
Kostis Ornerakis is no longer with us

Posted by k.b. on 25 Jul 2022, 18:46

I read with a heavy heart the tragic news of the loss of our friend Kostis. I say friend although we never spoke, or even exchanged words, but i am sure i can speak for many in saying, despite the occasional difference in opinion, we are all friends here on Bennos.

Kostis, my friend, thank you for the beautiful work I have long been an admirer of. In particular of your storytelling from conception to finished art as well as your artistic skills and stunning technique. The sublime streets of Venice was a fitting final competition winner from you.

My condolences reach out to your family and loved ones and thank you Nikos for letting us know that we have lost a special member of our family here on the forum. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Rest in peace dear Kostis.
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Posted by Cryns on 26 Jul 2022, 12:09

Dear NIkos, thank you for bringing this sad news to us.

My thoughts and condoleances go to Kostis' family in the first place whom I will send a paper letter.

For several days I am mourning. For me Kostis was the most warmhearted person I met here at Benno's Forum and he was an inspirational figure for me in several ways.

Image of Kostis opening a can of silicone rubber to show me how to make a single piece mold for casting a scale 1:72 figurine:

After he invited us, back in 2018, my wife and I bought a planeticket to Crete / Kreta to visit Kostis, his wife, son and daughter in his hometown Chania.
Kostis turned out to be as hospitable as I already expected. He was a real familyman, a retired maths teacher, he had a special interest in Cretan history, had been active for the local Maritime Museum for many years, he loved sports and the gym and of course he was a talented and very precise modeller. He developed his own personal style in modelling. We could always recognize his paintingstyle at once, which is very unique I think.

Kostis drove us around in his car all over the island to show his favorite valleys, beaches and restaurants to us were he ordered authentic and local dishes. He showed us a beach where part of the movie Zorba the Greek (Michael Cacoyannis, 1964, starring Alan Bates and Antony Quinn) was shot.
But already then, back in 2018, Kostis was struggling with his health. Being the sportive, active familyman he always had been and wanted to be, his health made that more and more difficult and that was very hard for him during the last years of his life I think. Luckily, he got his familie around him all the time.

I want to thank Kostis for his friendship, his technical and historic support by the developing of my model ships, for translating Greek texts for me and much much more.

During my visit in Chania he gave me permission to take some pictures (for publicating online) of him being at work in his small modelling studio where his collection of unfinished modelkits (mainly ships and boats) piled high up towards the ceiling.


The next picture is typical for who Kostis was: very well organized, keeping all of his little moulds on shelves like little treasures, with papertapes on them with written information:



Dear Kostis, sweet man, rest in peace.
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Posted by Egbert on 26 Jul 2022, 15:17

I can't believe it.
Another one of this wonderful empartic people has left us.
I'm awfully sad!
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Posted by sberry on 27 Jul 2022, 07:34

This is terrible news, I am shocked.

He was an extremely gifted artist, but also a very friendly and kind person. What a tremendous loss - for his family, for our forum, and probably for everybody who knew Kostis. May he rest in peace.
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Posted by C M Dodson on 27 Jul 2022, 10:00

It is with sadness that I have learnt of the passing of Kostis.

His work was inspirational and his loss will be felt by all.


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Posted by Santi Pérez on 27 Jul 2022, 19:31

Thank you very much for your post, Cryns. :thumbup:

It has helped to all of us who never met Kostis personally to know a little better what a great man he was and to confirm many things we knew or assumed about him. :-D

My admiration and respect for Kostis are now even greater than before. :love1:

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Posted by Kekso on 28 Jul 2022, 07:47

@ Mr.Cryns - thank you for sharing part and memories of Kostis' life with us. Although it is very sad occasion It warmed my heart.
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Posted by Minuteman on 29 Jul 2022, 16:54

Kekso wrote:@ Mr.Cryns - thank you for sharing part and memories of Kostis' life with us. Although it is very sad occasion It warmed my heart.

I wish to add my condolences to Kostis' family at their sad loss. He is also a great loss to this Forum, a warm-hearted member and a true craftsman and artist of the highest order.

Rest in Peace.
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Posted by Alex on 30 Jul 2022, 21:50

Oh no ! what a great loss for all of us!
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Posted by Susofrick on 03 Aug 2022, 10:46

This is really terrible news! Kostis was a very valuable member of this forum. And his contributions was always very nice and inspirational! We have lost a very fine man. All condoleances to his family and friends and thanks for informing us of his passing.
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Posted by CraigD6 on 04 Aug 2022, 10:32

Sad news. Whilst I've never posted my efforts online anywhere, I have always been in awe of the skills shown by the many that do. The works that Kostis posted bought much pleasure (and envy) to us all, and our thoughts go out to all that knew him.
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Posted by huib on 05 Aug 2022, 16:29

This is very sad news. Poor Kostis. He was such a kind, enthusiastic and supportive long term forum member.
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Posted by JurgenH on 05 Aug 2022, 19:46

I am also sad that Kostis left us. He was a great artist, I've always loved his work. I hope he has found his eternal peace.
JurgenH  Germany
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Posted by dykio on 08 Aug 2022, 20:45

Hello all,

this is really sad sad news. i think the forum has lost one of its greatest painters/modelmakers and also a very kind person although i only knew through the forum.

He will be sadley missed and not only because of his incredible dioramas but also because of his warm and positive comments on the contributions of others.

my deepest condolances to his family and friends.

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Posted by Bluefalchion on 10 Aug 2022, 20:44

Oh Kostis! Terribly, terribly sad news. I recall that when Kostis first joined the forum, there were some very upsetting things happening with the Greek economy and debt and the rest of the EU. We almost got off to a rough start with him but his great graciousness helped to smooth things over. And what a modeler and creator of astonishing skill! His ships, his Garden of Gesthemene, his Minoan Bull Dance, his Icarus, and Venetian Carnivale and many others blew our minds every single time.

I am only a hack painter and occasional contributor and mostly commentator on this forum, but this Da Vinci in our midst treated me as an equal with incredible generosity. How sad that I will never get to Crete to see this living master as Mr. Cryns was able to do. When I was finally revealed as Mr. X in 2018 I did not know Cryns would get the message so I asked Kostis to tell him, and he did.

I read of his passing but could not comment previously due to web site issues. Also I was too sad to write for some time. Kostis was a very, very special person. All those students who had him as a teacher were lucky indeed!

I propose that the next painting competition be named in his honor. I rarely send in a contribution, but for Kostis I will do it.
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Posted by Michel on 12 Aug 2022, 09:45

:( Very sad... The next Painter who is no longer with us...
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Posted by sberry on 12 Aug 2022, 13:11

Bluefalchion wrote:I propose that the next painting competition be named in his honor. I rarely send in a contribution, but for Kostis I will do it.

This is a very good idea, I second that!
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sberry  Germany
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 13 Aug 2022, 19:40

Bluefalchion wrote:I propose that the next painting competition be named in his honor. I rarely send in a contribution, but for Kostis I will do it.

sberry wrote:This is a very good idea, I second that!

Me too (although I can't promise any contribution due to the slowness in the elaboration of my projects, sorry). :thumbup:

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by Peter on 17 Aug 2022, 09:05

Start painting guys to honor Kostis. The announcement of the next painting competition will be made next week. And I hope a lot of you guys will join so we can have a big competition of 16 contributors! ;-)
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Posted by T. Dürrschmidt on 17 Aug 2022, 18:45

I wasn´t around in the forum for some weeks due to job and family purposes, but what a sad day it learn that two very inspirational and good hobby colleagues have passed away. Kostis Onerakis and Konrad Schulte. My condolences go to their families and friends.
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