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Include 28mm and larger scales on the forum?

28mm on the forum?

Poll ended at 18 Aug 2013, 11:56

Total votes : 24

Posted by Benno on 18 Aug 2013, 17:56

zzed wrote:this is the unique forum for the 1/72, putting aside some manufacturer's guestbooks.
The 1/72 forum in it's original form is still here: viewforum.php?f=69

zzed wrote:So I think it will further watering down the 1/72 enthusiasts community
The 1/72 community can't be watered down because all scales have separate subforums. ;-)

Nothing has changed for the 1/72 hobbyist. In the 1/72 subforum there are still thousands and thousands of 1/72 related topics, nowhere else to be found on the internet. 28mm won't invade this subforum, neither will 15mm invade the 28mm subforum and neither will 6mm invade the 1/72 subforum.

Please note that the forum was already "shared" with 18mm, 15mm, 10mm, 6mm and smaller before opening up the forum for 28mm and larger. You never saw 15mm or 6mm in the 1/72 galleries, in the 1/72 WIP or 1/72 Miniatures News forum. You won't see 28mm either. ;-) :-D

Furthermore, I filtered out all the 1/72 related topics that were put in the non-scale related forums in the past years and put them in under the General subforum in 20mm - 1/72 scale: viewforum.php?f=103 So everything 1/72 related can be found in the 20mm - 1/72 subforum. :-D
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Posted by Duron QelDroma on 18 Aug 2013, 20:02

I'm pleased with any way this forum gets larger, when more hobbyists, also for other scales, come and join into it. I have some friends in 28mm modelling and I also paint 1/32 miniatures, so I'm glad with the expansion of the forum! :thumbup:

But maybe it would be a compromise with the other members, who are not so pleased with this expansion to move the 1/72 Forum to the Top of the forums list. So anyone could see, that this website is mostly a 1/72 forum. Also the 1/72 Forum is by far the largest one, and for sure the one the most want to see. So for me it seems better to move it in top-position on the forum-list. But please, this is just my opinion.
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Posted by Peter on 18 Aug 2013, 21:16

Duron QelDroma wrote:But maybe it would be a compromise with the other members, who are not so pleased with this expansion to move the 1/72 Forum to the Top of the forums list. So anyone could see, that this website is mostly a 1/72 forum. Also the 1/72 Forum is by far the largest one, and for sure the one the most want to see. So for me it seems better to move it in top-position on the forum-list. But please, this is just my opinion.

That is a good a suggestion!

@Dalibor: I'm not offended. Just wanted to show that not every blogger works that way ;-)
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Posted by Kekso on 18 Aug 2013, 23:39

I know Peter, nothing is black & white (all bad or all good) :-D
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Posted by KGV on 19 Aug 2013, 07:10

Well, the new sections seem to have got off to a good start. The Sun came up this morning, so the world didn't end.

I'm off to find some stuff to photograph :-)
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Posted by Uwe on 19 Aug 2013, 07:58

To be honest, I am against a 28mm forum too here as there is really too much of it in the web.

And in my opinion the quality of a figure has nothing to do with the scale, but with the abilities of the sculptor. There are very good and bad 1:72 figures as well as 28mm figures on the market. 28mm are ususally wargaming figures while 1:72 is the scale for diorama and vignette builders. Of course not always, but in general.

Why not making two forums if you want to cover the 28mm range too?
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Posted by Benno on 19 Aug 2013, 08:40

Uwe wrote:Why not making two forums if you want to cover the 28mm range too?
Technically there are two forums:
28mm: viewforum.php?f=107 + viewforum.php?f=108
1/72: viewforum.php?f=69 :-)

The scales are separated.

The painting competitions will be separated.

The generic forums about books, films, uniforms, events, tutorials are shared with all the scales (meaning more non-28mm inspiration + feedback!). These forums were already shared with other scales than 1/72 before adding 28mm to the forum.

Like I mentioned before nothing has changed for the 1/72 collector. The forum was already divided up into "20mm - 1/72" and "18mm and smaller". Since it wasn't welcoming for the smaller scales I gave them each the same space as "20mm - 1/72" enjoyed for many years. When I was doing that, I thought 'why not add 28mm and larger right away?'. All I did is added three more subforums to the already existing forum. Actually I purified the 1/72 forum because now there is no chance you see 15mm or 6mm showing up in the Work in Progress, Miniatures News or Miniatures Talk (these scales have their own forums for that now). Before, these forums were shared with the smaller scales. So actually the 1/72 forum has gotten more pure than it was before.

