
Perry Miniatures WWII US Infantry

Posted by MABO on 27 Nov 2022, 15:18


After a long time I can finally show something of mine again, because I finally finished the GIs from Perry Miniatures, which I worked on for quite a while.


I have a very extensive collection of the Perry plastic sets, but I haven't painted that much yet. As I am very interested in the North African theatre of war and the Normandy landings in 1944, I was very interested in the US infantrymen.




The set offers many different possibilities to assemble the figures individually. However, I found it very fiddly and I missed more comprehensive instructions. The assembly took a long time, as I spent hours trying to decide which figure, which arms and which hands would fit together. If you look at the figures directly, you can still see some inaccuracies that I didn't know how to solve otherwise.


I tried to use some new techniques in the painting and of course I also liked the fact that they are not the small 1/72 figures I usually have. Therefore I am partly very satisfied with the faces. Of course there are many who can paint the beautifully modelled figures much better and more accurately, but that was all I could do.



I hope you like the figures and maybe next I can show you the DAK troops, which I have almost finished. :oops: ;-)

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Posted by Santi Pérez on 27 Nov 2022, 20:24

Wonderful bunch of painted figures, Jan. :notworthy:

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Posted by Rich W on 28 Nov 2022, 00:33

I think you've done a really god job on these. Big respect for having the patience to put together this amount of figures, I'm not sure I could...
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Posted by Minuteman on 28 Nov 2022, 13:35

Some really well painted US infantry here, well done!
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Posted by Peter on 28 Nov 2022, 19:22

You did a great job on these figures, Jan! Don't be to hard on yourself! I don't see anything wrong! ;-) :thumbup:
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Posted by MABO on 28 Nov 2022, 19:40

Thanks for the nice comments, friends!
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MABO  Europe
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Posted by Michael Robert on 29 Nov 2022, 15:08

Hi Jan,
top painting... but not the right scale :mad:
You can shoot pictures at Omaha beach with these

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Posted by Peter on 29 Nov 2022, 17:32

Michael Robert wrote:You can shoot pictures at Omaha beach with these

He found them there! :mrgreen:
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Peter  Belgium

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Posted by MABO on 29 Nov 2022, 18:28

8) At Utah Beach
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Posted by Peter on 29 Nov 2022, 20:45

MABO wrote: 8) At Utah Beach

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Posted by Londoncopper on 30 Nov 2022, 10:47

These are very nice indeed, l have had a box of these in my stash for a few years now and you just might have shamed me into making a start on them.
I look forward to seeing your DAK, mine were sent to Sri Lanka for painting while l concentrated on their 8th Army opponents.
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Posted by MABO on 30 Nov 2022, 12:28

So I am interested in your 8th Army boys as well, Phil! And I can't make you ashamed, keeping in mind that I have the Brits, the DAK and several small additional metal sets in my basement... :oops:
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MABO  Europe
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Posted by C M Dodson on 30 Nov 2022, 12:59

Very nice indeed.

Best wishes,

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Posted by Londoncopper on 01 Dec 2022, 19:02

I will put up some photos of the Desert Rats once the mess from a recent house move is cleared!
My wife has made me promise to resist any more purchases until l have cleared some of the Stash of Shame
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Posted by Peter on 01 Dec 2022, 20:55

Londoncopper wrote:These are very nice indeed, l have had a box of these in my stash for a few years now and you just might have shamed me into making a start on them.

Oh, you have been on Utah beach too? :eh: :eh: :joker: :-D
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Posted by Bessiere on 01 Dec 2022, 21:01

For US infantry these guys look great Mabo. I have to stick with Napoleonics as olive drab and khaki would drive me nuts. I initially thought about making ACW armies to game with but endless blue and gray pushed me towards a slightly earlier period. You certainly made these Yanks a great looking unit though.
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Posted by Kekso on 02 Dec 2022, 19:30

Lovely work, Jan.
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Posted by zirrian on 02 Dec 2022, 22:49

Nice work! I have a box of them coming, hope I will eventually paint them up too :)
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Posted by MABO on 03 Dec 2022, 09:05

Thanks for you comments, David, Dalibor and Tamás!
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MABO  Europe
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Posted by Bluefalchion on 03 Dec 2022, 21:06

From what I can see it looks like you have done a great job with these. Your color choices are spot on for WWII US army.
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