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It´s a laugh

Posted by Susofrick on 18 Feb 2022, 12:00

At last! We here up North can relax!

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Posted by Peter on 08 May 2022, 09:18

A man who cooks is attractive.
A man who does dishes is irresistible!
I do both!

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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Posted by Emperor on 18 May 2022, 11:37

Good one Beano Boy...LOL
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Posted by Beano Boy on 03 Jan 2023, 23:44

The ending is a bit rude crude ,
but it is after all just simple primitive fun! BB
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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 07 Jan 2023, 14:05

Horse walks into a bar.
Barman asks: Why the long face?

I’m an atheist with a god complex.
I don’t believe in myself.

What do you get when you combine a flat earther and their arrogance?

I asked a friend what was worse, ignorance or arrogance.
He replied: I don't know and I don't care.

If a doctor takes a hippocratic oath after completing med school, what does a lawyer take after graduating law school?
A hypocritical oath.

A list of things I hate:
1. Unoriginal jokes
2. Hypocrisy
3. Irony

Have you ever heard the term "ignorance is bliss?”
When I was younger i had no idea what it meant... and frankly those were the happiest days of my life.

:xd: ;-)
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Posted by Konrad on 07 Jan 2023, 16:34

Erich von Manstein wrote:Have you ever heard the term "ignorance is bliss?”

A song by my favorite group has this title.

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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 08 Jan 2023, 21:02

So you seem to like progressive rock in its broadest sense then?
Personally, I can unfortunately not always appreciate its hefty excursions into synth and dream-pop spheres. ;-)

You surely know this rather classic prog-rock band of a somewhat earlier phase as well?

And not just by the way, rest in peace Neil Peart.

Wouldn't mind reviving the "My kinda music" thread if you like?
Like this one here, it has unfortunately dried up some time ago.
Both have always brought me a great deal of pleasure in the past. ;-)
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Posted by steve_pickstock on 08 Jan 2023, 22:32

I recently re-discovered Xanadu.
I saw Rush in the early 80s, I think they may have been supporting Thin Lizzy but it was a long time ago. And while I have always enjoyed their music I just got out of the habit of listening to it. So one day I listened to Xanadu and it just went BOOOM! in my head. So many layers, it played into so many areas, including my writings.
Rush, BOC, ELP, Yes, Greenslade, Wishbone Ash, The Nice, early Floyd - you can't beat it.
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Posted by Minuteman on 09 Jan 2023, 11:02

steve_pickstock wrote:I recently re-discovered Xanadu.
I saw Rush in the early 80s, I think they may have been supporting Thin Lizzy but it was a long time ago. And while I have always enjoyed their music I just got out of the habit of listening to it. So one day I listened to Xanadu and it just went BOOOM! in my head. So many layers, it played into so many areas, including my writings.
Rush, BOC, ELP, Yes, Greenslade, Wishbone Ash, The Nice, early Floyd - you can't beat it.

This Forum is very wide-ranging and it's great to see 'progressive rock' being mentioned! As a long-time fan of the genre, and someone who saw Rush on many occasions, including much more recently than the 1980s, I'll simply state my case...three very talented musicians, some great music and some great memories, Thanks to Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson and the late, great Neil Peart,
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Posted by steve_pickstock on 10 Jan 2023, 01:26

I have to hang my head in shame here, I was listening to my prog rock playlist tonight and I realised that I had omitted Focus from the list.
In 1970s Britain we were blessed with a tv music programme called The Old Grey Whistle Test, they played the track Hocus Pocus - and the next day at school I asked around and some loaned me the album. Akkerman - yep, that's all I got!
Akkerman - fantastic!
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Posted by Peter on 13 Jan 2023, 16:13

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Posted by Peter on 24 Jan 2023, 20:54

I served in the Airforce!

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Posted by Susofrick on 26 Jan 2023, 11:38

Maybe posted this before, but I still find it funny.

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Posted by Susofrick on 01 Feb 2023, 11:53

Okay, another one. I find this quite cute :-D :

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Posted by Santi Pérez on 04 Feb 2023, 18:29

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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Posted by Beano Boy on 16 Apr 2023, 00:35

Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Susofrick on 19 Apr 2023, 09:43

This is not even understandable if you don't speak English, but if you do I think it's quite funny:

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Posted by Beano Boy on 10 May 2023, 04:10

Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Peter on 10 May 2023, 15:04

Beano Boy wrote:

They have some very good pranks! :-D
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 14 May 2023, 19:30

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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