Boy on 19 Feb 2014, 21:05

Hi guys,The two tiny Signal boxes are now placed on the HoneyWell Railway Line. HoneyWell Station now has Track Laid, and Loco`s are up and running. My Grandchildren came to visit yesturday,and we ran some Trains!I thought as you`ve seen these building`s Posted on the Forum you all might like to see these Photo`s.Image..Above one of my new Scratchbuilt Signal Boxes....You will notice Newspaper sticking out underneath of the Stone Balast work,this is because I designed my very own system to do this work and I did not wish to stick it down to the Base Board because I want to be able to move the track elsewhere and with no effort required in order to do it.Image...These Little people have had a long wait for the Trains to arrive,and they can get to work ,and the children can get to School."OH! NO!" Some of them Cry Out,"We Hate School".To bad they are still going..Image.....Its taken two hours a day since just before the new year to lay the Track ,and my system and to Balast it,How I do like to suffer!Image...I`m working on so much Stuff I`m up most nights till four in the morning,and up again at Nine,but Models have been Built,and Tall Tales Told...Image....The wonderful thing is,I just love my Life at present and all my Hobbies...Image.....Three Rail Track`s have been laid,That`s 126 foot of Track,and I`m going to exstend it by another two foot,and add another Track too......Image..Above you can see one of the Scratchbuilt Signal Boxes that has been posted on this Forum...I still have a few more Houses to make,and some Bombsites where the Houses were pulled down,and Advertizing Bill Boards Where put up in the HoneyWell of the 1940`s .As I grew up in Norwich in the 1950`s there were still many Bombed out Buildings like the ones I mention here.Image....Sorry about the front of this leading Loco some little tiny Spider left its Web on it.Image.The Track is still being worked on,and you can see the new track here above where I left off working on it.Once all this Track is laid,the Road plan of HoneyWell will begin,and the roads with pathways and with street lighting will all be put in place. Tree`s will be added here and there.I still have a small Foundry to build,and Scrapyard,but that will not take to long to make,I also have a tiny School to make too,and at present work is still ongoing with the Medieval Tower!...Image.....The Loco above is over 60 years old,and one I stripped down and restored.It has a smoke system installed,whereby you place a few drops of Water & Oil into the funnel and it creates steam that chuffs away like smoke. I like to collect old loco`s and get them to run again,and my collection now is 23 older model trains and a few rubish new ones,all made in China now and completely hopeless cases. url=]Image[/url]....When finally HoneyWell is finished a deep wooden frame will be placed around each of its sides,and it will exstend upwards so another Base board can be placed on top for my planed Waterloo Diorarma,Then more detailed work will begin on more Model Soldiers.This was once a Dream and after years of work,soon it will become a reality! I am not aiming for the Waterloo deadline,I just take one day at a time and hope I can work upon whatever it is I wish to do on that day.Thank`s for looking. Have Fun I do. BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 29 Mar 2014, 19:00

l am glad to be able to show these Diecast Models,and these will be used on my large Diorama of HoneyWell.As you have seen work is still on going in this place invented & created by my own fancy alone. The Station & Signal Boxes now all complete,so these tiny model`s will be used along with Buses ,Trucks & car`s that l already have. ImageYes the tiny street`s of Honeywell will indeed be a hive of every day activity & living in the 1940`s,1950`s & early 1960`s. ImageMuch of the British Armys stuff was sold off after the second World War,so l remember these old Motorbikes repainted & used for cheap travilling.Image Mrs B, as a young child remembers her Dad,as having this Motorbike Combonation.What a picture to paint.Her Mother, Dad & two kids on & sitting in one of these crazy things.I have waited for ages to obtain a couple of model`s of this type Motorbike & Sidecar to create & set that little scene on the Layout .However these are way out of scale & would be for 12mm scale figures,so the children would have to be between 6 to 8mm.Benno`s new scale! Now when l make the figures from wire & glue,l think l`ll paint the eyes too......ImageThe Farm Tracktor`s will be loaded upon railway wagons,and are fresh from the Factory.Many years ago l actually made parts for these so they have earned their place upon the Layout........ImageThe Classic Ford Anglia of the early 1960`s.Remember Z Cars on TV? I will have a Police type one eventually.........ImageThis is how they come when you buy them & they are not cheap.However looking on the bright side l have a contact & can get E`m at half the price.No, they are not Nicked! The contact on e Bay also gives reduced postage too! I get use the cases in my other modelling work too. Stay safe you guy`s. BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by SamSagace on 29 Mar 2014, 22:58

nice models !!
"Oxford" ? or another brand ?
I've some and I like them a lot.
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Posted by Beano Boy on 30 Mar 2014, 01:45

(There is no K in Tractor,Sorry!) They are of course Oxford.Nice of you to ask Pascal.l like them too.l especially like the Moterbikes because the Sidecar is on left side made for British roads. Well all you other guys spread far & wide drive on the other side. The next work to do on Honeywell is design the Pathways with small Cherry Blossom Tree`s set into the pavements & set up the working Street Lights. Between 1888 to 1939 these tree`s were planted as they built the new houses in Norwich.I must admit that l have not done much work on this place,but have manage some more work on my two Track Railway Bridge designed by me,with the add of old Photo`s as a guide. It is made totally of Paper Card & is much, much stronger then any model bridge one could buy.ImageMy Trade Mark,Paper Card & my Old Check`s made of sections of card and then stuck together.Image.....There are no rivits but pin heads set in will be added making it look much more real to the Eye of the Camera and then repainted dry brushed with rust added. To complete it l will build the supports like those of this Bridge.Image...Image This scrachbuilt bridge has been seen before on the Forum.Image....ImageNow that l have my confidence back concerning the making of small tree`s hopefully l can make a little progress with each passing week on this little Town. Thank`s for looking & reading. BB
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