
Which paints do you use and where do you buy them?

Posted by Xantippos on 25 Jul 2021, 14:31

I have ran out of several paints and was off to buy them, but the question is that with Brexit, buying from UK has become more expensive and troublesome (some suppliers are not shipping anymore). Furthermore, I see how brands like Citadel are every day providing less quality, for higher prices (how I would like to buy the Games Workshop from 1999, that had excellent coverage and vibrant colours!).

For me, coverage is first, and vibrancy of colours is second. Other factors are less important, but I always paint with brush.

Hence, I was interested which brands do you use, and where do you buy them. I imagine most collectors nowadays buy them online, with the current pandemic and all.
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Posted by Peter on 25 Jul 2021, 15:59

The paints I use are from Revell, Games Workshop and Vallejo. Paints and brushes I always buy in a shop. I want to see what I buy.

Normally I can buy all three brands in one shop in the Netherlands, but they don't have always the whole range of colors. For GW I have a back up store in Lommel, Belgium. For my brushes and most of the vallejo paint I have a store in Zonhoven, Belgium. This last shop has the biggest range of colors and brands for modelers, but no GW.

And in the good days there is the oppotunity to buy paints on events and meetings like FIGZ and CRISIS! ;-)
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Posted by santifernandez on 25 Jul 2021, 18:49

I am very lucky to live in a city with several fine art and modeling shops.
The brushes and paints I buy in a fine arts store, the models and figures in a modeling store.
I always paint with vallejo acrylics.
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Posted by Rich W on 25 Jul 2021, 23:34

I use vallejo acrylics and Army Painter washes and usually get them from Arcane Scenery ( I can't remember who it was on the forum, but about 3 years ago they recommended Arcane Scenery when I asked a similar question...
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 27 Jul 2021, 23:20

I always use Vallejo acrylics from their vast ranges, except for metallic colours, which are from Citadel/Games Workshop. ;-)

santifernandez wrote:I am very lucky to live in a city with several fine art and modeling shops...

I'm also lucky, like my namesake, of living in a big city where there are still some good model shops, where I get all the material I need (paints, brushes, figures, etc.). :lol:

Best regards.

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Posted by Ochoin on 28 Jul 2021, 00:17

I, too, think Vallejo are very good.

When I finally went from enamels to acrylic, that was the brand I chose.

But I supplement them with Citadel (they make a far superior yellow, for instance) & Army Painter whose range is small but they have some "must haves" - not least their Brush-on Grey Primer.

I have a local Hobby Shop about a 10 minute drive away but also buy online.

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Posted by Xantippos on 29 Jul 2021, 14:43

Thanks a lot for your replies ;) . A long time ago, I still relied on the visits to the model shop to restock on paints (and grab the chance to buy new sets or kits!!) but prices started to sky rocket, and I started buying online. Now where I live there is just one good shop, and due to the pandemic I don't frequent it anymore. The bad thing about living in Malta is that 1 out of every 4 or 5 pots of paint I buy is dry or close to! or it's shelf life severely affected.

I have reached the conclusion after much trial and error that my favourite paints are Formula P3 and Citadel. I have gotten my Formula P3 from Firestorm games, which still ship to all EU, although they have limited selection, and will buy directly from Citadel the rest, hoping they are very very fresh.
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Posted by Minuteman on 31 Jul 2021, 11:58

I tend to use Vallejo primarily, supplemented by a few of the Tamiya and Revell acrylics. The Tamiya paints are rather strange, as they dry rather quickly and are a bit 'dark', but some of their colours are particularly good. Likewise Revell. However, overall, I think it is difficult to better Vallejo for the range of colours and quality of the paints.

I also use Vallejo grey primer for most of my priming needs.

I do still use some Humbrol enamels for WW2 vehicles and - very occasionally - for figures.

I use artists acrylics (Daler Rowney) for horses and undercoating. And Winsor and Newton brown and black drawing inks for washes on horses.
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Posted by Kekso on 05 Aug 2021, 15:27

I am (was?) Vallejo guy. But a year ago or so I've discovered Scalecolor (Scale 75). They are pretty thick and have nice matte finish. I won't give up on Vallejo but I prefer Scalecolor. I also use Army Painter Warpaints but for shades I probably would need once or so... since they're cheaper than Vallejo or Scalecolor.
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