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What do you think...

Posted by WULT on 24 Nov 2014, 05:22

... is today in modern germany at the place where Tiger II tanks where build at Kassel?

There where eveny at the last day of the third Reich 16 Tigers where made combatready?
Last edited by armpcm on 24 Nov 2014, 19:38, edited 1 time in total.
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Posted by Frankzett on 24 Nov 2014, 12:29 what 16 Tiger tanks, what should we care about? - The glory of the german arms production in the Reich?
I hope nowadays in Kassel (and all over the world) nobody forgets the hard labour of displaced persons and the camps with the N**i arms industry!

That is what I think!

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Posted by Zed1 on 24 Nov 2014, 13:40

The tank production was located in factory III, Kassel-Mittelfeld. The Henschel company had a much greater reputation for the trucks and locomotives they produced, then for the planes and tanks they built through the N**i years. The defense department of Henschel was eventually sold to Rheinmetall Industries.

Today, at the site in Mittelfeld, the wagon company Bombardier runs an assembly facility.

More then 6000 slave workers had to work at the Henschel factories in Kassel. The city itself, being a major armament production center, inhabitated around 30000 slave workerks during the war years.
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Posted by WULT on 24 Nov 2014, 17:04

That wasn´t the point! Nobody is happy when thinking about slavery! But the point is: The place where the Henschel factories have been, is today the university of Kassel. Today there are thousends of young people there to learn something useful at wartime there were tanks made. The number of tanks at the last day is just an absurdity. The point is: At this place the world today is a better one. And yes, the people used as slaves aren´t forgotten.
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Posted by Kekso on 24 Nov 2014, 18:35

I'm not sure where this discussion is going. :nono:
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Posted by Peter on 24 Nov 2014, 19:13

Right! Can someone tell us what this topic is all about? I don't understand the meaning of it! :eh:
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Posted by armpcm on 24 Nov 2014, 19:44

WULT wrote:... is today in modern germany at the place where Tiger II tanks where build at Kassel?

There where eveny at the last day of the third Reich 16 Tigers where made combatready?

Hi there Wult,

Can you please clarify what is the reason of this post? :scratch:

Because the way its written does not help us the reader's and can lead into misinterpretations of your original idea.

Kekso wrote:I'm not sure where this discussion is going. :nono:

Peter wrote:Right! Can someone tell us what this topic is all about? I don't understand the meaning of it! :eh:

And when the moderators are disturbed many things can happen. :winky:

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Posted by Zed1 on 24 Nov 2014, 21:28

My point is: whatever you mean, you're getting it totally wrong because the tank production of Henschel took place in Werk 3 (factory complex 3) in Mittelfeld. There's an industry compound there today.

Werk 1 was positioned at the place where, today, the university is located. But there has never been built a single tank there at all!

If you don't believe me, perhaps you believe this original air photography which you can find here:
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Posted by WULT on 24 Nov 2014, 22:04

Nice thanks! I had no idea how big this factories were. I think the universety is there where "Werk 1" was. I just like the idea that it was converted to an university.
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Posted by Zed1 on 24 Nov 2014, 22:30

Actually, it hasn't been a 'conversion' in the general meaning of the word. Some buildings of Werk 1 had been destroyed during the WW2 bombings, others were teared down in the 1950s/60s.
After the Henschel locomotive section was sold to Thyssen in the 1960s, the area went into an industrial wasteland. The original buildings, being all more or less haywire, were teared down and the university was built up on an empty space. Only a handful of industrial structures remained.

If you're interested on how that university campus and its' building look like, have a look here:

Btw - on the site, you also find a picture of 'the ramp' (die Rampe), which is a memorial especially for the slave labourers who had to work in Kassel - and for the jews and other people who were deported from Kassel by the N**is.
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Posted by WULT on 25 Nov 2014, 01:23

Hey I walked on it last month. I just didn´t check the storys. :-(
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Posted by Ochoin on 29 Nov 2014, 00:41

If Wult's point was we shouldn't forget the past, I'd agree.

But with the caveat of remembering 'the good, the bad & the ugly'.

In August, we had our annual demo game with maybe 2000+ people looking.

It was a colonial game of Zulus Vs the British (see 1/72 wargaming area in this forum for photos).

The general public often expressed views that were sympathetic to the Zulus who were shot down in their thousands & towards the poor British soldiers, sometimes massacred.

Not a lot of sympathy (& rightly so) for the British administrators who provoked the war.

I think this shows the point of remembering history.

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Posted by KGV on 29 Nov 2014, 18:05


I see Benno has put on weight.
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