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CRISIS 2021 Cancelled

Posted by Peter on 13 Jul 2021, 15:45

This is what is written on their site:

From our chairman It is with great regret that we have to announce that Crisis 2021 will not be happening. The pandemic situation without clear view on what will be possible in November and under which conditions such as, how many are allowed through the door, will there be a possibility to organise the kind of shows we had in the past where, let's face it, social distancing is not happening at all. Not knowing if any travelling will be able. Will catering be possible ? The simple calcullation between cost and worst case scenario revenue, make it unwise to organise a Crisis in 2021. On top of that the Brexit situation with more than 50% of the traders that are usually attending no longer able to do so without huge customs problems doesn't make it any easier either. Let's hope that 2022 is a better year on November 5th(I know Guy Fawkes night). And who knows a change in UK politics. Keep safe. Johan, President of the Tin Soldiers of Antwerp

I hope with them! :yeah:
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Peter  Belgium

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Posted by MABO on 13 Jul 2021, 17:17

I do so, but I have no hope for a change in the UK politics with Boris...
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MABO  Europe
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