Miniatures News

Strelets news 2020 - 2024

Posted by Erich von Manstein on 02 Jan 2020, 13:16

Contrary to most expectations Strelets undeniably became the main driving force in the 1/72 plastic figure market during the last years.
They dominate not only by sheer quantity (32 new sets in 2019!), but also achieve better & better results in every respect.
For an uncluttered overview & to relieve the news-section here at Bennos, we could try to summarise the respective details in a single thread again.

Afaik, the following sets are in the pipeline (with varying priority levels though):
129 - Napoleon's General Staff Set #3
143 - Nap. Polish Artillery
155 - Nap. French Line Infantry standing at ease
160 - ACW Union Infantry in defence
193 - Nap. Austrian Infantry in greatcoats on the march
194 - Nap. Austrian Grenadiers in greatcoats standing at ease
195 - Nap. Austrian Infantry in greatcoats standing at ease
196 - Nap. French Infantry in summer dress on the march
197 - Nap. French Infantry in summer dress standing at ease
198 - Nap. French Infantry in summer dress at attention
203 - Nap. Austrian Grenadiers standing order arms
204 - Nap. Austrian Grenadiers standing shoulder arms
211 - Nap. Prussian Line Infantry standing order arms
214 - Nap. Russian Infantry in greatcoats on the march
221 - Nap. French Infantry in summer dress standing shoulder arms
222 - Nap. French Infantry in summer dress standing order arms
223 - ACW Confederates firing
227 - Nap. Bavarian Infantry in attack
228 - Nap. Prussian Uhlans
229 - Nap. Prussian Dragoons
236 - WSS French Fusiliers (early war)
245 - WWII Finnish Anti-Tank Squad in summer dress
246 - WWII Finnish Anti-Tank Squad in winter dress
247 - WWII US Anti-Tank Squad
248 - Nap. Prussian Hussars
270 - Nap. Bavarian Infantry at ease
??? - Nap. Russian Infantry standing shoulder arms
??? - Nap. Russian Infantry standing order arms
??? - Nap. Russian Infantry in greatcoats standing order arms
??? - Nap. Russian Infantry in greatcoats standing shoulder arms
??? - ACW Pickett's Retreat
(formerly set 222) ???

M091 - Caesar Army in battle Set #2
M106 - US Rangers 1812
M115 - Nap. French Sappers
M116 - WWII Japanese Infantry in winter dress
M135 - WWI British Infantry at Gallipoli
M136 - WWI Turkish Infantry at Gallipoli
M137 - WWI Turkish Assault Troops
M139 - Highlanders in attack 1899-1902
M??? - WWI/WWII French 65mm Canon de montagne mle.1906 with FFL crew

(possible further crews could be WWI French, WWII Chasseurs Alpins, WWII & Interwar Greeks or WWII Polish Podhale Rifles)

A017 - WWI/WWII French Mortier de 220mm TR mle.1915/16 Schneider howitzer
A??? - WWI French Canon de 155mm C mle.1915 St Chamond howitzer
(possibly with serbian crew?)
A??? - WWI Austro-Hungarian 30,5cm Mörser M.11/M.16
A??? - WWI Austro-Hungarian 42cm Autohaubitze M.16

Although apparently heavy on napoleonic subjects, there‘s little doubt that Strelets will also expand other ranges in course of the presumed 2020 release batches.

Some previews & masters:
203 - Nap. Austrian Grenadiers standing order arms
204 - Nap. Austrian Grenadiers standing shoulder arms


211 - Nap. Prussian Line Infantry standing order arms

227 - Nap. Bavarian Infantry in attack

228 - Nap. Prussian Uhlans

229 - Nap. Prussian Dragoons

270 - Nap. Bavarian Infantry at ease

M139 - Highlanders in attack 1899-1902

Nap. Russian Infantry standing shoulder arms

Nap. Russian Infantry standing order arms

Nap. Russian Infantry in greatcoats standing order arms

Nap. Russian Infantry in greatcoats standing shoulder arms

French 65mm Canon de montagne mle.1906 with FFL crew

WWI Austrian artillery crews

European Civilians for an yet unidentified period?

Pretty sure that this could evolve into a very lively & highly inspiring topic during the coming 12 months.
Wishing us all an exciting 2020 and let's hope that there will be satisfying novelties and delightful figures to everyones taste! ;-) :thumbup:
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Erich von Manstein  Aruba
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Posted by marc zijp on 02 Jan 2020, 13:48

I remember pretty well that French Napoleonic infantry advancing was also announced.
Don’t see it on PSR or Strelets site anymore, but I did made a screenshot of a list were it was mentioned. About one year ago but the screenshot is gone now.
Thank for starting this (probably much visited) topic!
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Posted by steve_pickstock on 02 Jan 2020, 19:29

Received the British Infantry in Attack and the Boers today. Two very different sets, and differing qualities. The Boers lack the emphasis that the WSS figures have but who doesn't love soldiers fighting in a top hat and a Edward jacket?
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Posted by Rich W on 02 Jan 2020, 23:57

I'm looking forward to getting the other WSS sets. I have the 'In Advance' set and really think it is bloomin' good. Just need to get around to actually painting them one day...
Rich W  United Kingdom
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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 03 Jan 2020, 19:38

Further previews:
197 - Nap. French Infantry in summer dress standing at ease

221 - Nap. French Infantry in summer dress standing shoulder arms

222 - Nap. French Infantry in summer dress standing order arms

227 - Nap. Bavarian Infantry in attack

... and the latest Friday dose...
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Erich von Manstein  Aruba
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Posted by Paul on 05 Jan 2020, 18:05

Erich von Manstein wrote:European Civilians for an yet unidentified period?

