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Knights of the Far East

Posted by MABO on 19 Sep 2023, 09:25

What is in his hands? Looks like something to eat..?
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 19 Sep 2023, 16:53

Great Daimyō figure to command your previous Samurais and Ashigarus, Konrad. Looking only at the ponytail on his head and the moustache and beard on his face, he reminds me a bit of a Cossack leader. :mrgreen:

Nice figure, my friend. :thumbup:

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Posted by Konrad on 19 Sep 2023, 18:29

MABO wrote:What is in his hands? Looks like something to eat..?

:-D No,nothing to eat.
It's a gumbai.
A gumbai (Jap. gumbai uchiwa) is a lacquered wooden
fan in the shape of a small shield used in medieval Japan to visually
communicate orders to soldiers.


Unfortunately, he turns out very thick in this pewter figure.
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Posted by MABO on 19 Sep 2023, 22:13

Okay thanks. It has something comparable to a Döner Sandwich. :xd:
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Posted by Peter on 24 Sep 2023, 18:21

So this is not to hit a fly? :shock:


Nice painted figure my friend! :thumbup:
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Posted by JurgenH on 24 Sep 2023, 20:59

Hello Konrad
Nice to once again marvel at your excellent figures.the warriors look a fach great. I'm curious how the whole project will be. :yeah: :yeah: :yeah:
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Posted by Susofrick on 25 Sep 2023, 09:19

I couldn't see that good what he had in his hands so I thought that it must be a slice of vlaai. Great painted as usual!
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Posted by Peter on 25 Sep 2023, 19:44

Susofrick wrote:I couldn't see that good what he had in his hands so I thought that it must be a slice of vlaai. Great painted as usual!

:lol: :coffee:
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Posted by Konrad on 27 Sep 2023, 19:14

Another update for my samurai project.
STEEL FIST MINIATURES makes really extraordinary samurais.
The flaming arrow as a sashimono, the many different armors.
I have not seen figs like these from any other manufacturer.

Will be continued.....




Here are some examples from the manufacturer's site.
The figures were NOT!!! painted by me.




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Konrad  Germany
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Posted by Minuteman on 27 Sep 2023, 19:31

I agree with you Konrad, these really are extraordinary figures!
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 29 Sep 2023, 19:33

Konrad wrote:Image



Beautiful painted figures, Konrad, and nice to see not only well made figures, but also in relaxed poses, without action, something quite unusual in soldiers/warriors of any era. :thumbup:

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by Peter on 30 Sep 2023, 12:39

You did a great job on your figures my friend! Keep them coming! :thumbup:
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Posted by Konrad on 01 Oct 2023, 20:05

Two more Samurais for my project.
I hope I don't bore anyone with so many Samurais.

Will be continued...



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Konrad  Germany
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Posted by Peter on 01 Oct 2023, 22:04

That was fast! And great ones again! :thumbup:
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Posted by Michael Robert on 02 Oct 2023, 15:38

Hello Konrad,
wonderful to admire your painting creations on these figures. In colours and delicatesse you beat the painted figures on the manufacturers website (but not in photography neatness ;-)
Knights of the Far East suit your colourful paintings very well.
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 03 Oct 2023, 13:22

Another couple of wonderful samurais, Konrad. I like not only their great painting but also, once again, their relaxed, non-action poses. :love:

Konrad wrote:...I hope I don't bore anyone with so many Samurais...

Don't worry about that. I can't get bored enjoying such splendid figures. :mrgreen:

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by Kekso on 03 Oct 2023, 17:41

I love samurais. Strangely, I've never painted many of them.
These are amazing Konrad. Keep them coming, please.
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Posted by Wiking on 04 Oct 2023, 05:47

Shogun on TV in Germany 1982. Days looong gone. But I remember it.

Figures are incredible. As well as painted.
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Posted by Susofrick on 04 Oct 2023, 09:36

Never get bored by your figures! Go on!
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Posted by Kekso on 04 Oct 2023, 16:03

Wiking wrote:Shogun on TV

That was great show... and book. I think that show is available on Youtube.
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