Hi Guys,
This year we will be pressent again in Arnhem (NL) with FIGZ.
And it's time to start with the list of participants...
I have rented the place again, unfornaly there seems to be another show this weekend so I hope there wille be some of you to join us...
Please put your name under this post if you want to be on the Bring and show list!
Or if you like to give a workshop!

So far I got:
- Miniatuurwereld
- Jan Frankema
- Hagen Miniatures
- CCG winkel
- May 40 Miniatures
- FIGZ shop
Bring & Show
- Remco (Dad's Army)
- Peter
- Dirk (Das_Dirk) & Andreas G.
- Michael (Mickey Mouse)
- Collin
- Sander, Mark, Johan & Joost
- Andreas (Old Wolf) & Benedictus (Young Wolf)
- Sasha (Zed1)
- Marc
- Ludwig
- de Achterhoede (Marjo & Dick)
- Hired Guns
- none (I could not find someone to learn you anything)
If you like to come as well, you should add your name and I had made a reservation for you...
list last time updated: 30-05-2024