Work in Progress

Can I brag for a while?

Posted by Kekso on 21 Jan 2023, 12:37

I was happy how faces turned out so I thought to share couple of wip photos of this project (Gaun'ts Ghosts, Warhammer 40k).


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Kekso  Croatia

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Posted by MABO on 21 Jan 2023, 13:11

Very good, Dali! :shock:
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Posted by Bessiere on 21 Jan 2023, 14:21

Of course you may brag. We probably don't post our own work we aren't happy with. You certainly should be thrilled by these results. That is some fantastic skin tones and eyes. Very tricky stuff at small scales but you make it look easy. By all means take a bow.
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Posted by C M Dodson on 21 Jan 2023, 17:01

I think that these guys eyes are some of the best I have seen.

Eyes are notoriously difficult to get right with the normal result being usually comedic.

This is excellence in my opinion.

Best wishes ,

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by Konrad on 21 Jan 2023, 17:10

Great painting.
And great pics.
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Posted by Peter on 21 Jan 2023, 18:16

It just looks ......... perfect! :shock: :thumbup:
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Posted by blacksmith on 21 Jan 2023, 20:02

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Posted by k.b. on 22 Jan 2023, 00:54

I would say your title is a bit misleading Kekso. But first let me explain that 'bragging' isn't considered a nice thing to do by native English people. I'd say it's extremely unrefined, rude, uncouth even .........which is why the word 'braggard' is the word to describe someone who brags or boasts all the time and if someone calls someone a braggard they are certainly not paying him/her a compliment. They are being very critical. At the age of 61 i'd say it is extremely inelegant to brag, and really there's no need for it. Because if you are good at something, everyone knows. You don't need to tell them.

However, the only thing that is inelegant is your title. Your title is poor .... inappropriate in fact. Why ? Because your comments say that you are "Happy with the way your face has turned out." That's not bragging! You simply state that in your opinion it turned out nice. And there is the secret of being elegant my friend .... we really don't need to brag at all. Simply show your (beautiful) work and let the others say wonderful things about it. That way you can be judged by your peers as an artist but you yourself don't need to say so - (even if you think/know you are).

And that is why, in my opinion, in this crazy world we live in, one of the secrets to a long and happy life, is to be able to grow old with grace. Or elegance........ and as such there is no need to brag!

Ah, and I cannot end without saying what a beautifully painted face this is. Absolulutely terrific. Congratulations...
k.b.  Brazil
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Posted by Kekso on 22 Jan 2023, 12:10

Thank you guys.

@ k.b. I suppose "bragging" isn't nice thing in most languages including mine (Croatian) ;-)
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Posted by Susofrick on 24 Jan 2023, 13:57

Ah, more from you! And I just love it! And in cases like this, bragging is definitely okay! Looks great!
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Posted by Bluefalchion on 24 Jan 2023, 14:52

Fantastic faces on those Gaunt's Ghosts!

But now we are going to need a little step-by-step.
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 25 Jan 2023, 20:19

An amazing start, Kekso. If this one is like this, I can get an idea of what the final result will be like. :drool: :drool: :drool:

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