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Linear-A news & releases 2020 - 2024

Posted by Howlin on 18 Jan 2022, 03:31

Long awaited view of one of the scorpios. Looks real nice. Hope they have a crew.

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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 18 Jan 2022, 21:03

031 - Peloponnesian War, Army of Athens Set 1 Sicilian Expedition 415 - 413 BC
2 further figures from this upcoming set revealed . :thumbup:

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Erich von Manstein  Aruba
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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 25 Jan 2022, 23:07

Some more new figures for the previously mentioned set again.
031 - Peloponnesian War, Army of Athens Set 1 Sicilian Expedition 415 - 413 BC

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Erich von Manstein  Aruba
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Posted by Rich W on 26 Jan 2022, 00:30

I know nothing about this period and whether they are accurate or not, but they do look great.
Rich W  United Kingdom
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Posted by Flambeau on 26 Jan 2022, 11:07

And here I thought i wouldn't buy another set of ancient greeks, now I'm no longer so sure ...
Flambeau  Germany
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Posted by KenzoSato on 26 Jan 2022, 21:58

:shock: :-D
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Posted by zirrian on 01 Feb 2022, 20:12

From VK:

"2. From the conversations at the Linear-A forum, the company further plans emerge: the theme of the oldest Middle East (Accadians, Elamites, Hittites), Ancient Rome (Romans army to the First Punical War, Romans and Carthaginians who die in the battle of the sea. In contrast to all these antiquities, the German army of the Great War period is declared."

Can someone who is on their forum confirm the last part about the WW1 Germans? Apparently I am a caveman and don't find how to register...
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Posted by MABO on 01 Feb 2022, 21:58

zirrian wrote:From VK:

"2. From the conversations at the Linear-A forum, the company further plans emerge: the theme of the oldest Middle East (Accadians, Elamites, Hittites), Ancient Rome (Romans army to the First Punical War, Romans and Carthaginians who die in the battle of the sea. In contrast to all these antiquities, the German army of the Great War period is declared."

Can someone who is on their forum confirm the last part about the WW1 Germans? Apparently I am a caveman and don't find how to register...

I can confirm! And they plan to do a lot of "special topics" what ever that means... 8)
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 03 Feb 2022, 20:48

Erich von Manstein wrote:Image

I like this man. Even though he looks injured or dead, I think he could easily be converted into a live one in many different and varied positions, as long as the sculpting detail is just as good on the back as it's on the front. :thumbup:

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by zirrian on 05 Feb 2022, 14:05

Santi Pérez wrote:I like this man. Even though he looks injured or dead, I think he could easily be converted into a live one in many different and varied positions, as long as the sculpting detail is just as good on the back as it's on the front. :thumbup:


"Cato, give me a high V!"

And I'm happy about the WW1 news!
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zirrian  Hungary
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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 07 Feb 2022, 21:41

Two further figures for a pre-Republican Romans set. :thumbup:

038 - Rome's early period 6th century BC Roman Army under King Servius Tullius


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Erich von Manstein  Aruba
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Posted by CliosPaintingBench on 08 Feb 2022, 01:24

Linear- A post their masters on the forum now, but I think I'm bad at navigating their website so it's tricky for me to find.

I like everything I see, I'm definitely picking up the Athenians, but I do think they're not dated correctly, aren't they more suited to the time of the Three Hundred? I thought hoplite armour had lessened and lightened by the time of Cunaxa.

Looking forward to seeing their new Indus society masters so I can continue my own Mauryan Empire army.
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CliosPaintingBench  Australia
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Posted by Paboook on 16 Feb 2022, 21:36

The rumors about Hittites are exciting! Those two sets by Caesar Miniatures are lovely but not covering the whole army well. Also extremely difficult to find these days :(
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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 20 Feb 2022, 01:36

First new masters for two early Byzantine sets were revealed yesterday. :thumbup:

039 - Roman Infantry Set 1 Eastern Roman Empire 6th century AD


040 - Imperial Guardsmen of Imperator Justinian I. Eastern Roman Empire 6th century AD

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Erich von Manstein  Aruba
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Posted by MABO on 20 Feb 2022, 06:42

Amazing, I am really waiting for them!
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MABO  Europe
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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 21 Feb 2022, 03:13

Another teaser regarding the announced Byzantines. :thumbup:

039 - Roman Infantry Set 1 Eastern Roman Empire 6th century AD

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Erich von Manstein  Aruba
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Posted by Paboook on 25 Feb 2022, 09:20

Those Varus Disaster Romans would be great also as casualty markers for wargamers! I wish there were such set for napoleonics and other eras as well.
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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 26 Feb 2022, 21:20

2 further master figures revealed today. :thumbup:
039 - Roman Infantry Set 1 Eastern Roman Empire 6th century AD


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Erich von Manstein  Aruba
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Posted by Chariobaude on 27 Feb 2022, 10:08

OH MY GOD !!! It's gonna be one of the best set ever on romans ! I'm amazed by the quality and the historical accuracy... The only problem i see : the shields are almost unusable with this kind of bar in the middle, which I don't know what it represents... I would have preferred that they engraved the patterns, perfectly documented historically! :(
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Chariobaude  France
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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 12 Mar 2022, 17:45

050 Hellenistic Diadochi / Epigonoi - Ptolemaic Infantry Phalanx Set 2


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Erich von Manstein  Aruba
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