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News of Miniknight

Posted by steve_pickstock on 19 May 2022, 18:22

They look really tasty!

I'm thinking of all those wonderful big army movies, The Water Margins and things like that.

I even think that the heroic sized figures are cool, because a) it's a style thing in line with the stories, and b) it sort fits with how I would use these in games eg a general would be a reduced figure unit, with elevated status.

And the bright colours!
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steve_pickstock  England
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Posted by Minuteman on 19 May 2022, 19:32

steve_pickstock wrote:They look really tasty!

I'm thinking of all those wonderful big army movies, The Water Margins and things like that.

I even think that the heroic sized figures are cool, because a) it's a style thing in line with the stories, and b) it sort fits with how I would use these in games eg a general would be a reduced figure unit, with elevated status.

And the bright colours!

Yes, I also like the look of these new figures from Miniknight/Caesar. Creating figures which are 'larger than average' to represent champion warriors/heroes/kings is an interesting concept which fits with this subject I feel. And it works well for gaming purposes.

As for The Water Margins as mentioned by Mr Pickstock....well, I remember the film dramatization of this being shown on BBC TV in the UK in the 1970s and loving it! I had no idea what the origin of the stories was, but the whole thing was surreal and very good...although the dubbing into English was a little strange... :shock:
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Minuteman  United Kingdom
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06 Mar 2020, 21:38

Posted by Xantippos on 22 Aug 2022, 08:17

It is a nice set, and quite frankly, one of the best I am now missing in my collection, but it is a bit lacking in some aspects;

The first row of figures are more or less identical than the Han Trooper set, I would preferred different types of soldiers, if this was their aspect, it is really already covered by the other set, hence lighter, or heavier troopers would have been better.

Also, I find a bit puzzling the lack of shields. They just look a bit silly fighting with swords and without shields.

The size of the heroes is a bit annoying, but as that picture nicely shows, still could be correct ;)
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