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Black Queen Hobby and Miniature Painting Competition 2021

Posted by Kekso on 11 Jan 2021, 16:51

I highly doubt anyone from abroad will be able to come this year because of Covid-19 situation., but I would nonetheless like to invite...

Dear friends, miniature painters and friends of the hobby in general!

We invite you to our 15th annual Black Queen Hobby and Miniature Painting Competition!


In 2021, due to the Covid-19 epidemic, we have some changes in the format of the Black Queen Hobby and Miniature Painting Competition. So what is new and what remains the same?
First, it will again be held over two days.
Second, it will again be a part of the bigger @UMS Agram event - Exhibition of Miniatures and Tabletop Terrain „Agram“.
Third, extra protection for your entries and exhibits that will be exhibited in our new glass cabinets.
Fourth, six one-hour painting workshops (three per day).
Fifth, painting booths equipped with paints, brushes, lamps – if the epidemic situation will allow.
Sixth, there will be a speed painting contest organised each day. One hour to paint a mini.

The biggest change in the format will be the registration process. For the first time, you will HAVE TO PRE-REGISTER for the event via e-mail. You will then receive the exact time when you need to register at the event (from 8:30 until 11:00). Be there on time, if you are late we can not guarantee your participation in the event! This is to limit the number of people at the venue at the same time.

1. Black Queen Hobby and Miniature Painting Competition
As mentioned above, the Black Queen will be held on Feb 27-28 in the Vladimir Horvat Gallery, ZZTK, Trg žrtava fašizma 14, 10.000 Zagreb, Croatia and will be a part of a much bigger event, our annual Exhibition of Miniatures and Tabletop Terrain „Agram“. The Exhibition itself will be open for three weeks form Feb 18 until Mar 07 2021. At the new venue we will be able to provide glass display cases for all the entries (at least reasonably sized ones). Here is a quick run down through categories at this year's event:
1. Single Miniature (any 28-35mm single miniature)
2. Mounted and Large Miniature (mounted or large miniatures in 28-35mm scale)
3. Unit / Squad (unit of 5+ minis (28-35mm), or exceptionally 3+ minis (trolls, ogres etc))
4. Masterclass (our most prestigious category, anything goes as long as it's a single entry. Previous Masterclass winners can not compete in the first three categories.)
5. Diorama / Duel (self explanatory, two or more minis locked in combat or in any other interaction on a single base (no limit to the size of the base, if you can bring it, we'll display it!))
6. Open (anything that isn't covered in the categories above – primarily reserved for dragons, monsters, warmachines, but also scenery etc)
7. Bust (busts of any size can go in here)
8. Junior (under 18. The Junior entries will be assigned in the categories above as applicable and will compete with the rest of the entries. However, best three Junior entries in the whole competition will be awarded in Junior category.)
9. BEST OF SHOW (this is a new category which will be sponsored by UMS „Agram“. All of the entries will be judged by our own Ana Polanšćak and the best entry will be awarded a special prize!)

Full Rulespack can be found here:
http://www.ums-agram.hr/app/webroot/dok ... BQ2021.pdf

2. Painting Workshops
The layout of the venue at the Vladimir Horvat Gallery makes it possible to hold several workshops throughout the weekend. Therefore, there will be three one-hour workshops on Saturday after the official opening of the competition and three on Sunday before the awards ceremony. The themes of the workshops and the names of the tutors will be announced at a later date. We wanted to provide as many workshops to all the visitors, competitiors and miniature painters so we decided not to hold several workshops at the same time. This year, the workshops will be held in the cinema hall in the basement. The tutor's work will be filmed with a camera and projected on the projection screen in the hall. That way the social distancing can be maintained. Also, this setup means the workshops will be capped at 10 people so registrations for the workshops will also take place. Once each workshop is announced, you will be able to register for each of them.

