
Star Wars - Battle of Hoth / New Pictures!

Posted by T. Dürrschmidt on 16 Jan 2021, 23:54

bothree69 wrote:good...job
but you have photos of conversion....

I'm interested ... I really like conversions

No, sorry, I took no conversion WIP-photos.
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T. Dürrschmidt  Germany
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Posted by GumSmith on 17 Jan 2021, 11:16

Hi Thomas,
I know negative criticism is not appreciated in this forum, but when I see all these gushing comments and don't understand them, I have to play the lonely caller.
First of all, Star Wars is not just Si-Fi for real fans, it is STAR WARS !
But that's just in passing, about the diorama:
Craft wise the models are well done, cleanly built and painted. The figures look good and fit, for that a big praise also from me - but otherwise, I'm sorry to say so openly, in my eyes miserable.
Is it the photos, or is the snow actually beige ? It doesn't look like Hoth, but like a North Sea beach.
And the scale difference between the models is pretty glaring. The Snowspeeders are clearly too small compared to the Rebel infantrymen, the Snowspeeders are again much too big compared to the AT-AT - nothing really fits together.
The models on their own are well done, the composition as a diorama unfortunately doesn't work at all in my eyes. And as I said, the ground design, as seen on the photos, fails completely.

Greeting Oke
GumSmith  Germany
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Posted by MABO on 17 Jan 2021, 15:16

GumSmith wrote:Hi Thomas,
I know negative criticism is not appreciated in this forum,...

Hello Oke,
I would not say so. It is just a question of the presentation. And I think it should motivate and be constructive. This is a hobby and it is nice to share it and not to be afraid, because you do not get the accolade of the opinion leaders. I knew some German forums where they have Yodas and Masters for example - dealing with STAR Wars. In my eyes this is really a big hubris.

For my part I knew Thomas as an excellent painter and dio builder since years here at Benno's. I could not do it better and I have respect for his work and his way of doing thinks. So you are invited to show your version and present it with a description of other solutions to create snow or dealing with different scales in one dio e. g. And I will be the first to be interested and to value it.
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MABO  Europe
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Posted by GumSmith on 17 Jan 2021, 17:09

Hello Mabo,
this is exactly what I mean when I say that negative criticism is not appreciated. You immediately feel obliged to defend Thomas - why ?
And why do you ask me to show that I can do better, just so I can express my opinion ?
And what do Thomas' modeling skills and long-time membership have to do with the fact that in this case, in my opinion, he has made a mistake ? I have neither criticized his modeling skills nor his previous work in any way in this post. I have commented exclusively on this diorama.
Do you seriously want to claim that if you are a good modeler and long enough member of this forum, then you can no longer build bad? Well, for me it doesn't really work out - I have a bunch of medals and certificates that say I'm a pretty good modeler, I've been a member of this forum for a long time and I think I've shown quite a bit (including dioramas with snow). Still, not everything I build is really good. On the contrary, I still build a lot of crap, because not everything goes as I imagine.
And guaranteed I don't have to prove that I can do something better to have my own opinion.
I have so far had a lot of respect for you, the more it disappoints me that you, of all people, express yourself in such an unobjective and unfair way.
I have started after a long absence to participate actively again in this forum, I think that was a mistake.
Here are very many nice and open-minded people, I wish you all a good time here in the forum.

Bye Oke.
GumSmith  Germany
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Posted by Peter on 17 Jan 2021, 17:57

Dear Jan and Oke, maybe it is better that you both have this discussion in your own language and in a private way. Because when I read your comments, you don't disagree both, but are talking besides eachother. You are both fine and grown people and I'm sure when you both talk in German you can work this out.

Oh and maybe Thomas has also something to say here, don't you think? ;-)
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Posted by T. Dürrschmidt on 18 Jan 2021, 18:40

Peter wrote:Oh and maybe Thomas has also something to say here, don't you think? ;-)

I don´t have any problems with people who don´t like this diorama. Perhaps this scene is not perfect. It was just a try to recreate one of my favourite film scenes with available models. I know that the scales don´t fit perfectly together, but it was OK in my eyes.

