
Epic Scale Napoleonic British Infantry

Posted by Rich W on 06 Aug 2022, 18:37

I decided to go very off topic from my WSS mission and try something a little different. I ended up with a sprue of the Warlord Games British Infantry and thought 'why not'...I'm surprised by how much I enjoyed painting these figures, I thought they would be too small and it's not an era/uniforms I've tried before. The detail on these figures is really good and if I were to try wargaming, I think this would be the perfect way of doing it. Any feedback on how I could improve these next time is very welcome!





Rich W  United Kingdom
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Posted by Peter on 06 Aug 2022, 19:04

Looks real good Rich! :thumbup:

Now and then you have to leave your comfort zone and do something different! That's good! ;-) :thumbup:
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Posted by Kekso on 06 Aug 2022, 19:57

For that scale it is very neatly and precisely painted.
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Posted by Konrad on 06 Aug 2022, 20:49

Very clean and very precise work.
Very well done.
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Posted by MABO on 06 Aug 2022, 22:10

I second that. I like the faces and the shading in general.
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Posted by Bill Slavin on 07 Aug 2022, 13:38

Thanks for sharing those, Rich. I agree with the others, you have done a fantastic job. I was curious about the scale (the Internet tells me 13.5, a unique scale by Warlord) which makes for an interesting gaming scale. I have often thought that if I was starting fresh a smaller scale would be the way to go, but I would be reluctant to buy into a scale that is only handled by one manufacturer. Plus, my eyes couldn't handle it! 8)
Tips for improving them? I don't think so!! :yeah: :yeah:
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Posted by Minuteman on 07 Aug 2022, 23:57

You have managed to do a great paint job on these diminutive figures, well done!

I have to say that I have a degree of admiration for Warlord Games in launching this Epic range, which is rapidly expanding. It does provide everything you need, often in one big box, to create a large tabletop army. Were I starting all over again, I'd look seriously at buying into this range,

However, I have far too many 1/72 Napoleonics already....starting the same armies all over again but in a different scale is one step too far.
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Posted by PaulRPetri on 08 Aug 2022, 01:14

Great work Rich!! I painted a fair number of the Warlord ACW Epic scale stuff. Once you figure out how to paint the strip of 10 figures it goes very quickly I found.
PaulRPetri  United States of America
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 10 Aug 2022, 12:55

The figures are high quality, but your paintjob on them is superb, Rich. :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Great work! :thumbup:

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