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Hat - Projects Progress

Posted by marc zijp on 01 Dec 2018, 08:13

British 1/72 dragoons: ... h-dragoons
7years war Austrian sprues: ... es-version
Italian WW1 (3 sets): ... s-make-ups

I take the opportunity to say that I’m somewhat irritated by the current Hat bashing. Again! Hat made this hobby great again and brought it to another level. I do love Strelets and all other brands (and they have had their problems and issues too), but I think it’s cheap to drag them through the mud. They have difficulties after change in management, but they keep trying and push on.
It’s quite simple: If you don’t like figures from a company, don’t buy them, but stay polite and have some respect to what this Hat company has done in the past.

Thank you! :-) :yeah:
marc zijp  
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Posted by sowabud on 01 Dec 2018, 10:04

I am waiting for Italians, cause it is quite easy to convert them to Poles for 1919-1921
sowabud  Poland
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Posted by Ochoin on 01 Dec 2018, 10:30

marc zijp wrote:British 1/72 dragoons: ... h-dragoons
7years war Austrian sprues: ... es-version
Italian WW1 (3 sets): ... s-make-ups

I take the opportunity to say that I’m somewhat irritated by the current Hat bashing. Again! Hat made this hobby great again and brought it to another level. I do love Strelets and all other brands (and they have had their problems and issues too), but I think it’s cheap to drag them through the mud. They have difficulties after change in management, but they keep trying and push on.
It’s quite simple: If you don’t like figures from a company, don’t buy them, but stay polite and have some respect to what this Hat company has done in the past.

Thank you! :-) :yeah:


this is an excellent post & I agree 100%.

Well done.

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Ochoin  Scotland
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Posted by FredG on 01 Dec 2018, 10:56

Where iis all this reported Hat bashing? I've never seen any, just complaints about it.
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Posted by Wiking on 01 Dec 2018, 11:50

FredG wrote:
Where iis all this reported Hat bashing? I've never seen any, just complaints about it.

Here ! Here ! Me !
My Hät figures are simple in detail and I can use it as a rubber.



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Wiking  Germany
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Posted by FredG on 01 Dec 2018, 12:04

That's not bashing, it's an accurate description. :read:
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Posted by Graeme on 01 Dec 2018, 18:50

In light of growing dissatisfaction with the rubbery plastic HaT has channged the plastic they use; it's firmer now and cuts cleaner.

There are people out there who will need to find something else to whinge about now but I have every confidence in their ability to do so.
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Graeme  Australia
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Posted by zulu`s 1000`s of em on 01 Dec 2018, 21:23

Romanians in Ww2 , who did them in 1/72 first ? and for many years were the only ones in 1/72, and if you require a Romanian Army you will struggle without the Hat figures,could they be better,you bet, but remember when they were originally made ? and how prolific Hat were ? the demand was insatiable, we all wanted more and we wanted them now !. But all these years on we have time to reflect, and say they are not as good as X or Y, there were not a lot of moans at the time, most of us were just delighted someone,anyone had made them. I also liked the rubbery plastic, it holds paint well, although the detail is usually better with harder plastics. Hat 300 plus sets and counting in 1/72,I can`t imagine where the hobby would be without them.
zulu`s 1000`s of em  United Kingdom
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Posted by FredG on 01 Dec 2018, 21:58

Well Zulu, you're the only person I've ever seen criticise the Hat Romanian's so does that make you a Hat basher?
If not I'm still struggling to find some bashing.
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Posted by Ochoin on 01 Dec 2018, 22:13

zulu`s 1000`s of em wrote:Romanians in Ww2 , who did them in 1/72 first ? and for many years were the only ones in 1/72, and if you require a Romanian Army you will struggle without the Hat figures,could they be better,you bet, but remember when they were originally made ? and how prolific Hat were ? the demand was insatiable, we all wanted more and we wanted them now !. But all these years on we have time to reflect, and say they are not as good as X or Y, there were not a lot of moans at the time, most of us were just delighted someone,anyone had made them. I also liked the rubbery plastic, it holds paint well, although the detail is usually better with harder plastics. Hat 300 plus sets and counting in 1/72,I can`t imagine where the hobby would be without them.

It's hard to find a reason for the HaT-bashing you get across several forums.
I'm not talking about legitimate criticism but the unfailingly negative barrage you get from some.

I think the rather stringent HaT forum rules from the past may have upset some? Is it 'tall-poppy' syndrome from when they were the 1/72 figure leader (I don't think they are any longer)?

And what's the name of that river that flows through Egypt? De-Nile. Hat-bashing is a thing.

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Ochoin  Scotland
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Posted by FredG on 01 Dec 2018, 22:55

Ok, I'll believe it when I see some. In the meantime I'll treat it the same as Emperor's New Clothes Symdrome (ENCS)
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Posted by Ochoin on 02 Dec 2018, 00:57

Just before I drop this unproductive topic, may I ask why I would quote or reference pertinent posts?