3. Painting Booths
Besides the workshops, we will provide several painting booths so the visitors and competitiors can paint some minis at the event as well! The booths will be equipped with acrylic paints, brushes, lamps and other tools needed to fully enjoy our hobby. All you need to do is bring your unpainted miniatures. However, this may not be possible to hold due to the epidemic, but so far we are planning they will take place.

4. Speed Painting Contests
There will be a speed painting contest organised each day. Participants (up to 10 each day) will have an hour to assemble and paint a single miniature. Like painting booths, these are planned but they may not be possible to be organised due to the epidemic measures at the time of the event.

5. Exhibition of Miniatures and Tabletop Terrain „Agram“
The Black Queen Hobby and Miniature Painting Competition will be held as a part of a larger club event, Exhibition of Miniatures and Tabletop Terrain „Agram“ so all the visitors and competitiors will be able to take a look at 18 years of UMS Agram history. In the glass cabinets, there will be numerous miniatures and tabletop scenery made and painted by our members and attendees of our Terrain and Miniature Painting Workshops.

6. Vendor area
If the epidemic situation allows, there will be a vendor area at the venue where you will be able to purchase miniatures and hobby material on the spot.

The pre-registrations will be open until 20th of February !
Pre-registration must be sent via e-mail: ums.agram@gmail.com
Pre-registration must include the name of the participant(s), contact e-mail or GSM number.
Each person coming the the registrations bringing the models must send his/her own pre-registration. If a person is bringing models of other people, his pre-registration is enough. However, a single person may not send pre-registrations for his/hers club/team mates who intend to bring the models themselves. This ensures we know EXACTLY how many people will be present at the registration.

See you in February!
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Kekso  Croatia

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Posted by Kekso on 20 Jan 2021, 17:55

There will be plenty of activites during Black Queen H&MPC (epidemic situation allowing, of course).
First of those is:

Sculpting 101 Workshop


Date and time:
Saturday 27. February 2021, 12:30-13:30

Ana Polanšćak

The Workshop will cover modelling of three separate textures:
Those three textures are the most common when converting or even assembling your fantasy, SF and historical miniatures. Ana will show her method using two-component epoxies (like Green Stuff, Miliput etc.).

Due to the epidemic measures we can only accommodate 10 participants so the registration is obligatory. Your registration should be sent to ums.agram@gmail.com (title: Registration BQ Sculpting).

Croatian and English

ANA POLANŠĆAK - Born in 1991 in Zagreb. Member of UMS Agram since 2007. She has been the project manager of the club's Terrain Workshop since 2013 and the club librarian since 2014. She used to write for the miniature magazines Figure Painter Magazine and Initiative Magazine (UK) and has been the editor of miniature magazine 28 Mag since 2018. She has won numerous medals at the Black Queen Hobby and the Miniature Painting Competition, the Zagreb Modeler Cup Crna Kraljica, and the second and third place (2013 and 2015) at the Rotten Harvest Competition. She is the author of the blog Gardens of Hecate.
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Kekso  Croatia

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Posted by Peter on 20 Jan 2021, 23:14

Here is a link to her blog: http://gardensofhecate.blogspot.com/

A bit dark but with some nice painted figures! Worth a visit! :thumbup:
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Posted by Kekso on 22 Jan 2021, 13:30

The second workshop is here!

Vegetation 101 Workshop


Date and time:
Sunday 28. February 2021, 10:00-11:00

@Marko Paunovic

The workshop will cover the process of making a simple base/terrain. The focus will be on recreating life-like vegetation where the tutor will show how to use various types of vegetation. The vegetation used will be from @Martin Welberg Scenic Studios and @Diorama Presepe.

Due to the epidemic measures we can only accommodate 10 participants so the registration is obligatory. Your registration should be sent to ums.agram@gmail.com (title: Registration BQ Vegetation).

