Miniatures Talk

PSR reviews

Posted by Alinmanila on 11 Oct 2021, 02:15

Can't help but think the reviewer(s) are a bit harsh sometimes?

I get the point of having an 'historical accuracy' score, but to me, at least, it shouldn't be overstated . So what if the Foreign Legion didn't use Lewis Guns? So what if the field kitchen has obscure details? None of these points should detract from the craftmanship, novelty or future of the subject matter at hand.

I'd be interested to hear the thoughts of others...?
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Alinmanila  New Zealand
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Posted by Ochoin on 11 Oct 2021, 02:44

I think the review was fair. There were positives as well as negatives.
If historical accuracy isn't important for you, then ignore comments made about it. As with all reviews, make up your own mind

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Posted by MABO on 11 Oct 2021, 07:06

Ochoin wrote:I think the review was fair. There were positives as well as negatives.
If historical accuracy isn't important for you, then ignore comments made about it. As with all reviews, make up your own mind


Exactly! But I think as well, that balanced assessment provides credibility and demonstrates independence.

Btw: What would we all do without PSR ;-)
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Posted by Xantippos on 12 Oct 2021, 15:17

As with any review, it is the point of view of the reviewer. Some I agree perfectly, others I disagree absolutely. It seems that they written by various different authors, and this kind of gives a mixed judgement, some soldiers are praised while others criticized for the same points.

What I don't like of some reviews is that it seems the reviewer did it looking at photos, not the real figures themselves, as some comments look out of place.

Of course, it is a godsend of a website, how I would like that such thorough website exists about many other collecting hobby topics! action figures, model kits, vintage toys, diecast cars, the list is endless; and the truth is that PSR is the best, most thorough website I have seen of a particular theme, which is now quite large.

I would like that they expanded on reviewing mild-fantasy themes, at least those that are not as out of place as could be. For example, the Rednecks set of Dark Alliance; they are basically modern US people with machine guns, nothing you could not see sometimes :lol: , and you actually struggle to find pictures of them, as the boxes are so awful.
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 12 Oct 2021, 18:54

I think we all have our own and subjective opinion on the various figures from so many different manufacturers, and this includes the opinion of the PSR reviewer, but all opinions are equally respectable. :o

Personally, I use PSR reviews mainly to see the general appearance of new figures, and for me it is so important that many times it's fundamental in deciding whether to buy them or not. :mrgreen:

Please, PSR staff, go on with this great and useful job for many of us. :thumbup:

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Posted by Minuteman on 12 Oct 2021, 19:45

In my view, PSR provides a well-informed, practicable and fair view of just about every 1/72 plastic historical set (and some earlier 1/76) that matters. It is a valuable resource for all in this hobby. Whilst it would be wrong to assume that everyone would agree with everything that the PSR reviewers write, I am in agreement with their views 95% of the time.
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Posted by Peter on 12 Oct 2021, 20:01

And I have the experience that on PSR they listen to their viewers. The review with the left handed shooter has changed after I had sended an e-mail about the master eye.

You don't have to agree with all the reviews, but you can't say that it isn't helpfull to see what is in the box. ;-)

And he isn't to proud to ask for information!

PSR wrote:Unfortunately we have another review where we have not been able to obtain sufficient information to give a proper opinion. The review is of the Strelets set 'WWI French Field Kitchen', which we found very suspect in terms of accuracy, but cannot say for sure. If anyone has good source material which can improve this review we would be very interested to hear of it.
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Posted by CliosPaintingBench on 13 Oct 2021, 00:07

I rely on PSR a lot. It's handy if you want closeups of sprues and the relevant historical information right there. It's a goldmine of a site for 1/72.
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Posted by Graeme on 13 Oct 2021, 18:39

The real value of PSR is that it provides pictures of the figures. If the set is of a subject I know a bit about then what the reviewer says about it and what it scores are largely irrelevant, I can look at the figures and make up my own mind as to whether they are fit for purpose or historically accurate enough for me. Discovering PSR meant that I never had to be disappointed when opening a box of figures again.

If the subject is something I don't know well then the reviews can be useful to identify what that strange looking weapon is, what that figure is doing, or whether a set I'm not, ostensibly, interested in might be used for some other purpose that does interest me.

