Miniatures Talk


Posted by IronDuke1815 on 23 Oct 2022, 12:50

Hi all.
I am a new member of the forum but a long-time visitor. My first post is actually a questio: I am collecting 1/72 plastic and metal figures for a Medieval project and want to get hold of some of the excellent figures sold by Fredericus-Rex, and in particular the Valdemar Miniatures range. However I can't seem to be able to order from the site and so was wondering if anyone knows if they are still in business?
There appears to be 2 sites to order from, either (that does appear to have any products) or (which will not let me have delivery to UK).
I have emailed the company but to no avail.

Any ideas?

Thank you

IronDuke1815  United Kingdom
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Posted by raph86 on 23 Oct 2022, 13:55

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raph86  France
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Posted by atalante on 23 Oct 2022, 18:19

It seems that a death in the team is the cause of the suspension of the sales site... I communicated with them 1 month ago.
atalante  France
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 23 Oct 2022, 18:59

IronDuke1815 wrote:...I am a new member of the forum but a long-time visitor...

I also joined the forum like that six years ago... and I still don't regret it at all, on the contrary, I'm more and more glad I did. :mrgreen:

Although I can't help you with your request, I warmly welcome you to the forum, David. :-D

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Posted by JurgenH on 23 Oct 2022, 20:11

Hello David
Ihope ican help you.
Meintest du: Fridericus Rex ist eine deutscher shop. Versuchen sie diese links .Sie vekaufen fast die gleichen artikel wie fredericus. Wie die lieferbedingungen sind kann ich leider nicht sagen.
181 / 5.000
FredericusRex is a German shop.
Try these links. They sell almost the same items as fredericus. Unfortunately, I cannot say what the delivery conditions are.

KAMAR Figuren und Modellbau Shop - Index

Kai Fuhrmann Figuren und Zubehör - Ihr Ansprechpartner für ...

Hagen-Miniatures - Hagen-Miniatures
Cheers Jürgen
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Posted by MABO on 23 Oct 2022, 21:49

Or you wait if they return to business. I hope they will do so. A lot of sets are hardly to get somewhere else.
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Posted by Susofrick on 24 Oct 2022, 10:03

I have also been wondering. But since Conny was a very vital part of the team I am quite skeptical about their return to business, one can only hope. And about Valdemar, if FredericusRex doesn't return to business Kamar or Kai Fuhrmann are very good alternatives for Jens to turn to for his figures. As a terrible German-speaker (mostly remember the table-seances our teacher had with us after school) I would prefer Kamar. GreenLine I have no idea. Some you can find at Reality in scale
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Posted by IronDuke1815 on 24 Oct 2022, 18:54

Thank you all for your replies. So sorry to hear about Conrad. Although I never dealt with him I can see that he, and Fredericus-Rex, were well respected in the community.
I'll check out the other Valdemar sellers listed here.
Thanks again for you responses ans support.
IronDuke1815  United Kingdom
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23 Oct 2022, 12:32

Posted by Alex on 24 Oct 2022, 22:40

Good time, colleagues.
I currently have the following information:
Jens closed the "Valdemarminiatures" range and did not plan to continue it as it was before. The remaining forms of numerous figurines - I do not know who owns them and what rights to production belong to whom. Jens is still an enthusiast for medieval chivalry and produces only in 3D. ... Miniatures
That part of the range that I sculpted - according to our decision with Jens - I will release in Russia, and I hope that in the future it will be available in European countries.
(figures of landsknechts, which were discussed in the next thread, were also sculpted by me, by order of Michel from Kingsfigurines, all rights to these figures belong to him, but the fate of further editions is not known to me.
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Posted by MABO on 24 Oct 2022, 22:59

These figures are fantastic, saw them at Speira, but didn't know that Jens was the founder of this lable.

Thank you Alex, for keeping us updated. I hope you are well and the situation we are all in will not last for too long. I am looking for a friendly contact with peaceful people all over the world.
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MABO  Europe
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Posted by Susofrick on 25 Oct 2022, 09:17

Agree with Jan, and I have also marveled at those figures at Speira and also had no idea that Jens was behind them. My guess is that Conny owned the moulds to Valdemar. He definitely had the moulds for the buildings. And probably it is Petra that owns the rights and the moulds now.
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Susofrick  Sweden
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Posted by MABO on 25 Oct 2022, 10:38

Susofrick wrote:And probably it is Petra that owns the rights and the moulds now.

I think so, too. The question is: will she continue?
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MABO  Europe
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Posted by Susofrick on 25 Oct 2022, 11:42

Yes. I think there is a son involved too. For our American friends there is Michigan Toy Soldier Company who seems to have most of the Valdemar range.
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Posted by Susofrick on 06 Feb 2023, 12:59

Took a look at Fredericus Rex' site today. And checked the links. For the first day for a long time they led somewhere. Maybe they are working again. Valdemar seems to be out though.
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Susofrick  Sweden
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Posted by MABO on 06 Feb 2023, 15:34

As far as I understood they are going to sell all the available stock and then - I think - they will close the shop. Beside Valdemar, I also miss the phantastic Greenline buildings. Maybe somebody knows more? Then please tell us!
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