
The Rubber Mould

Posted by Beano Boy on 27 Jun 2018, 14:26

Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 28 Jun 2018, 14:13


I`m replacing this Tip, as the pictures to the one placed before are no longer there. I feel it to be a worthwhile tip because it avoids plaster going down sinks that then blocks up the pipes.

No good saving money by doing stuff yourself if the utility company who own the pipes send you a whacking great bill, because they had to dig the road up due to the blockage!


The bags go over my pots. The water and plaster is mixed with my trusty brush.

For lager mixes this system of making do, works the same way.
Bigger Tub or Bucket, Larger bin bags costing very little indeed.


Once pored out what`s left in the plastic bag effortless can be folded up and goes in the correct bin!
Simplicity works for me every time. :-D BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 28 Jun 2018, 18:28

It was time I needed to make Angled Buttresses.
So this is how I went about it.


There was no need to make a new Pattern in order to make them either. I used the original one I kept above. :mrgreen: " This is being extra Arts & Crafty!"

:eh: "I`m thinking."__________ :wink: " O, No he`s woke up!"


Knowing full well it will fit back into the rubber mould that I made the other day,i plunked it back and then measured out the angle and size I needed on both ends of the Pattern.


These were both cut away keeping the craft knife giving a square cut. You know ,Upright? :-D


Replacing the Pattern with a little shuffle from side to side I now had two angled moulds.
:mrgreen: " BB. often shuffles about as his day dances away."


As left and right can go together to make a whole,I will have brickwork on both sides of these angles.
:eh: " But what about the middle?" Mr Wing-Knut asked.
:mrgreen: " The middle will not be seen."____ :sst: " very true but the fronts will." The little button said.
:eh: " So the middle of the front will be seen?"____ :sst: " well yes the line will."
:eh: " What line is that then?"___ :cowboy: "Pards, This could go on all the live long day."
:coffee: " OK, guys lets get back to it."

:mrgreen: "YA!"


Before going any further I reinforced the Pattern by pushing dress makers pins in at differing angles.
This makes for very strong fixing points before the actual pour. So knowing full well the pressure caused by that process I know 100% that Pattern is not going to move.


The Plaster of Paris was poured into each end after I cast up the other moulds.
By utilising cheap quick to scribe out patterns and rubber moulds many variants can be made costing not even a penny more. What price can one put upon a few little pins ?
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 28 Jun 2018, 18:42




There you go they will look something like this, by using the narrow oblong casting. :-D BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Peter on 29 Jun 2018, 20:10

Good thinking and executing, BB! :thumbup:
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Posted by Beano Boy on 29 Jun 2018, 20:39

Thank you Peter, but I doubt if I will get to finish it,and my other ongoing topics here. BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 30 Jul 2018, 16:06

:mrgreen: MORE WALLS


blu tac will hold the required shape while I fill it with silicone rubber.


blu tac holds my Pattern in place too.


The procedure dealing with rubber is a well known established fact ,so next I will show only casting up results. That will be interesting for me at a certain degree, which is to save my time. A thing I now have in very short supply. BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 01 Aug 2018, 12:50

All the pictures from 2017 on this open ended project were lost,along with a few from this year. Putting that behind me I look forward to adding to it again,here and now. Things seem to be going well on what is slowly unfolding. So here is another part two.

Setting up the other wall Pattern.
Buildings require two end walls, in this case there is a defined stone window sunk deep into the thickness of this medieval wall . These can help set into place sweeping facades on extensive building complexes or just one off buildings.

Remember everything requires imagination to begin with both mine and yours.


However sometimes it calls for the utter destruction of hours of work, in order to create the rubber mould for repetitive casting up. So yes this Pattern made from paper and glue, like the other one will soon be resting deep inside the bin.
So I only get one chance at getting it sort of passible right. ;-)


A slight change took place in order to get a good clean lift from the rubber mould in the near future. I can easily slip into place any window I wish later with no problem. I happen to like look through buildings. :mrgreen: " YA! Me Too."
Today I`ll set out the surround shape around my own scratch built Pattern with Lego bricks and blu tac. Then make the one off mould needed.
Good or otherwise I`ll show the results later. :-D BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 01 Aug 2018, 19:48


Three of the castings dry out in the garden, 28mm scale.


Here along with Perrys Rifleman from Waterloo,is the wall before any real modelling work started upon it. I posted it weeks ago on another project. BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 01 Aug 2018, 19:50

Why this going on twice is sure a puzzlement to my head. :oops: BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 01 Aug 2018, 19:50

Why this going on twice is sure a puzzlement to my head. :oops: BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 03 Aug 2018, 17:15

Seeing pictures were missing from my Topic The Library!
I fudged up some pictures showing the process involved.


Bought off E Bay. I used it as my Pattern and made a simple silicone mould.


being only a tiny amount of rubber needed I used the soapy water method.


The trick is to keep ones hands wet in the soapy water.


Less than a minute to form......


…. a ball.


I then pressed it into the middle of the moulding box,making sure that the air could escape while i thumb and fingered it into place.It only took a few seconds
to accomplish this easy to do little thing.


Time for Tea and Cream Cake.


This is Dr Percy, an avid explorer of strange new worlds.
He is standing patiently on a very large book
awaiting his Library to be finished.



