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Crynsminiaturen News

Posted by Cryns on 11 Mar 2021, 18:34

During the year 2021 Crynsminiaturen aims at releasing a 1:72 resin cast scale model of an Archaic Greek Holkas (=hulk). Its a merchantship from around the year 520 BC as it is depicted on a Kylix displayed in the British Museum.


Archeologists found this kylix (bowl) in an Etruscan grave during the 19th century but it was probably imported from Greece during the late 6th c. BC and produced in Attica around Athens.

Many different interpretations have been made to reconstruct this drawing already, mostly drawings and computer generated images. But there exists not a single model kit in any scale as far as I know. I guess that must be because the ship's depicted elements between hull and sail are multi interpretable.















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Posted by Bluefalchion on 11 Mar 2021, 18:40

Is your vision of this craft operable by a lone captain, or do you contemplate a larger crew, say 3 or 4?
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Bluefalchion  United States of America
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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 11 Mar 2021, 18:59

Once again a very impressive project from you! :thumbup:
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Posted by Kostis Ornerakis on 11 Mar 2021, 19:00

Hello dear Cryns,
You are an artist! I admire your passion and creativity!
Your friend
Kostis :-D
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Kostis Ornerakis  Greece

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Posted by Cryns on 11 Mar 2021, 19:05

Hello Bluefalchion yes you are right, that captain looks pretty lonely. I think the original painting is so small, there was no room to add more crew. But you are absolutely right. 3 or 4 men will do.

The Kyrenia Ship Wreck of a 300 years younger merchant ship was found with 4 spoons and 4 dinner cups, suggesting it had a crew of 4. This Holkas has probably a similar size and the same ways of operating the sail or to row it in case of emergency. 3 to 5 men should be realistic.
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Cryns  Netherlands

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Posted by Cryns on 11 Mar 2021, 19:07

Thank you very much dear Erich and Kostis.
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Cryns  Netherlands

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Posted by sansovino on 11 Mar 2021, 19:20

.. again a wonderful ship and masterwork with so many fine details.

I am always impressed about your research, skills with different materials and enormous time-shedule - and the absolutly incredible patience of your wife.
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Posted by Pocho Azul on 11 Mar 2021, 19:23

Lovely work!
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Pocho Azul  United States of America
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Posted by C M Dodson on 11 Mar 2021, 20:02

Dear Mr C.

It appears that you are plucking these vessels out of antiquity and placing them here for our delectation and delight!

The work, patience, research and quest for perfection is obvious in every detail.

Congratulations as always.

Best wishes,

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by Cryns on 13 Mar 2021, 11:03

Dear Sansovino, Pocho and Chris,

Thank you very much for your delightful reactions!
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Cryns  Netherlands

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Posted by Cryns on 06 Jul 2021, 16:56

The Holkas 520 BC Archaic Greek Cargo Ship model is for sale now.
A scale 1:72 waterline shipmodelkit cast in resin. Product code CM-109
Including amphora load, elephant tusks and goatskinbag cargo.
Including two stone anchors, four oars, two rudders and a boarding ladder.
The ship is available with a full sail (at sea) or with a reefed sail (in harbour).

more info at:








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Cryns  Netherlands

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Posted by Bluefalchion on 06 Jul 2021, 19:12

Wonderful! Do you make new models as they are ordered, or do you try to anticipate your numbers and make a big batch?
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Bluefalchion  United States of America
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Posted by Egbert on 07 Jul 2021, 06:41

Dear Cryns,
...even if I might repeat myself.
Your models are simply unbeatable!
Model making in its highest top quality.
Such a lot of of fine details...wonderful!
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
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Posted by Susofrick on 07 Jul 2021, 09:32

I probably also repeat myself, but it doens't matter (I hope :-D )! It has been great fun and totally interesting to follow your journey here and see all your wonderful stuff! For little humble me this is museum-class! Really like this and especially that your models are small history lessons in them selves!
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Posted by Michael Robert on 07 Jul 2021, 19:26

Hi M Cryns,
it is wonderful to see your models again. It is getting better and better. Your Greek ship is still on my wish list.
Hopefully, I will admire your collection again at a FIGZ!

Many greetings
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Posted by Cryns on 08 Jul 2021, 18:38

Dear Bluefalchion, Egbert, Susofrick and Michel Robert, thanks for your nice replies. You are so kind! :-D

Bluefalchion wrote:Do you make new models as they are ordered, or do you try to anticipate your numbers and make a big batch?

In the past I only cast new copies after someone ordered them. But that was also because of the clumsy moulds I made at our dining table. Making copies was not much fun, especially not for miss Cryns.

Since I learned to make more effective moulds and I opened a Crynsminiaturenstudio at walking distance from our home, its a pleasure to cast and so I make a batch of copies before the advertising&selling starts.
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Cryns  Netherlands

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Posted by Kostis Ornerakis on 08 Jul 2021, 19:58

Cryns wrote:....Since I learned to make more effective moulds and I opened a Crynsminiaturenstudio at walking distance from our home, its a pleasure to cast and so I make a batch of copies before the advertising&selling starts.

I'm very happy to hear that!! :notworthy: :notworthy: :-D
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Kostis Ornerakis  Greece

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Posted by Cryns on 26 Jan 2022, 12:49

Dear Forum Members,

During 2022 Crynsminiaturen will release 4 new pewter cast figurine sets of 14 poses each:

CM-005: Ancient Greek Workers Pulling Backwards
CM-006: Ancient Greek Workers Pulling Forwards
CM-007: Ancient Greek Sailors Set 3
CM-008: Ancient Greek Workers with Amfora

Some previews of set CM-005:

Sculpting the dummies:



Dressing the pewter cast dummies:

Painting the pewter cast figurines:

Composing the product shot:

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Cryns  Netherlands

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Posted by huib on 26 Jan 2022, 13:18

Wow! Great figures, Mr. Cryns!
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huib  Netherlands
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Posted by Ben90 on 26 Jan 2022, 15:43

Brilliant sculpts and paintjob! Just wonderful!
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Ben90  Germany
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