
50 shades of feldgrau

Posted by Kekso on 12 Jan 2015, 13:30

Something for "rivet counters" to remember next time when arguing about right uniform color :mrgreen:


I found this picture on Facebook and comment under it was "Apparently the manufacturers of these original wartime tunics never received their copy of the Fuhrer Befehl (order) that states all wool MUST be the same shade of fieldgrau..."
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Posted by armpcm on 12 Jan 2015, 13:41

50 Shades :lol:

If we add the weather, the terrain and so on then then we have even more variations :mrgreen: and according to my wife i still cant tell the difference between mole grey and forest grey to paint the office go figure. :mrgreen:
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armpcm  Portugal

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Posted by Peter on 12 Jan 2015, 19:05

So every green colour will do for a German uniform of WWII? Now that is good news! :mrgreen:

This means that every set of WWII German soldiers on the market can get his own green! Good news for the manufacturers, there are some colours left! :lol:
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Posted by Bluefalchion on 12 Jan 2015, 20:43

Phew! The pressure's off. Mix green and grey in any combination you want and have some fun.
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Posted by Mário on 12 Jan 2015, 21:48

This is not only valid for German uniforms, it applies to most if not all WW1 and WW2 uniforms. I usually paint my armies in different shades of the basic color. For instance WW1 French I start with a bluish grey and end with an almost pure grey. I even use different colors for the trousers and tunic.
This is not valid for modern uniforms, I remember when I was in the Portuguese Air Force that the difference in uniforms color was minimal (either dress, service or camouflage uniform). I think that today’s uniforms with a lot of synthetics have more permanent colors.
Of course for Napoleonics I use always the same color for all the soldiers. That does not mean that there are no color variations, indeed there are, we can see that at any Museum with Napoleonic uniforms, but for me the armies look better that way…
Have a good night
Mário  Portugal
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Posted by sansovino on 14 Jan 2015, 21:32

Thanks a lot, Kekso. Interesting feature. Now I understand why it was so difficult to find the right feldgrau for my WW1-german soldiers - finally I decided two light different colours. It´s astonishing that the germans couldn´t regulate their colour. It seems that the british had in WW1 the same problem - their colours differs still more.
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