The clogs may be used all over europe. The Volendam Looking headdress, or at least the black liner, as it seems to be on the sculpt of the female, The Netherlands? 1800´s?
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Posted by marc zijp on 05 Jan 2020, 19:44

Traditional dress differed a lot in the Netherlands. Every town and village had it’s own. Volendam was just a small fishing village that became famous because it’s close to the place where all the tourists come, namely Amsterdam (and for the palingpop music, but that’s another story). Volendam and most other Zuiderzee villages were never in the frontline of any military conflict, surely not in the napoleonic wars.
And this costume doesn’t make me think that it’s from Volendam either.
Anyway no reason to make Volendammer citizens in 1/72
That said: to me it can be French, Belgium, even Breton? Norman? Don’t know actually.
marc zijp  
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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 10 Jan 2020, 13:12

Further troops-greeting & -supporting nap. period Civilians. A long requested & excellent development. :yeah:



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Erich von Manstein  Aruba
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Posted by marc zijp on 10 Jan 2020, 13:21

Bit this and that by Strelets.
These civilians: perhaps for ACW? A combined set with some older sets with extras?
And Prussian hussars? I think I spot a carbine.
Until now the Prussian cavalry don’t seem to get much action poses (which is good enough for my plans).

Meanwhile Erich posted the pictures already so no link by me! ;-)
marc zijp  
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Posted by Paul on 10 Jan 2020, 17:52

More civilians ! :-D Even if they come with the mounted bods I´ll get the set, they´ll fit right into my Imagi-Nation plans...and there´s conversion possibilites for the riders as well. :mrgreen:
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Paul  China
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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 17 Jan 2020, 01:02

Further Civilians and Brunswickers. :yeah:


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Erich von Manstein  Aruba
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Posted by marc zijp on 17 Jan 2020, 20:02

Don’t think they are Brunswickers, since they got no plume. More likely they are Prussian 5th régiment Totenkopf Hussars, who weren’t actually present at Waterloo!
Have checked it at and indeed they aren’t mentioned nor have any uniforms plates.
Still an interesting set and of course there’s way more than waterloo alone.
marc zijp  
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Posted by Marvin on 18 Jan 2020, 00:12

Rich W wrote:I'm looking forward to getting the other WSS sets. I have the 'In Advance' set and really think it is bloomin' good. Just need to get around to actually painting them one day...

Just got the new "Firing Line" set - really nicely sculpted. :-D
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Marvin  United Kingdom
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Posted by Rich W on 19 Jan 2020, 09:55

Firing line and In Attack just arrived with me. Really good sets. Very nice poses and some excellent sculpting. The command figures had a bit of flash, but the rest of the figures are perfect. I would highly recommend these sets.
Rich W  United Kingdom
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Posted by Kekso on 19 Jan 2020, 10:51

Not sure why but I'm more excited about civilians than soldiers. Is something wrong with me?
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Posted by marc zijp on 19 Jan 2020, 11:40

Perhaps because this is the first non-military Napoleonic set by Strelets since they made the French Army Camp? A set from 2001 btw. It still has its charme, but Strelets has improved.

A good thing to realise: it’s about twenty years ago when the Golden 1/72 Plastic Age started!
Just imagine this: Before 2000 the annual production of 1/72 plastic soldiers was never more than 17 sets a year. In 2000 23 sets, in 2001 27 and after that never less than 41, with about 55 as a stable average now. And at the moment Strelets is the main reason we still have that golde age.
So in fact we have an anniversary this year. :occasion:
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Posted by Brok_Santatusca on 19 Jan 2020, 15:59

haha true!
Do you count the Dark Alliance Fantasy Sets? As far as i know, they also release quite a lot 8)
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Brok_Santatusca  Europe
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Posted by marc zijp on 19 Jan 2020, 17:10

And I don not even count the fantasy sets!
(for I don’t do fantasy... :neutral: and they are not counted in the annual production list by PSR either..)
Still: you are right! It’s one hobby and one scale after all. :thumbup:
marc zijp  
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Posted by Bluefalchion on 19 Jan 2020, 20:17

And they will keep making sets if the public continue to buy them. Get your wallets out lads!
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Bluefalchion  United States of America
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Posted by Bessiere on 20 Jan 2020, 22:09

Just got my order of the new Strelets Marching Austrians (R209) as well as marching Russians (R212) and Russians standing order arms (R217). The Austrians are fair but all have a heavy mold line that in some figures runs right down the their face - not good. The big advantage is ease of painting since they're all in overcoats. R212 are great figures with very little flash. Big drawback is there is no detail on the rifles. No barrel/stock separation and no barrel bands. ???? Why Strelets?? At least they're the right shape and size. The Russians standing order arms (R217) have slightly better rifles giving at least an indication of barrel bands. The figures themselves are pretty nice and I am pleased with the sculpting. A couple of figure were badly bent by being shoved in the box and now make excellent ski jumpers. If you have need of ski jumpers with standing order arms you're all set.
Bessiere  United States of America
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