
Funny Figure Finds

Posted by Michael Robert on 17 Feb 2024, 21:16

I post very rarely and I am not happy about that. So, here some findings I purchased recently and which gave me a break from my WSS series I am working on. I found them in a Games shop who clearly wanted to get rid of their remnant stock. Sci-fi figures and Asterix :winky: , yes! They went for 1 € each. Norammly, this is absolutely not my cup of tea, but here I couldn't resist. So I bought these figures which obviously are the least popular.
They have actually very good detail and paint up very nicely.

Here the raw figures



Here the figures with prepared for painting



and here pictures of the finished ones. I tried to stay close to the Uderzo masters









I had lots of fun. I fully identify with Remco. I just doubt that I can obtain the rest of all the missing figures
I will show the painted space monster Alien when I have a good idea for presenting
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Posted by MABO on 17 Feb 2024, 22:23

What a find for one Euro!

I am waiting for the Alien. The other figures are really nice as well. Maybe the Romans are a bit pale, but possibly because of Obelix...
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Posted by steve_pickstock on 18 Feb 2024, 11:37

What a great find.
As you said the shop must be having a clearing out. If I am not mistaken the 'alien' figure is from a very old range called KryoMek. It is now produced by Scotia Grendel. ... _3_113_119

I don't know how long SG have been making them, but I do know that the range of figures have been around for a very long time - at least 40 years. While your figure may not be in the range listed above, the range was much bigger once.
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Posted by Michael Robert on 18 Feb 2024, 20:14

Thank you Steve for your suggestions. Very interesting. I had a look at Scotia Grendel. They are, indeed, very similar, but not the same.
I just checked the maker. It is from a German company , range "Metal Magic" from Hobby Products, and the series is SPACELORDS. There were a lot of spacemarine type of figures - just as cheap but not my thing.
I will add some pictures of the painted Alien. I guess the Alien has sparked many figure makers with similar but not identical figures.
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Michael Robert  France

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Posted by Michael Robert on 18 Feb 2024, 20:20

Hello, as promised above, I send my pictures of the painted Alien. I think I would want to paint some more, but the photography at this stage does more than artistic brushstrokes, and I don't know when I'll have some time to carry on.



Hey, wait. What's this. A new kind of space cowboy savior?


Seemes like an epic fight




Have fun. I certainly did
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Michael Robert  France

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Posted by Ochoin on 19 Feb 2024, 02:08

The monster is spectacular - is it science-fiction in origin? -but the witch on the broom stick wins it for me.

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Posted by MABO on 19 Feb 2024, 08:50

And what a magic trick to let her fly. :mrgreen:
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Posted by sberry on 19 Feb 2024, 14:23

Very nice figures, and very nicely painted!
The Alien is not yet part of the Asterix range, but given the strange ways the stories in the Asterix universe develop in recent issues, I would not be surprised if it appeared there in the future...
Something like Asterix & Obelix versus Alien & Predator - might be some sort of sequel of those old Italian movies of the "Hercules vs. Vampires" type.
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Posted by Rich W on 20 Feb 2024, 00:40

Yeah that alien really does like he/she is due to be in the next Alien vs Predator film as has been said.
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 22 Feb 2024, 20:52

Congratulations on this fantastic find at such an attractive price, Michael. And double congratulations for the magnificent paintjob you have done on those figures. I love them! :love:

Years ago I bought two or three boxes of metal Asterix figures, one of Gauls, one of Romans and the third one I don't remember if it was Egyptians or pirates. I must have them somewhere in the storeroom. I seem to remember that they are about 30mm, right?

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Posted by Peter on 23 Feb 2024, 00:48

Lovely topic! :thumbup:
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Posted by Dad's Army on 20 Apr 2024, 23:13

WOW missed this post, just one euro, you are making me crazy...
I got a few of these Asterix figures as well, and paid a lot more for them.
But since I could't find them anymore I switched to the bigger plastic series.
You are a lucky man, and I am yealous now hahahaha
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