Miniatures Talk

Sea Peoples' archers

Posted by Ochoin on 21 Aug 2023, 13:01

In 20mm - 1/72, these important troop types don't seem to exist.

Any suggestions?

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Ochoin  Scotland
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16 Jan 2010, 04:00

Posted by Kaiphranos on 21 Aug 2023, 15:02

What are you using for your other Sea Peoples, and how willing are you to do some conversion work?

Presuming you are working with the Caesar range: most of their Sea Peoples and Philistines have shields in their left hands, which would be a little awkward to remove and replace with bows, but it could be done. (Quivers would also need to be added.)

If you only need a few, you could also look for the Caesar Hebrews or the Arab Camel Riders and Bedouin - each of those has an archer pose with could probably pass for Sea Peoples with minimal conversion. The Hebrew is bare-chested with a kilt; the Bedouin also has a kilt but has some sort of chest wrap and a little turban - you could probably paint the chest garment to look like the Sea Peoples' armor and swap his head (or give him a more appropriate hat.)

Other options: the Hittite infantry set has a couple of archers with kilts and bare chests, but they have long hair and tall boots which don't quite fit the Sea Peoples look and could be hard to deal with. There are some Trojan and Mycenaean archer poses, but they seem to have armor and/or longer tunics so maybe also not ideal.
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Kaiphranos  United States of America
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