
scratch - building with BB

Posted by Beano Boy on 14 Dec 2023, 03:17

No need for help Peter, the work a repetitive one is well underway.
:mrgreen: BB's Production Line.


:coffee: One unpainted double sided archway with another 11 ready for gluing up. Each one has 70 parts. Nearly half of the parts needed have been cut to size already and stacked neatly.
:eh: Y is that ?
:coffee: Applying this type of constructive production line means i can get them all complete very quickly. :sst: rather than taking two days to construct one while waiting for the gluing up process to dry hard on each part, bb can steamroll himself into a more organized systematic way.
:mrgreen: Like in a toy factory? :sst: yes. :eh: I'm confused already.

:coffee: Well it is way past 2 am so it,s time for coffee
:cowboy: Yippeeeeee! :coffee: i'll c u on the next one. BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 15 Dec 2023, 01:14


On this table six pieces are being worked on.


The small plastic bags are protecting the table top.


Four, for framing are on this table, which bring the total of this scratch build programme up to 10.
The right angle table top edges help form the outside frame work of each book case by keeping it square.
The heavy tins of ammo stop them from moving.

:mrgreen: :eh: :sst: :coffee: We'll c u on the next one, BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 17 Dec 2023, 01:52


One of my own designed open book covers using the cover picture from a Vogue magazine from over one hundred years ago which is in public domain. The black edging is a good guide for scissors when cutting out small reduced sized props needed.


Upon the roll call of eight, i took the shot.

Sorry for only showing a trickle of an update at this time.

Using time while also saving it is upon the gentle breeze as little pieces of change settle into their allotted space,


:mrgreen: Likewise with nine. :eh: Eh?

One cross beam section added today to each one, and so it was that the first high-rise book shelf was formed without any trouble.


Then there were ten upon such a roll call.

:coffee: The West Wing of the Library is gradually forming upon my table top, as are pictures needed for flooring. BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 26 Dec 2023, 10:05


As one side was nearing completion, i took time out to play with a few of my own cut to size book props. It was an enjoyable fun time flipping ideas into place.


Dehydrated thick white glue helps form the rapid sticking into place bond.


Simple guide lines are a great help as was their aim.


And so with this one now complete the playtime continued to enliven this little ongoing space in order to give good sound examples of what i hope to achieve later. The point of my scratch building, is to give freely ideas and not charge for them. Although many of my ideas do sort of unfold and fall over when employed by others. :eh: "Here we go again."
:coffee: To counter this from happening let your white glue dry out a little and then try again. :eh: ! "Yes, that was what happened to my paper balloon." Admitted WingNut. :mrgreen: Yes it rolled away carried upon the wind of hoped for, foreseeable change .

This Forum is now very snail paced slow. 3 hrs to post this. BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Dad's Army on 28 Dec 2023, 21:22

Fantastic, I keep everytime I visit the forum looking at this post (even when forum is slow) and admire your work Paul. Heep them comming I would say, and I guess in those 3 hours you read some books from your libary as well hahaha.
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Posted by Michael Robert on 30 Dec 2023, 15:30

Well Paul, the forum seems up to normal speed again. So let's cruise.
Your library is just an enormous freaky development. It goes on and on and on and always new surprises. At some point you will succeed in constructing Escher's staircases. Good that you resisted and spent the three hours :thumbup:

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Posted by Beano Boy on 31 Dec 2023, 08:32


A TIME MACHINE is revealed

Well Remco, i continued on with my writings of the day,it being early xmass morning, but i kept an eye on that little spinning ring space where the forum is saved on line of sight. Then upon it stopping i dashed on over with another heaped up helping full to place, thus restarting that spinning thing again... and so it continued on until the finish, but tired out i fell sound asleep in my comfy chair.

:coffee: Yes Michael, i have stairs somewhere hiding within this dark magical place, however i am most forgetful upon where i put them. :mrgreen: They might be in a corner BB ?
:eh: But there ain't no walls. :sst: one must first find a floor to realise a wall. :eh: But you would need two walls that meet to see a corner. :read: We need the layout plans of the library.
:mrgreen: But they are locked up tight in Sir Percy's mind.
:coffee: But within the story Miss Stella Nibwell Inkhorn, and Sir Percy,a discoverer of strange new worlds are lost somewhere in the library. :mrgreen: Fred and MayBell,are now missing too,trying hard to find them. :sst: we need to time travel back to a point in time to stop them from going missing in the first place. :eh: But how can anyone do that? :coffee: Well,in that case we could use google to find them all before they went missing. :eh: Y did I not think of that?
:mrgreen: Because you are a WingNut.
:read: Miss Stella Nibwell Inkhorn was googled...
:coffee: and...so Google became a time machine. BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Peter on 12 Jan 2024, 23:04

That's going te be a great library! :thumbup:
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Posted by Beano Boy on 27 Jan 2024, 06:52

Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 03 Feb 2024, 02:21


At this point work on the other side was about to start.



With the little brackets fixed under each eve, soon it had become time for the next ongoing task, of forming each and every overhead arch. As seen above...
A wide enough length of paper card was marked out with ball point pen and inked across the paper. i later scored each line lightly with my craft knife blade with its wicked sharp point. Just a little faint cut needed to help aid the forming of the curved archway roof. Sure enough it made the work very easy indeed to do.


Three days later each arch way was then fully underway. Oddly it was at that point in time and space Sir Percy, returned home without realising he had gone missing at all. Well why on earth should he when he had returned to a point in time before he actually went missing in his library in the first place.