Is there a surer way to provoke ire? Bennos is mostly a quiet & respectful site. I'll leave it that way.
ENCSyndrome? Maybe but I'd rather refer you to Matthew 13:13
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Ochoin  Scotland
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Posted by Wiking on 02 Dec 2018, 08:24

Thirst of all I want to thank mark zijp for the news.

zulu`s 1000`s of them ( I allowed me to short it simply to zulu, I am sorry.) wrote:
Romanians in Ww2 , who did them in 1/72 first ?

(Excluding all white metal and resin figures due to the fact we talk about plastic figures.)

zulu wrote:
... and if you require a Romanian Army you will struggle without the Hat figures ...


zulu wrote:
... could they be better,you bet ...

With you.

zulu wrote:
... but remember when they were originally made ?

Here I go a bit different.
When where the ESCI (dark figure in my earlier post) originally made?

zulu wrote:
and how prolific Hat were ?

Quantity vs quality. Max output, max money.

zulu wrote:
the demand was insatiable, we all wanted more and we wanted them now !.

Hmmm, do this count not for nearly all producers?

zulu wrote:
But all these years on we have time to reflect, and say they are not as good as X or Y, ...

You are right.
First Hät Romanians then later on the Zvezda set.

zulu wrote:
... there were not a lot of moans at the time, most of us were just delighted someone,anyone had made them.

For the past I can`t commend because for my timeline of interest the figures output are now start to increase.

zulu wrote:
I also liked the rubbery plastic, it holds paint well, ...

One of my only two used HÄT figures.


Yes, true.
The "make up" since 2015 still fit.

zulu wrote:
... although the detail is usually better with harder plastics.

Yes, I am with you.
And Dragon show how to do.



zulu wrote:
Hat 300 plus sets and counting in 1/72,I can`t imagine where the hobby would be without them.

A strong point for sure.
Look how many shop do sell Hät figures in sometimes huge stock.

On the other hand I know a (now out of business, MACO) hobby shop owner who tell me to stop selling HÄT due to the inconsistency of the material. One time the guns are (set of four) in hard plastic next time in soft plastic. Resulted in unsatisfied customers.

Thank you zulu for your opinion to the Romanian set and HÄT at all.
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Wiking  Germany
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Posted by Rich W on 02 Dec 2018, 13:06

Hat bashing or no Hat bashing, I'm glad they're still going. The more companies we have still producing our figures the better. I can understand their figures are not to everyones taste, and their output now can be very slow, but just still being on the market pushes the companies such as Strelets and Redbox to have to keep improving their standards. This results in some of the excellent sets they now produce. So great for competition in our hobby!

Now all we need is for Revell to re-release their back catalogue and for someone to start a French Indian War range...I can dream!
Rich W  United Kingdom
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Posted by marc zijp on 02 Dec 2018, 13:20

Okay, most all is said so back to main topic!
New upcoming 3 new Hat WW1 Italians are promising, but does anyone now about the Waterloo1815 WW1 italians? PSR says 9 new poses?
Pictures anyone?
marc zijp  
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Posted by Ochoin on 02 Dec 2018, 14:02

Rich W wrote: I can understand their figures are not to everyones taste,!

Very true: tastes differ. I would hazard to say though, that any figure benefits from a good paint job.
The earlier Strelets' stuff, Mars etc: all can look good and you only have to come here to Bennos to see some expertly painted figures from some of the local Maestros.

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Ochoin  Scotland
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Posted by guilhem on 02 Dec 2018, 18:36

Hat is excellent in Napoleon period, and antic period, also medieval period.
for the WWII , there is good and less good.
romanian and polish army WWII are not excellent, but the tank rider are better.

II Always see the plastic soldiers review to see if the box is good before buy it.
guilhem  France
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Posted by Graeme on 02 Dec 2018, 19:04

marc zijp wrote:Okay, most all is said so back to main topic!

I've already bought the 2 British dragoon sets, looking forward to those. And I know there's a lot of interest in 7YW. WWI Italians were not really on my radar. I dabble in WWI, just not that theatre. But darn those Italians are really interesting looking figures, espescially the Arditi!

marc zjip wrote:but does anyone now about the Waterloo1815 WW1 italians?

Pics on Waterloo 1815's site (right scroll to next picture to see the figures):

More interesting looking figures.
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Graeme  Australia
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Posted by Paul on 02 Dec 2018, 19:21

marc zijp wrote:Pictures anyone?

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Posted by Jaques on 02 Dec 2018, 21:46

Hi , friends. :thumbup:

In defense of the Romanians of Hat, as I do with various figures of this manufacturer, I change heads and arms and they are satisfactory in my opinion. :-D


Jaques  Brazil
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