Perhaps some of the critics is due to the pictures. The snow seems to be beige...but it isn´t in real life.

The speeders seem to be out of scale. But this is because the speeders are nearer to the camera as the AT-AT is. The figures inside the speeders fit to the size of the infantrymen on the ground.

Perhaps I can take some better pictures in sunlight and snowy landscape (if there is still some snow and sun next weekend), so perhaps there will be a better "Hoth-feeling".

Don´t argue about it guys, it´s just fun and Hobby. I like the dio even it´s not perfect. :yeah:
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T. Dürrschmidt  Germany
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Posted by Bluefalchion on 19 Jan 2021, 05:46


I have not even close to the dio building skills of yourself, MABO or Thomas.

And yet I often offer critiques and suggestions, about improvements I can spot in submissions here at Bennos, based on my own tastes.

Especially if the photos are too blurry, the figure is not well-lit enough, the painter attempted eyes at 20mm scale, or, worst of all, the figures look glossy.

So I think it is not true that all commentary here is glowing praise. English is my first (and only) language so that is a big advantage for me. A little bit of tact goes a long way. I hope you will keep participating here, and Thomas will keep showing us his Star Wars creations.
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Posted by sberry on 19 Jan 2021, 08:11

Bluefalchion wrote:I hope ... Thomas will keep showing us his Star Wars creations.

And his other stuff, too!
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sberry  Germany
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Posted by Kekso on 19 Jan 2021, 12:14

GumSmith wrote:I know negative criticism is not appreciated in this forum

I'm not sure where this come from? If said constructively and nicely I don't see a problem.
If someone disagrees with you (politely) I don't see a problem.
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Kekso  Croatia

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Posted by bothree69 on 19 Jan 2021, 15:08

stop controversy and discussions, the diorama is beautiful
different scales you can't see .....
beautiful .......

can you take me more pictures of the miniatures please ???
bothree69  Italy
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Posted by Bluefalchion on 19 Jan 2021, 16:03

sberry wrote:And his other stuff, too!

If Mr. D wants to do historicals from 80 years in the past or 800 years in the past, Star Wars or any other televesion or film scene, or anything else at all, I would like to see it.
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Bluefalchion  United States of America
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Posted by Wiking on 19 Jan 2021, 17:16

T. Dürrschmidt run into the same problem as I. How to let things fly. Personal I do not like sticks for a flying thing.
But how to solve? He do one thing it is possible. The options are really limited.

Would be nice if one of the AT- AT foot do not touch the ground to simulate walking a bit more.
On the other hand I do not know how good the AT- AT will be fixed if one foot is up in the air. It is a slim and very high beast. And the center of gravity is a bit different to an F1 bolide.

Nice Dio of a well known Star wars battle. (The best Star Wars film of all ?)
Very good conversion from the available option or no options of the figures.

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Posted by T. Dürrschmidt on 23 Jan 2021, 14:40

I did some outdoor pictures today. The effect is a bit different. I did also some work on the diorama. As recommended, I lifted one foot of the walker, so the "walking" effect is stronger now. I also shortended the barrel of the defense turret´s cannon, so it looks more like the one in the movie. I also added some snow powder with glitter effect and white pigment. Compared to real snow outside it actually looks a bit beige. I added some black pigment for the impact holes on the ground, because they couldn´t be seen before. And finally I did more laser shot markers on the walker with black oil color. But no one penetrated the armor, like it was shown in the film.






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T. Dürrschmidt  Germany
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Posted by Peter on 23 Jan 2021, 14:50

Hoth is, as you can see, situated in Bavaria. :-D

Wonderfull new pictures! :love:
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Peter  Belgium

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Posted by MABO on 23 Jan 2021, 17:18

I agree, very good!
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MABO  Europe
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Posted by bothree69 on 25 Jan 2021, 07:40

I saw the photos of the miniatures ... beautiful .. thanks

goood job
bothree69  Italy
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