
Hittite Royal Guard

Posted by Ochoin on 16 Oct 2023, 10:19

I've bought some of the excellent 20mm Newline figures depicting the HRG - sadly no command figures yet though I would hope the Newline 28mm figures representing them might be scaled down to 20mm one day.

I did some research into this unit & it appears they did exist. There's some rock carvings showing them. However, like much in the Bronze Age, information is scarce.

So, the questions. The figures are quite uniform in appearance. Do I paint them in matching, uniform colours or keep the usual Bronze Age variety?
Ditto, shields - matching patterns or variety. TBH I'm thinking cow-hide patterns on all but I'm open to suggestions.
They come with helmet crests. Horse hair???? For Iron Age figures, I paint such things black, white, red. Would this apply in the distant BA?

cheers, donald
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Ochoin  Scotland
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Posted by Kaiphranos on 16 Oct 2023, 15:18

Unlike the Egyptians, the Hittites didn't leave us handy color pictures, so it's really up to you - no one is going to be able to tell you you're wrong. :D Cowhide shields and horsehair plumes all seem quite plausible. I would probably split the difference and go for a semi-uniform look - multiple shades of off-white kilts or tunics, but all with red trim, for instance. And for an elite unit I would be willing to use some brighter colors and/or fancier patterns.
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Kaiphranos  United States of America
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Posted by Xantippos on 19 Jan 2024, 11:12

If it is royal guard I would assume something better than cow hides, I think they would paint the shields, or even partially cover them with bronze. I would go for crests, which to be conservative black, or if you want to go exotic maybe red.



I would say as they are royal guard they must look different to the rest, with bright gold colours and the painted shields, to difference them to the common soldier.

I leave two images to inspire you...
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