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April 2011 / Bonn - Exposition Napoleon

Posted by Peter on 16 Jan 2011, 12:49

Found this in todays newspaper. Looks interesting.


Click on the picture of Napoleon for more info. It can be visited untill 25 April 2011.
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Peter  Belgium

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Posted by The Observer on 16 Jan 2011, 19:37

In this exhibition you can see - beside original surgical instruments of the time and drawings about medical advice during the waterloo campaign - the original breast armour plate of a french cuirassier after being hit by a cannon ball........
I think an exhibition which shows in a way the real face of war in 1815 :roll:
I will try to visit it!
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The Observer  
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Posted by MABO on 16 Jan 2011, 21:13

I was in there. It is worth a visit for people who are interested and have a little bit background already. A lot of famous original paintings as well. But on the other hand the conceptual design is not good. If you do not know that much about Napoleon and his time you will get lost in a lot of very complex texts in small scale with a lot of informations hard to read when 10 other people stand beside you and want to read as well. An Exhibition for the intellectual upper class not for everyone. I can not explain what I want too say felicitous in English - But it is by no means an event for families with children - you are not even allowed to carry them on your shoulders if they are tired.
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