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Strelets news 2020 - 2024

Posted by Erich von Manstein on 18 Mar 2023, 21:38

Today new figures have been revealed for what appears to be a forthcoming set of Jacobite artillery.





Strelets are trying to keep on delivering, despite the devastating circumstances. :thumbup:
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Erich von Manstein  Aruba
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Posted by Rich W on 19 Mar 2023, 09:40

Some more interesting poses there. Nice to see continued updates from Strelets.
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Posted by Minuteman on 19 Mar 2023, 22:57

Thanks for the update. It is indeed encouraging to see Strelets 'soldier on' in the face of such adversity. True courage and dedication.

This set of Jacobite artillery is certainly a first for the hobby, and an interesting if rather 'niche'; subject. A quick look at Wikipedia provides a useful summary of the Jacobite artillery during the 1745 campaign, as follows:

'As with the cavalry, the Jacobite artillery was small and under-resourced, but was better organised than traditionally depicted. For most of the campaign it was led by a French regular, Captain James Grant of the Regiment Lally. Grant arrived in October 1745 along with 12 French gunners, who were intended to train new recruits. At Edinburgh, he organised two companies of Perth's regiment as gunners, and later drafted a group from the Manchester Regiment as a pioneer company.

The army was always short of heavy weapons, but during the invasion of England an artillery train was formed using six elderly guns captured from Cope at Prestonpans, six modern four-pounders captured at Fontenoy and shipped to Scotland by the French, and an obsolete 16th century brass cannon from Blair Atholl.[93] Several of these guns and one company were left at Carlisle under Captain John Burnet of Campfield, a former British artillery regular.[94]

Several larger siege guns were landed at Montrose in November, along with a number of three-pounders taken at Fontenoy. At Stirling, Grant was absent due to a wound received at Fort William: the siege artillery was placed under the command of a Franco-Scottish engineer Loüis-Antoine-Alexandre-François de Gordon, usually known by the possible nom-de-guerre of the 'Marquis de Mirabelle'.[95] The abilities of "Mr. Admirable", as he was derisively called by the Scots, were not well-regarded and the artillery's placement and performance at Stirling were so poor it was suspected he had been bribed.[96] Most of the siege artillery was abandoned when the Jacobites retreated.

At Fort Augustus in March the artillery had some success; a French engineer mortared the fort's magazine, forcing its surrender. Grant was still absent at Culloden, however, where the Jacobite field artillery was commanded by John Finlayson. It was quickly overwhelmed, despite the efforts of a French regular, Capt. du Saussay, to bring up a further gun towards the close of the battle.'

Clearly, the French input was absolutely central to allowing the Jacobite army to have any artillery at all.
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Minuteman  United Kingdom
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Posted by MABO on 19 Mar 2023, 23:17

Thanks Mark, for all these infos. Even if it was small, I like the option to build it.
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 20 Mar 2023, 14:41

Erich von Manstein wrote:

With a few minor retouches, I think this figure could pass for a very acceptable Christopher Columbus. :mrgreen:

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by Minuteman on 20 Mar 2023, 20:08

Santi Pérez wrote:With a few minor retouches, I think this figure could pass for a very acceptable Christopher Columbus. :mrgreen:


Yes, I think you are right Santi ! What an interesting idea.
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Minuteman  United Kingdom
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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 22 Mar 2023, 11:43

Some (european) distributors report the aforementioned new set 289 - Nap. Russian Jägers in winter dress to be available now. :thumbup:
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Erich von Manstein  Aruba
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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 24 Mar 2023, 15:42

In addition, it seems that Set # 283 - 1745 Jacobites' Artillery (shown above a few days ago) is also going to be released now. :thumbup:
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Erich von Manstein  Aruba
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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 03 Apr 2023, 21:47

Another new set 284 - 1745 British Artillery (Jacobite Rebellion) , which was already hinted at last week, has now been fully and formally revealed. :thumbup:
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Erich von Manstein  Aruba
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Posted by Rich W on 04 Apr 2023, 23:19

Thanks Erich. These two sets have suddenly developed fast. Hopefully one day they'll do a better set of Jacobite infantry, and then I'll be even more enthused by this range.
Rich W  United Kingdom
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Posted by Minuteman on 05 Apr 2023, 16:42

Rich W wrote:Thanks Erich. These two sets have suddenly developed fast. Hopefully one day they'll do a better set of Jacobite infantry, and then I'll be even more enthused by this range.

