Miniatures Talk

Medieval tents @ 20mm

Posted by Ochoin on 15 Apr 2023, 23:38

We're gearing up for our annual Show game (Lion Rampant rules) later this year.

It will be a medieval game so 'knights in shining armour' are being eagerly painted.
Our centre piece will be a castle but each of the 5 retinues of competing warriors needs to have a base camp.

These need to be a tent or two, perhaps a pack animal, various detritus. Ideally, some of these tents would be the fancy, round ones beloved of the noble born. Where do I get some at our scale?

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Ochoin  Scotland
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Posted by Minuteman on 16 Apr 2023, 16:29

Ochoin wrote:We're gearing up for our annual Show game (Lion Rampant rules) later this year.

It will be a medieval game so 'knights in shining armour' are being eagerly painted.
Our centre piece will be a castle but each of the 5 retinues of competing warriors needs to have a base camp.

These need to be a tent or two, perhaps a pack animal, various detritus. Ideally, some of these tents would be the fancy, round ones beloved of the noble born. Where do I get some at our scale?


Sounds like an interesting and colourful Show game, donald. Hopefully you will be posting some pictures?

I am aware of various sources for 'knightly tents' out there, some of which are intended for 28mm figures but are passable for slightly smaller 1/72 models. And the Emhar set of crested knights does come with one (only one) tent as well:

It does occur to me that you might make some tents, saving a lot of money on buying ready-made and probably 28mm scale) models? You might be interested in this: ... val-tents/

Good luck with those glittering knights-in-armour!
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Posted by steve_pickstock on 19 Apr 2023, 18:09

Amera Mouldings do two useful sets
The first is a pair of "medieval" tents at £2.50 a set.

There is a second set of Campaign tents at £3.95 a set.
All in 1/72 and cheap as chips.
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Posted by elegantmess on 20 Apr 2023, 04:03

Pauls Bods has a blueprint for making paper versions that is pretty easy to use, if you've got the time or interest.
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Posted by Ochoin on 20 Apr 2023, 09:12

I've already downloaded a range of free paper ones. I've made them but they need strengthening, basing & painting.
The jury is still out as to whether they'll look good.

Fall back position is Irregular miniatures which have a "knight's tent" - I have no idea what this looks like. However. Irregular generally are good so I'm happy to give them a go.

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Ochoin  Scotland
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Posted by Ochoin on 22 Apr 2023, 07:04

I tried the paper ones.


Not sure I like them

Bit flimsy looking.


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Posted by MABO on 23 Apr 2023, 05:39

Ochoin wrote:I tried the paper ones.
Not sure I like them


Me neither...

I am happy that you build them before me. I have them from the time back when I was collecting the first range of GW LotR. But I think it is not bad they are still lying around. :mrgreen:
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Posted by Minuteman on 23 Apr 2023, 09:17

Although the paper tents you have created do look a bit 'papery', donald, I think they look OK. You might try crumpling the paper a little before making up the tents, which would then allow some folds in the paper (fabric) to be shown.

I suppose the question is whether these are suitable for your show-game purposes, where the focus will be more on the figures and the overall spectacle rather than details of the 'scenery'.
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Posted by Peter on 23 Apr 2023, 12:34

What is missing here, are the ropes to keep the tents in place. They would look much more realistic when you add them. ;-)
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Posted by Susofrick on 25 Apr 2023, 14:57

There is a tent on the back of the box to Strelets Medieval Britain. Even though the box is very rare there can be pics of the back somewhere on the net.
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Posted by C M Dodson on 26 Apr 2023, 08:49


I found this regarding medieval tents with lots of variants .

Tissue paper and sticks from the garden as poles together with picture wire for guy ropes and voila!

My Antietam WIP has a section on tents.

The Hundred Years War diorama group on Facebook is a fascinating compendium of modellers work in this period and is well worth a visit.

It’s like a time machine!

Best wishes ,

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Posted by C M Dodson on 26 Apr 2023, 08:50


Pavilion medieval tent, Ø 3 mts.

The link I forgot .

Old age and senility advancing at pace.

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Posted by Ochoin on 26 Apr 2023, 11:00

Thank you very much, Chris, but no. I think the tissue paper will be too flimsy for the robust=handling they'd get on our wargames' table & the guy-ropes would be too fiddly.

I know when to give up - I'm looking at some expensive but solid resin ones & will probably settle for these.

Now all this sounds churlish on my part - I really need to express thanks for all the advice that various of you have offered. If I can't follow it, the problem is with me, not your advice.

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Ochoin  Scotland
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Posted by C M Dodson on 26 Apr 2023, 11:20


A brain wave, a rare thing for me indeed!

I have used some tents from these people which may well fulfill your criteria.

Scroll down to Medieval tents, two for £2.50.

They take paint well and are fairly robust too.

Happy modelling.

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Posted by T. Dürrschmidt on 26 May 2023, 06:46

I think Renedras Tents would also fit that size, look good and should be easy to purchase in UK.
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Posted by Ochoin on 26 May 2023, 14:35

C M Dodson wrote:

Scroll down to Medieval tents, two for £2.50.


Chris, ordered & arrived a few days ago. They are just the thing & I'll start to undercoat this weekend.

cheers. donald
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Ochoin  Scotland
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Posted by MABO on 28 May 2023, 06:43

Ochoin wrote:
Chris, ordered & arrived a few days ago. They are just the thing & I'll start to undercoat this weekend.

cheers. donald

And let us see the final result gere. I am very curious.
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Posted by RSDean on 31 May 2023, 21:47

I also ordered some of those tents … reading this forum can be expensive. :D
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Posted by Peter on 02 Jun 2023, 21:28

RSDean wrote:I also ordered some of those tents … reading this forum can be expensive. :D

It sure is! :-D

I'm starting a crowdfunding, I have a big and long wishlist! :mrgreen:
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Posted by Beano Boy on 20 Jun 2023, 01:18

Plain Wet Wipes soaked in white glue would do to make super strong tents.
Although i myself have not constructed any because i have no need of them.
:eh: Eh! Seems oddly daft to me. :mrgreen: That's WingNut for you.
:coffee: Often is the case that the most simplest of idea's can turn up trumps! BB
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