Croatian and English

MARKO PAUNOVIC, mech.eng. - was born in 1979 in Zagreb. He is one of the founders of @UMS Agram and is a longtime project manager of the club's Terrain Workshop. He became the President of UMS Agram in 2009. He is the recepient of the following state and city prizes:
- Annual award of the Zagreb Community of Technical Culture “Dr. Oton Kucera ” 2011
- State award for technical culture Faust Vrancic 2012
- Annual award of the Croatian Community of Technical Culture 2017
He started writing miniature reviews for the Portal (UK) miniature magazine in 2011. In 2013 he became the content editor for the esteemed miniature e-zine Figure Painter Magazine (UK). In 2015, he started writing a column about terrain building for the bi-monthly e-zine, Wyrd Chronicles (USA) and in 2016 he began writing for the Initiative Magazine (UK). He eventually became the editor-in-chief of Initiative Magazine in 2018. He has received numerous international miniature awards and honors at competitions in Mitterdorf and Vienna and Topor Hobby Coompetition, Zagreb Cup, Zagreb Modeling Cup Crna kraljica as well as Black Queen Hobby and Miniature Painting Competition. He also participates in online miniature painting competitions where he won a third place at the 2011 Rotten Harvest International Competition in the United States, second place at Wyrd 2013 International Competition by Wamp from the UK, second place at the Infamy 2013 International Competition of the same company and two fifth place in the prestigious Iron Painter Competition (USA) in the competition of over 220 competitors (2011 and 2015). In addition, he led the UMS "Agram" team in designing the winning City of Death 2006 model.
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Kekso  Croatia

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Posted by Kekso on 29 Jan 2021, 11:02

Historic Miniatures 101 Workshop


Date and time:
Sunday 28. February 2021, 11:30-12:30

@Dalibor Čavić

This workshop will cover the process of painting 28mm historical miniatures. The tutor has chosen British colonial infantry from Anglo-Zulu wars (1879) by Perry Miniatures to explain the theory behind finding historic sources for uniforms as well as practical application using various techniques like basecoating, washing, highlighting and detailing with acrylic paints.

Due to the epidemic measures we can only accommodate 10 participants so the registration is obligatory. Your registration should be sent to ums.agram@gmail.com (title: Registration BQ Historic).

Croatian and English

DALIBOR ČAVIĆ – has entered the world of miniaturism in 2011. His first area of interest were historic miniatures in 1/72 scale, especially from the Napoleonic Era. His hobby interest widened to larger miniatures (28mm, 32mm and 54mm) as well as to different themes like fantasy and SF. He also enjoys making vignettes and dioramas. In the last several years he has participated in several domestic competitions as well as several abroad (Slovenia, Hungary and Austria) where he sometimes wins medals. He has been a prolific member of Miniarure Painters Croatia FB group since 2018. and in 2021 he became an UMS “Agram” member.
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Kekso  Croatia

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Posted by Cryns on 29 Jan 2021, 13:01

Dear Kekso,

What a great initiative, I wish you good luck with your workshop and hope you don't have to face too many heavy restrictions.

Regards, Cryns
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Posted by PhilC on 29 Jan 2021, 13:22

Dalibor, do we know him !? Hum, sounds like a Knight of the Round Painting Table name :mrgreen:

Congratulations, it's great of you to be part of such an event, particularly in Covid time.

I know Ana's work thanks to her incredible blog "Garden of Hecate", a wonderful artist. You're in good company (she must be another Knight of the Round Painting Table) :yeah:
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Posted by Peter on 29 Jan 2021, 13:38

But not a word about our forum! We learned him to paint! :mrgreen:

Have a great day Daly and do that good! ;-)
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Posted by Kekso on 29 Jan 2021, 15:44

Thanks guys. I'm afraid that my picture will scare more potential participants than it will attract :xd:
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Kekso  Croatia

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Posted by Rich W on 30 Jan 2021, 13:25

Good luck with the event!
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Posted by Kekso on 04 Feb 2021, 15:16


Diluting Paint 101


Date and time:
Saturday 27. February 2021, 17:00-18:00

Jure Cukar (aka @John Alton)

This workshop will cover the basic ways to manipulate paint. How to prepare out-of-the-bottle acrylic paint, using various diluting ratios, to be used for layering, washing and glazing techniques as well as how to properly use those techniques on your miniatures. The tutor will use the Lord of the Cats bust by Michael Kontraros Collectibles.

