Officers Mess

Warning !Harmful File ! on Tinypic!

Posted by Beano Boy on 13 Aug 2014, 16:00


As you see,I have taken this shot of my security box

Hi guys I know many use Tinypics,so I am informing members to make sure their security is up to date,because Tinypic has had a dangerious Trojan downloaded onto it. This nasty is a back door infection as seen on my Security. As I began to use Tinypics today my security encountered this Nasty! Be careful if you Google the name of this Trojan,because it is also connected by scammers and highly organized crime .They will free your system up if you download what they say is file cleaner. Make sure you have extra security and not just that which has come on your PC. If you have picked this one up without extra safety your system could well not recognise the infection.

Are there other members who `s security has encounted this nasty,and who`s system has stopped this Viris? My system picked it out three times in less than five minutes after logging on to Tinypics. If this one gets through it can gain all your Bank Details and Paypal passwords too,and other stuff personal to you.
I know you know I like to lark around,but not this time.
This is not a Wind Up! Stay Safe Guys. Paul = BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posts: 8100
Member since:
03 Sep 2013, 14:45

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