Miniatures Talk

Any under 30's?

Posted by Emperor on 28 Feb 2021, 22:04

The worst thing about aging is people think more than at young age...Nostalgia for my own younger age isn-t nostalgia about friends from school or the good old times... It is nostalgia for my self how I used to be more impressed by simpler things and how back than I lived at the moment, now I just think about past and future, not enjoying my self at moment... Present moment is what I would like to enjoy...
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Posted by Emperor on 28 Feb 2021, 22:10

As somebody said every man youth is Arcadia of its life...
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Posted by CliosPaintingBench on 01 Mar 2021, 00:19

I'm under 30. Also migrated from Games Workshop. I get the vibe I'm young enough to not really be the target demographic, but that's cool. I'm just here to get involved with excellent (and cheap) minis. End of the day the hobby's just what you make of it and it's welcome to all (except people that leave mould lines on minis, we could prob do without those).
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Posted by Susofrick on 01 Mar 2021, 08:02

I am the same age as Peter (a few months older actually), 57 in May. All started with Airfix. Every era since they had a lot of eras. Favourites Wild West and Napoleonics. Mom never liked the hobby so when I bought the Waterloo British infantry in 1975 I promised that was the last. Never painted then, just played. Kept my promise and found other interests. Missed Atlanttic and Matchbox. Then in 1984 I saw some wonderful boxes from a company called ESCI and I was hooked again. But now I started to paint. Very bad at the start, now a little bit better. Mom sighed and realised that is who I am, a minaturefigurecollector. :-D Now I have a missus and a dog that keeps me occupied with other things. But whenever I find the time I sit down at my painting table and add some paint to a couple of figures. It keeps me happy. :-D And when I finish something I show it here.
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Posted by Emperor on 01 Mar 2021, 09:43

I switched last year on scale 1 32...For 1 72 I just glue them for wooden square I buy in some store...Anyway I found enjoyment in collecting box art and especially Italeri back of the box manual for painting...I just whish I bought that Italeri medieval duel... I even found some site that sell figures and presents those Italeri manuals...
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Posted by wilberforcefrog on 01 Mar 2021, 17:07

I'm 35, but I've been trying to get my nephews (10 and 9 right now) interested in my hobby and so far they are.

So there's hope, ha!
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Posted by Kekso on 01 Mar 2021, 17:24

Wiking wrote:I am positive surprised how many BFF member are 30 and younger.

Mee too... surprised but also happy.

And for the statistics, I'm 44 ;-)
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Posted by Bluefalchion on 01 Mar 2021, 17:30

Susofrick wrote:I am the same age as Peter (a few months older actually), 57 in May. All started with Airfix. Every era since they had a lot of eras. Favourites Wild West and Napoleonics. Mom never liked the hobby so when I bought the Waterloo British infantry in 1975 I promised that was the last. Never painted then, just played. Kept my promise and found other interests. Missed Atlanttic and Matchbox. Then in 1984 I saw some wonderful boxes from a company called ESCI and I was hooked again. But now I started to paint. Very bad at the start, now a little bit better. Mom sighed and realised that is who I am, a minaturefigurecollector. :-D Now I have a missus and a dog that keeps me occupied with other things. But whenever I find the time I sit down at my painting table and add some paint to a couple of figures. It keeps me happy. :-D And when I finish something I show it here.

Gunnar, may I ask why your mother disliked the hobby? If it was because it glorified war, you could have switched to peaceful subjects like our dear Remco enjoys. Almost as much as the envelope ice cream I send him quarterly.
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Posted by Chariobaude on 01 Mar 2021, 22:40

44 in april...
My father gave me the virus very soon (i think he has more or less 20 000 minis painted...); i loved it, beginning with atlantic (those "modern" italians :-D :-D , and of course Wild west and WW2), then ESCI, the most beautifull figs ever produced,

As a student i lost "contact" with the hobby, between university, sport, girlfriends... Then first job, first appartment without possibility of storage (prices of real estate in Paris is pure madness)...years without painting or even buying figs.
But when my fist kid arrived, i changed my social life with many more evening at home, and then time again ! I'm lucky enough my wife understand my passion for history and minis, so now i'm back to it, and my youngest son, who is 5, with me ! :-D
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Posted by Kostis Ornerakis on 02 Mar 2021, 08:46

My daughter is 10 and I am 60 now, and I do not dare to update the avatar photo. :oops: :-D
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Posted by XbriX on 02 Mar 2021, 08:53

Yup, 19 here
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Posted by Susofrick on 02 Mar 2021, 09:03

Bluefalchion wrote:
Gunnar, may I ask why your mother disliked the hobby? If it was because it glorified war, you could have switched to peaceful subjects like our dear Remco enjoys. Almost as much as the envelope ice cream I send him quarterly.