The scores at the end of the reviews are not something I pay a lot of attention to; I have never decided not to buy a set because it received a poor score on PSR. There are, however, sets that I have refrained from buying because the PSR comparison pictures showed them to be giants that would not fit in with other figures. There are also sets that perhaps I would not normally be of interest to me but I bought them because the PSR photos showed that they contained the best figure to use for a particular conversion I wanted to make.

Regarding things like the Lewis gun in the Legionnaires set, If you want to recreate one of the Beau Geste movies which featured the Lewis,. that's absolutely fine. If you want your Legionnaires to have support weapons but you're not too fussy about the chronology, That's absolutely fine. Disregard the PSR comment. But for someone seeking as much accuracy as possible that information might be useful.

PSR reviews are the opinion of the PSR reviewer. They will not always match your opinion but that doesn't matter. You can still use the PSR pictures and, at least to some extent, the reviews to help you decide if a set works for YOU, and that makes it a great resource.
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Graeme  Australia
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Posted by Bessiere on 13 Oct 2021, 19:37

I love PSR. I got in to modelling Napoleonics only a couple of years ago and they have been an invaluable resource as I contemplated what would constitute the various armies I planned to build. Not having multiple lifetimes I had to scale down my dreams and set aside a few countries in favor of building large armies of only 3 nations; France, Austria and Russia. They were the main combatants and so Britain, Prussia, Spain and all the lesser states will have to wait. I do wish there was a comparable site for metal figures but perhaps one day. Until then plastics it is!

PS: they do need to go through their links as many haven't worked for several years now.
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Posted by Wiking on 13 Oct 2021, 20:16

I agree with Graeme.
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Wiking  Germany
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Posted by Bluefalchion on 13 Oct 2021, 21:23

My favorite thing about PSR is when the reviews (and the sets reviewed) descend into absurdity.

Atlantic Sendai Japanese
Airfix WW2 British (recent-ish release).

You get the drift.
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Bluefalchion  United States of America
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Posted by Iceman1964 on 14 Oct 2021, 18:20

PSR is my bible, not only for the new releases but also for the past reviews,
I have learned a lot thanks to their archive.
Normally I see the pictures, assess the soldiers by myself and only after that I read the review and the votes.
For me the review is useful, I like when they enter in the details explaining the history of the uniforms or the weapons.
The votes are less important to me, they are personal and sometimes I don't agree with them.

But forever LONG LIFE TO PSR ;-)
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Iceman1964  Italy
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Posted by Beano Boy on 15 Oct 2021, 19:49

Plastic Soldier Review,is a brilliant blazing free site of value for information upon 1/72 scale figure collections. They were most friendly and helpful to me, and allowed some of my own input as an inquiring author to be printed there upon certain boxed sets. Although that was way back in 2008 concerning ITALERI. For myself and many more worldwide they were,and are still a great learning curve for the history of toy soldiers. i realise people may get offended by that legal term but that is why they are sold under that description. BB
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Posted by zulu`s 1000`s of em on 17 Oct 2021, 19:16

PSR is one of the handful of sites I visit every morning for my "fix" , my thoughts are they set the bar high, and are the single biggest driving force in raising standards in the hobby, the reviews matter to manufacturers and they try harder as much for that as our feedback here on on other forums. We collectively have much to thank PSR for, so keep up the great work PSR you are much appreciated.
zulu`s 1000`s of em  United Kingdom
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Posted by CraigD6 on 18 Oct 2021, 07:41

PSR have the very rare odd ratings. For example, why are the Odemars Operation Antarctica set Not Appicable for number of poses when there are 14 perfectly good poses in the set? Ignoring the reality of Haunebu these are fine figures. Generally however PSR are the best first call for any figures in this scale. I've avoided a fews sets solely becaue I trust their reviews, and bought a few because I wanted them anyway (and sometimes wished I'd paid more attention to the review). Whether you buy a set based on their review or not is up to you but they put a huge amount of effort into giving us the low down on every set. That can't always be an easy task, sourcing reliable information. Long may they carry on.
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Posted by zulu`s 1000`s of em on 18 Oct 2021, 21:22

The Odemars set was lucky to get any kind of review, PSR do not usually do fantasy at all.
zulu`s 1000`s of em  United Kingdom
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