
Pendraken's New Premises - Stage 1 Complete!

Posted by Leon Pendraken on 25 May 2021, 23:07

As we hit the 2-month mark in our new unit, we can declare Stage 1 complete!

The main rooms are all operational now, so we've got casting and laser machines up and running, the packaging team are getting your orders out to you quickly, and this week we got the office setup so that we can get the paperwork organised properly. There's a few minor things to tidy up over the rest of this week, door handles, painting, plastic trim, etc but these can be done around the day-to-day jobs. We've grabbed some pics of the different rooms to show where we were only 8 weeks ago!

ImageBeforeAfterWorkshop by Leon Pengilley, on Flickr

ImageBeforeAfterRooms by Leon Pengilley, on Flickr

ImageBeforeAfterLaser by Leon Pengilley, on Flickr

ImageBeforeAfterShop by Leon Pengilley, on Flickr

With Stage 1 complete we can also now look through all of the current projects and start making some progress on those. First up will be the Peninsular Napoleonics so keep an eye out for an update there. The new website will hopefully be ready in a few weeks as well, which will be a real upgrade to the current site.

Stage 2 of our move will be getting the shop ready and open, but work on this won't start for several weeks. As much as we'd planned and budgeted for the move, there's only so much that can be forecast accurately before you actually get into the building, so the overall costs of the move have been a lot higher than we'd hoped. We'll need to take some time to refill the bank account before we can start looking at fitting out the shop.

Stage 3 will be the gaming room at the back of the premises, which again will be tackled once we've got the shop opened and things have settled down a bit.

So, keep your orders coming in and we'll get them out to you asap:
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Leon Pendraken  United Kingdom
Posts: 343
Member since:
14 Aug 2013, 01:09

Posted by Peter on 26 May 2021, 12:41

That looks fantastic Leon! Now go on with making those little figures! :thumbup:
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Peter  Belgium

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Posted by Leon Pendraken on 26 May 2021, 22:37

Thanks Peter, new goodies will be here soon!
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Leon Pendraken  United Kingdom
Posts: 343
Member since:
14 Aug 2013, 01:09

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