Cyclopes on the construction site. :eh: O',my!
:sst: there is never a fred around when one might have need of one.



It was dressing up the box time and above the top one was finished.


Above shows ten of the finished double sided shelving units.


:coffee: Another two made it up to a fair sized job lot that will house around five thousand loose book blanks. First though painting needs messing up things,i mean doing to my best ability.


:read: BB,having fun on his ZOOM account.


:coffee: Staircases are on the horizon. :eh: Hopefully!

:mrgreen: BB, seems to have become book ends.

:coffee: OK guys,i'll see you on the next.
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by MABO on 03 Feb 2024, 23:20

Very nice pictures of you... and your work, of course.
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Posted by Beano Boy on 06 Feb 2024, 03:08

Sir Percy stands upon the top of this preformed stack which is self supportive in this simple designed way. A little ball of Blu tac allowed the bottom scratch built step to be pressed down tight on my table top allowing this constructive way to be shown.


Showing the first stuck into place samples of four layered flat paper cards that make up each step, the top card overlaps the others in order to create a stone step or a humble wooden stair.


After sticking oblong pieces in place they were later pressed flat under weight of several heavy books. Later they were cut out with my sharp pointed craft knife. Then stuck down again onto paper card. This made up three layered steps that awaited the overlapping one to be stuck on to their tops.


The guide line shows the stacking up gluing direction every time.
There should be 13 steps in this stack.


The next part will deal with changing the direction flow of these stairwell steps . :sst: so looking at this side ways,that will be another adventure. :eh: Or another utter failure.
:mrgreen: Not to worry, that's WingNut, just being a wingnut,

:coffee: i hope you are all keeping well ?
i'll see u on the next 1 BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Peter on 06 Feb 2024, 14:31

Hey there Paul! :wave:
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Posted by Beano Boy on 07 Feb 2024, 18:24


light... flashing

:coffee: Hi there Peter,
and 2 all that C this. BB
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 07 Feb 2024, 20:42

MABO wrote:Very nice pictures of you... and your work, of course.

I completely agree with Jan, BB. ;-)

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Posted by Beano Boy on 01 Mar 2024, 03:34



Plaster board section added. Well paper card in reality, but you guys know just what i indirectly mean?


White acrylic paint thined out with a paint brush dipped into tap water transformed each and every step.


:mrgreen: Well eight coats later it sure looked a neat cover over.
:eh: Well yes,yes but the grubby sides were left without a licking of paint on em.


:coffee: Very true WingNut,i did so because these cut out stringers, are now awaiting their turn next to be stuck upon this sample.
:mrgreen: Or simple to say really, that the first side panels will cover completely over each side. :eh: You mean they will cover over any botch job ?
:read: 'Certainly not WingNut',said the little bookworm. :cowboy: 'Well Pard's, it does look like a jumble, but with a 4 inch brush full of globby thick glue all will be covered over and totally unseen by any eye-balling would be critic! '.
:coffee: 'Very true Lonesome Cowboy.' remarked a rather tired BB.
:sst: o no! bb, tired. this will never do. The little Button, said.
:mrgreen: 'Yes even our script writer, must sleep his restful dreams away.'
:eh: 'Or we will all be disappeared.'


:coffee: A little bit of trimming off was done and dusted after the glue had dried off. This was my easy way to produce sturdy, strong ,solid steps. Over many years i've often made stone steps in the same way.


Sir Percy, was all of a wonder, as to what BB, was scribbling down?


:coffee: *Always let your template be your guide.*
:cowboy: Yippy a O! BB,was trying hard ta' sing.
:mrgreen: This certainly was very strange behaviour for Paulus our little Fiddle WoodGnome.

:coffee: i found myself sort of working in the dark, so pictures are a bit on the shady side.


:coffee: A little thing to tuck under the stair steps that is being made out of off cut left over. i try not to waste anything laying about this old dusty place. At times i can't think where it all comes from.





i will do a something on the other side too, to finish off a nothing space into a something space. :mrgreen: I get that. :eh: I don't.


What follows is just a dry run so others can view what was in my minds eye a few weeks back.


Sir Percy, was getting a little better after his long ordeal of being lost in his Library that does not exist, but in his dotage he believes that it does.' Yes, yes, this is the way that i remember it was, but BB, where is the rest of it? And where are all my friends ?' He asked, in his rather bewildered perplexed puzzled condition.
As the author concerned, i decided to spin out this situation in a kind way.


:coffee: Over this year when time gives me a free hand to grab a craft knife, i will construct more flights of stairs that will change direction as they rise up or down while hugging a simple something or nothing. Well that was how my spiral steps already spun, wound their own busy way upwards.

Take care, stay safe,
and i'll see U on the next one. BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 05 Mar 2024, 20:18

This is a sample of the stair bottom of the other side.


Sure it has to be painted though.


:mrgreen: to'ooooo slow',ooooo.
:eh: I kinda like watching the ring go round.


A corner or two next time. BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 05 Mar 2024, 22:48


:coffee: it took a quick second to photograph this before i dropped it and Ping! All the books flew every which way all over the stone hallway floor. :mrgreen: Pity BB,should have had the camera rolling for such exploding action. :eh: Well I'm not in one little book ,so someone else had to pick them up.

:coffee: Take extra care out there guys, c. u on the next one. BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Konrad on 06 Mar 2024, 08:21

You are an exceptionally creative man.
An artist.
I admire your discipline and the precision of your work.
I'm your fan,B.B. ;-)
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Posted by Susofrick on 06 Mar 2024, 16:07

That is another totally lovely little library! Agree fullhearted with Konrad!
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