Miniatures News

[Minairons] SCW Legionaries preview

Posted by Lluis of Minairons on 04 Nov 2023, 22:54

Minairons miniatures' Spanish Civil War 20mm figure range has been finally resumed!


The first set we're approaching consists of 15 Foreign Legion figures in box; a first half of which are in an advanced sculpting stage already, as it can be seen by the picture above. This first handful of figures depicts two NCOs sporting SMGs and five riflemen in various fighting poses.

For this range to relaunch it has been required to find a capable and willing artist - the same one who already created our WSS range - replacing our previous sculptor, Xan Bautista. Due to this, some minor style differences can be expected, although we're committed to keep the highest internal consistence possible.

As a proof of this, here below you can see the upcoming sculpts compared to a couple of already existing Moroccan Regulars:


Hope you like the new sculpts!

Lluís Vilalta
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Lluis of Minairons  Europe
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Posted by guilhem on 05 Nov 2023, 00:49

I will buy them ! when do you think they will be avaible?
guilhem  France
Posts: 519
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25 Aug 2010, 17:49

Posted by Lluis of Minairons on 05 Nov 2023, 22:10

Hi Guilhem,

Hard to say still, but I expect to have the whole set ready by next Spring.
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Lluis of Minairons  Europe
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18 Sep 2013, 11:09

Posted by Ochoin on 06 Nov 2023, 11:34

Like them? I love them. As usual, very nice work.

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Ochoin  Scotland
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Posted by despertaferro on 11 Nov 2023, 14:24

Can't wait...!!!

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Posted by Lluis of Minairons on 25 Feb 2024, 22:02

A few months ago I shared with you our first steps on a projected new 20mm figure set for Spanish Civil War - the Spanish Foreign Legion, a first batch of which was already shown in this very same thread. Their sculpting is complete now with a second batch making up for a full 15-figure set in total. Here you have a preview on such new greens:


While the first batch consisted entirely of fusiliers and a couple of NCOs, this second batch comprises two MG-13 Dreyse LMGs along with their crews and a few fusiliers else, a couple of which are prone.

Worth to be pointed out that, after some thought, in the end we decided to spare the tripod mounted MMG and gunner for a later set; thus replacing these with another kneeling figure firing a bipod mounted LMG instead - as you can see below.


This new 15-figure set is scheduled for release at some point between mid April and early May. However, I'm pondering whether to put them on sale before, in a pre-order regime with a bonus discount reward for early supporters - so helping me finance skyrocketing production costs.

If so, would you support such pre-sale?

Lluís Vilalta
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Lluis of Minairons  Europe
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Posted by despertaferro on 26 Feb 2024, 23:26

I'm interested on these figures, pre-sale or not, I want a couple of sets.
What about command set?
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