:-D BB
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Posted by MABO on 14 Aug 2018, 01:33

What a characterful Dr. Percy. And the library is a great model as well. Good job again, Paul!
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Posted by Susofrick on 14 Aug 2018, 08:22

Wow! I want to go there!
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Posted by Beano Boy on 14 Aug 2018, 11:47

Thanks guys, the strange configuration of the Library, and my character from my book,
` THE JUNGLE PHOTOGRAPH', had long been stored up within my fancy for many a year. I finally wrote it in 2015,and released it on my Blog. http://steponejust4fun.blogspot.com/201 ... graph.html

Most certainly there is much more to Dr Percy Nots` g' Nivil, than meets the average eye. Or indeed Mr Charley Spotit, who calls upon the Doctor on a cold wet damp night in the November of 1999. Soon London would never be the same.

:mrgreen: " It`s a sci-fi blast!"___ :sst: " the victorian pub scene with mr glad grinds, certainly scared me."___ :coffee: " Me anall, and I wrote the darn thing." ____ :read: " I could not wait to get me teeth into that one", said the well read Book Worm, who lives munching his way through paper laced with the full flavour of long ago dried ink.

I can certainly imagine our Gunnar, being in that very odd Georgian Library ,which is brimming up full to overflowing with past thoughts and dreams. :-D BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 14 Aug 2018, 11:52

It actually is the London of 1899. Sometimes I write far to fast upon such a racing page of stanser ! BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 14 Aug 2018, 18:23


A Very Tall Tale.
The lost treasure of 2017, only this one picture remains of last summers work. A vast pirate treasure took from many a Spanish ship that were all plundered and burned.
Deep within a dark coastline cave that floods at high tide, the treasure is guarded by man-eating Norfolk Shrimp that team by the thousands, and which can strip an average sized leg down to bone in a mere few seconds.

It was Officially reported that.....

The flamboyant Captain Senojyvad, and his up-gunned French corvette name Spinning Gale eventually fought it out with three Spanish ships off the coast of Java, in 1545. Blasted by massive cannon fire. With all the ships masts smashed and down the sail canvas burned bellowing out caustic smoke enough to choke the average throat and burn deep the average lung black instantly. None of the crew of 168 survived that brawl at sea, and the Captain and all his cut throats burned long before the hulk of the Spinning Gale finally sank. :mrgreen: "Golly Gosh! BB"

However, I believe otherwise.____Which is reserved perhaps for another tall tale later. :drool: :drool:
One thing is for sure,the treasure is still there along with the hungry Norfolk Shrimp! :-D BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 22 Aug 2018, 14:48

No Pirate tale this time, but this.
Casting up stuff one tends to have waste pile up, but it is useful in the world of writing while at playful fun. If it was not so there would be no point to any of it. Here I laced a photograph together with a few of my statues old dust and scrapings of rubble. It all helps create illusion.

Wherever this place was it had long fallen into dusted decay long before the Georgian Library came into being . It`s great pillars of massive cut constructed stone stand tilted out of true in perpetual darkness, its lesser sandstone statues now fallen far from grace seem still intent to defend this far away ancient place.

What sort of people once trod these galleries ? Upon seeing many a loose photograph fall out from within the journal Mr Spotit, had placed into his hands. Dr Percy Nots`n' Nivil was determined to find out.

A brief excerpt from my latest tale. The Book : FINDING PERCY


:-D Another posting is due soon. BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 01 Sep 2018, 16:26

This is some of my work from last summer 2017 and this one of 2018.


It`s time to scratch-build a certain something

MAKING STONE STEPS _____________ the easy way :-D


The Silicone Rubber mixed with Cornflour and Baby Oil,
cost £5.00 UK Stirling____ 6.39 in US Dollars_____ Euros 5.60 ___ 58.48 Swedish Krona



Here in the picture the styrene sheet I siliconed, and trimmed into place can be seen. Yes this has worked a treat.


To save money I made it wide open one end.


The reason being that I could do this by using a very odd side. :-D


A small but thick floor tile quite old in itself was used this way. Cheap Sellotape provided the stay put support needed while it was cast up.


The tape is cut but kept on the tile as the tile is lightly tapped away. This helps as another skirting of tape fixes everything in place again for the next one to be cast up. The reason being the tape does not stick to the silicone rubber, but the Sellotape will stick to itself. Then it is just a matter of fixing it tight enough around again to pour the Plaster of Paris in.



The first sample when hard was easily removed from my homemade rubber mould 15 minutes later.

These steps turn up in three ways creating very weird sci fi and fantasy walls for my photo shoots.

Textured Stone Slabs

No rubber this time, just LEGO BRICKS and blu tac! As the steps lead up to something meaning these slabs I decided to place the how of it all here.


The glass worktop has a pattern on it, so just right for my needs.


The best Plaster of Paris, which Master Masons use in this day and age, was poured.





All set up on a production line of three. Three heaped Dinner Spoon-fulls of plaster is added to water in a tiny yogurt pot and is enough to make one stone slab.
Always add plaster to prepared water. Trying to add water onto, and into plaster creates lumpy stuff that will go hard in a few seconds. :mrgreen:

Expensive vibrating plates can be bought,but a few bashes with the fist does the job of getting any traped air bubble to rise. Giving one some very nice clean castings.


Above a Link to my latest 2 minute video production `BEYOND THE GATE ' which is based upon my story book tale. `HONEST SILVER ' :-D BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 07 Sep 2018, 00:57




:-D BB
Beano Boy  England
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