Happy to hear I'm not the only one that sends him icecream! :-D Yup, it was the war stuff! And I wasn't interested in the other figures at the time. Don't remember if we even had Asterix-figures like that. We had factory-painted comic figures, but in my memory they weren't cheap. So I switched to literature and music and later guitar. Buried myself in old blues for some 20 years.
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Posted by Emperor on 02 Mar 2021, 11:42

I took interest in figures when I watched Major Sharpe back in 2000-s...It was a great drama and I liked the uniforms of soldiers... All that concept of making diorama with lots of trees, green grass and lots of soldiers attached to me... I think Hollywood movies made it interesting...If you can-t shoot a battle movie at least make diorama in movie...
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Posted by Redmao on 02 Mar 2021, 11:58

Turning 43 this year. I grew up on mostly on GI Joe and other action figures.
I discovered metal miniatures pretty much by accident in the early 90's while visiting a shop that was selling pool tables and all sorts of game. They had a small cabinet in the back with Ral Partha fantasy miniatures. I got a single blister with my pocket money. It started me on a very slippery slope. It's through my miniature collecting that I learned about D&D.

As for 1/72, it was the Caesar SAS box that first caught my interest in the scale. In particular the little James Bond figure that comes in the set. Then he need enemies, then he need allies and people to save and... well now I have quite a collection.

The scale is perfect to make a setup that doesn't take too much space.
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Posted by Bluefalchion on 02 Mar 2021, 15:44

Airfix enthusiasts were looking forward to a scaled down version of the super cool 1/32 scale SAS figures (they were black) for years and I think Airfix got to the planning stages, but no further. The Caesar offering was like a dream come true.

When I was a kid, my parents built a new wing into our house. The dirt dug out for foundation buit a mountain about 12 feet high. My 1/32 scale army occupied it in strength, but one day I walked into the back yard but the mountain was gone with all hands lost.
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Posted by Peter on 02 Mar 2021, 23:00

Bluefalchion wrote:Gunnar, may I ask why your mother disliked the hobby? If it was because it glorified war, you could have switched to peaceful subjects like our dear Remco enjoys. Almost as much as the envelope ice cream I send him quarterly.

Susofrick wrote:Happy to hear I'm not the only one that sends him icecream! :-D Yup, it was the war stuff! And I wasn't interested in the other figures at the time. Don't remember if we even had Asterix-figures like that. We had factory-painted comic figures, but in my memory they weren't cheap. So I switched to literature and music and later guitar. Buried myself in old blues for some 20 years.

Now why on earth do we send icecream to Remco? I don't understand this! You're helping this man with his addiction! Don't you see that? And where is that beer that you both had to send to me? Forgotten? :eh: :mrgreen: :lol: :joker:
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 04 Mar 2021, 22:55

I will soon post a current photo of me that can be compared with my new project, really interesting, at least for me. :lol:

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Posted by T. Dürrschmidt on 05 Mar 2021, 22:34

Very interesting to see everyone´s age and way into and with the miniature hobby.

I am 45 and got my first pack of minis at the age of….I think eleven. It was German Infantry 1:32 by Matchbox…my Dad liked the figures also....and supported me, he even made me a diorama base to play with my soldiers….then the Matchbox-figs were followed by the usual suspects (Esci, Airfix, Tamiya, Italeri)...later then Revells 1/72s and so on. I never lost complete connection to the hobby, but in my 20s other things were more important… by the way….my Mum also disliked my "war hobby", with all the tanks and soldiers…..this was the spirit of the 70s, when "war toys" were in public discussion and were about to be banned out of German toy shops, because of our bad behaviour in history.

We used to play with our 1:32 figures on our neighbours building site, building trenches, fortresses and "shelled" them with stones, later then with fire crackers and air guns...which was not the best idea from today´s collectors view. :(

To "break a lance" for Games Workshop....when I was about 28, I strolled trough Nuremberg during my lunch break and discovered a book called "Games Workshop painting compendium". I also purchased the complete and great quality Citadel colors in one box (some are still liquid today) and started to paint Imperial Infantry by GW step by step like shown in the book. It was a real eye opener for me and I still use that painting style with three or four layers of color over dark primer....and I discovered 28mm scale war gaming miniatures for me with their sometimes "cartoonish" style.

Cheers Thomas
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Posted by Bluefalchion on 05 Mar 2021, 22:53


I found that if your opponent has constructed his model tank inartfully and left a gap between the chasis and the body of the tank, even the smallest firecracker placed in said gap and ignited can blow the whole thing to smithereens. Also the "whistling pete" style fireworks utterly destroy rubber, plastic and even metal when directed at the opposition from close range as a flamethrower would be employed.
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Posted by pedro on 06 Mar 2021, 01:29

52 years old here. 1,80m, 85kg, white beard and bald. I started with 1/72 Airfix and I was a WWii fan (figures, ships, tanks planes ...) until someone gift me a box of Imperial guard from ESci. When I saw them painted, with those uniforms plenty of color, I became a fan of the Napoleonic era and left WWII. When I started my degree I left the hobby, then I got married, children, job ... it was a few years ago that I retook the hobby
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