Due to the epidemic measures we can only accommodate 10 participants so the registration is obligatory. Your registration should be sent to ums.agram@gmail.com (title: Registration BQ Diluting).

Croatian and English

JURE CUKAR - Member of UMS Agram. In the world of miniatures since 2003. Playing Warhammer he discovered painting miniatures can go way beyond just batch-painting for tabletop games. Although active SF tabletop Infinity player, he has always been more of fantasy and history fan. In 2018 he competed in Black Queen Hobby and Miniature Painting Competition for the first time.[/quote]
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Kekso  Croatia

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Posted by Kekso on 05 Feb 2021, 16:14


Airbrushing 101


Date and time:
Sunday 28. February 2021, 14:30-15:30

Mario Ogrizek-Tomaš (aka @Cuvar Boja)

The workshop will cover the basic techniques for working with an airbrush. Topics we will address:
• myths and legends about miniature painting with an airbrush (mythbusting)
• airbrush anatomy,
• which compressor settings to use,
• basics of using dual action airbrush (trigger control),
• colour consistency and troubleshooting,
• zenithal undercoat,
• precision spraying,
• cleaning,
• safety at work.

Due to the epidemic measures we can only accommodate 10 participants so the registration is obligatory. Your registration should be sent to ums.agram@gmail.com (title: Registration BQ Airbrushing).

Croatian and English

MARIO OGRIZEK-TOMAŠ aka Guardian, has been in this hobby for over 15 years, and he has been using the airbrush for 5 years. He has gone through many battles with this tool and will be happy to share his experiences and tips on how to make the first steps and venture into the painting a miniature with an airbrush easier.
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Kekso  Croatia

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Posted by Kekso on 08 Feb 2021, 16:51

Using Colours to Create Atmosphere


Date and time:
Saturday 27. February 2021, 14:00-15:00

@Matija Koružnjak

The workshop deals with the process of selecting, mixing and using colour in order to create an ambient atmosphere using miniatures in 28-32mm scale. The theoretical part covers the reasoning behind the selection of a specific palette with regard to the colour theory, the concept of saturation and ambient lighting as the main postulates of practical application, while through the practical part of the sketching process we show how to turn an idea into realisation.

Due to the epidemic measures we can only accommodate 10 participants so the registration is obligatory. Your registration should be sent to ums.agram@gmail.com (title: Registration BQ Atmosphere).

Croatian and English

MATIJA KORUŽNJAK - has been involved in miniature painting since 1998, where, like many, he stepped through the fantasy world of Warhammer. Although painting was an integral part of the hobby, play and socializing were the main motivators for doing miniatures. After a long yawn during college and early youth, he returns to the world of miniatures in 2017 with a desire to reactivate an old hobby. Encouraged by the work of the FB group Miniature Painters Croatia and the lack of organizational opportunities for meetings with like-minded people, the focus of the hobby shifts from the gaming to painting where the last few years he paints regardless of the scale, system or theme of miniatures.
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Kekso  Croatia

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Posted by Kekso on 14 Feb 2021, 08:31

Speed Painting Contests @ Black Queen H&MPC 2021

We have another pair of fun events being run during Black Queen Hobby and Miniature Painting Competition 2021.
Thanks to our sponsor Hobby Chest who secured a huge donation of painting materials by AK Interactive, we will hold a Speed Painting Contest each day of the Competition.

Same rules will apply to both contests:
- contestants have an hour to paint a miniature
- all contestants paint the same (type of) miniature
- we provide the paints by AK Interactive
- we provide the brushes by AK Interactive

First contest will be held on Saturday, 27.2. 15:30 - 16:30
Second contest will be held on Sunday, 28.2. 13:00 - 14:00

Registration is obligatory and will last until Feb 25. Registrations to be sent to ums.agram@gmail.com (title: SPC Saturday or SPC Sunday)

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Kekso  Croatia

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