I agree absolutely. If Strelets or Redbox are able - despite current adverse conditions - to come up with a couple of new sets of Jacobite infantry to replace the elderly Strelets sets, this would be a huge boost for this period.
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Minuteman  United Kingdom
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Posted by PaulRPetri on 09 Apr 2023, 16:47

I saw this on The Miniatures Page yesterday. Very sad.

Yesterday on their forum, the Strelets folks announced the tragic death in the Ukraine war of their main and sole figure designer – Anton Derbilov – of the latest new and very fine releases in their 1/72 scale plastic War of Spanish Succession series of figure sets.
He was serving in the Ukrainian Army and was apparently killed in combat Thursday or yesterday by mortar fire.
A very talented artist, designer, sculptor and musician. Now gone.
Toby Barrett
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Posted by MABO on 09 Apr 2023, 18:13

That is really tragic. Let us hope that this struggle will end soon!
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MABO  Europe
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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 15 Apr 2023, 09:52

Set #284 - 1745 British Artillery (Jacobite Rebellion) completely unveiled now. :thumbup:

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Erich von Manstein  Aruba
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Posted by Minuteman on 16 Apr 2023, 16:20

This looks like a useful set of artillerymen for many mid 18th century periods, not only he 1745 Jacobite rebellion. Thanks, Erich, for sharing this information, and a big "Well Done !" to Strelets for a continuing stream of new sets in the most difficult of current circumstances.

There are quite a lot of slung muskets here, which is OK for crews manning 3 pounder battalion guns, less appropriate for field artillery. But a bit of trimming will allow this set to serve as gunners of larger field pieces (6 pounders and larger). I am guessing that the guns that will come with this set are the smaller models that were released with the two WSS artillery sets, so larger guns for field artillery may have to be sourced from (for instance) the Zvezda Swedish GNW set?
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Minuteman  United Kingdom
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Posted by Rich W on 16 Apr 2023, 23:09

Strelets continue to defy the logistical odds with these releases.

I agree Mark, those muskets need to disappear...but some nice poses here and much better than the WSS British artillery set.
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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 22 Apr 2023, 17:54

Another upcoming set it seems, could this be Nap. Bavarian Infantry Firing Line to complement this range? :thumbup:

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Erich von Manstein  Aruba
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Posted by raph86 on 22 Apr 2023, 19:16

Good evening, it seems that you forgot these pictures published in early April by strelets.
Thanks for keeping this post alive and thanks to strelets who despite the circumstances we all know, continues to produce sets.

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raph86  France
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Posted by Bessiere on 23 Apr 2023, 04:29

raph86 wrote:Good evening, it seems that you forgot these pictures published in early April by strelets.
Thanks for keeping this post alive and thanks to strelets who despite the circumstances we all know, continues to produce sets.


Impressive how many sets they are producing. The range of Bavarians is getting out of hand. I could have used that set making my only diorama. I wasn;t planning on painting more but it's going to hard to resist now darnit! Sorry Strelets but I have to say it; some of these poses come across like bad interpretations of ancient Greek sculptures. Kinda cheesy? (I'd still paint them)
Bessiere  United States of America
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Posted by Minuteman on 23 Apr 2023, 09:11

The firing poses are great, although I am with Bessiere in wondering about the 'dying command group' poses.

I do wonder why it is that Strelets (sometimes) persist in having the command sprue as casualties and the rest of the set - the rank and file - as fighting-fit. Wargamers in particular need enough command figures (un-wounded) to create units; so although casualty figures are useful, some thought needs to be given to how buyers of sets will use the figures.

But for all that, great to see Strelets continuing to offer a flow of new sets in these difficult times.
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Minuteman  United Kingdom
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