Especially in the new forum you will see nothing has changed. In the new forum you can see on the main page which subforums (Gallery, Miniatures News, etc) have unread posts. In the image below you see how the subforums look like in the new forum:


The reason I listed them like that is that otherwise you would have an endless list of all the subforums on the main page. I don't think anyone would enjoy having this list on the forum main page too: viewforum.php?f=26 Now thát would be a long list! :-D
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Posted by Ben Bob on 22 Aug 2013, 00:48

I’m sure you don’t want to see another criticism, but here is a thought on the painting competition. I think it would be a mistake to separate the two: there are hardly enough entries as things are now.
As for the quality-difference worries associated with combining the two: it already exists! Look at work by Sho and Mr. Dürrschmidt (to name but the most recent of many masters here); they are leagues better than most 28mm figures I see. Also consider the quality differences in the various manufacturers already in the PCs, at or below 20mm, such as AB 20mm and 15mm, Caesar, and Pegasus etc which are all better than Strelets, (old) Hat, BUM and Plastic Soldier Co etc. I really don’t think adding >20mm will change anything in the voting.
Bottom line, inequality already exists (and is good), don’t separate the PCs :-D :thumbup:
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Posted by Benno on 22 Aug 2013, 02:25

Ben Bob wrote:I’m sure you don’t want to see another criticism

Don't worry. :-) I applaud criticism, and I understand some people are worried about the changes on the forum. All I'm trying to do is to explain people why the changes are good, and to show that nothing has changed for the 1/72 community. The 1/72 forums went one layer deeper in the structure but for the rest it's all the same. Rest assured that all changes I'm making to the forum are part of a bigger plan to stimulate activity and fun within this community, to ensure it's existance for the future. This forum is and will remain the largest international 1/72 community in the world. Just by sharing some generic forums with other scales (which it already did before opening up to 28mm and larger) doesn't mean it will slowly die.

Ben Bob wrote:there are hardly enough entries as things are now.
Like you said, there are hardly enough entries now. I'm more interested in the long term fun the competitions offer rather than getting them filled now. I expect that the amount of activity will grow after the launch of the new forum and that the 1/72 and smaller competition will receive enough entries again to run full competitions. 28mm and larger is a very dominant part of the hobby, and although there aren't that many members on this forum yet that post 28mm and larger, I believe there will be in the future. I agree that there will always remain unequality in the competitions, but this way it more likely that 1/72 won't be "pushed aside" in the future, something I think most people here don't want to happen either. :-)

I care deeply about the 1/72 community that's active on this forum. Although the forum is now opened for 28mm and larger will do my best to preserve the 1/72 community. :-D
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Benno  Netherlands

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Posted by Ben Bob on 22 Aug 2013, 16:54

That makes sense. So there will be mixed competitions for a short while, and then the division in the future?
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Posted by Benno on 22 Aug 2013, 17:46

For now we'll only have a 1/72 and smaller competition because the 28mm and larger group is not large enough yet. I first like to see how that side of the forum develops before organizing 28mm and larger competitions. :-)
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Posted by Michel on 23 Aug 2013, 05:49

Benno's forum was held as THE forum for the world's 1/72 figures, now it's "only" a figure forum!
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Posted by T. Dürrschmidt on 23 Aug 2013, 06:35

I like the forum´s expansion to other scales! I´ve never been stucked to a single scale. For years I also worked with 15 or 28mm stuff.
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Posted by santifernandez on 23 Aug 2013, 10:04

In my opinion it is a positive forum, apart change from teaching to work at other scales other modelers entering the forum.
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Posted by Paul on 24 Aug 2013, 14:47

Kekso wrote:
Hi Peter, I'm not against blogs and links to them. Even I created one myself. And I didn't thought about you when I wrote
that (and I won't write any nicknames). Your example is opposite of what I wrote. But one can admit that often we can
find posts with one (or none) photos and link to his blog. Can someone explain me what is then purpose of forum's gallery?
Redirection to other's people blogs?

A question commonly asked on Forums. :-)
Blogs are a part of the modelling Internet "experience". The linking back to a blog with one pic etc is to get traffic on the individuals blog, although the flow of traffic from Forums to blogs is in the main minimal compared to Google search hits.
This has a retrospective effect for any Forums, they get traffic when People link to the blog and a higher Google Rating, good for both parties. Any Forum that "banned" Bloggers would end up a sinking ship in the Internet sea and some Forums, TMP for example, have created a section just for Bloggers.
Forums are for those of us with no time or inclination to create a blog (and they do take up a lot of time and effort) where they can Show their work.
Forums have Advantages over Blogs and visa versa...

As for the bigger scales? We shall all see how it effects the Forum but I reckon if the 1/72nd community is held as a part of the Forum in total then for those not interested they can "ignore" the 28mm etc side.
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Paul  China
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Posted by Kekso on 24 Aug 2013, 16:04

Paul wrote:Any Forum that "banned" Bloggers would end up a sinking ship in the Internet sea and some

Hi Paul, I've never implied that Benno's forum should ban blogs and blogers and I've never stated that I'm against blogs

Paul wrote: Forums have Advantages over Blogs and visa versa...

I completely agree :-D

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Posted by Paul on 24 Aug 2013, 16:57

Kekso wrote:
Hi Paul, I've never implied that Benno's forum should ban blogs and blogers and I've never stated that I'm against blogs

I know ;-) I was trying to answer your question about the purpose of the Gallery in Connection to Blogs.
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Posted by Benno on 24 Aug 2013, 18:15

But there should be at least one picture in the topic. :-)
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Benno  Netherlands

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Posted by Paul on 24 Aug 2013, 19:24

Benno wrote:But there should be at least one picture in the topic. :-)

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Posted by Old Wolf on 25 Aug 2013, 23:47

this is my favorit forum,with and without larger scales. I like the comunity here and i m happy to know some of the guys i meet here and on the events.
i m conservativ too, so if i want i can ignore the 28mm and larger ones :oldman:
but in my basement are some little treasures :oops: and they are all 28mm :roll:
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