Miniatures Talk

Unknown 1/72 soldiers - Modern Sailors?

Posted by Xantippos on 28 Sep 2022, 08:15

I stumbled upon some interesting minis on eBay, and I bought them in a heartbeat. They are not anatomical masterpieces, but to see some figurines I have never seen in this scale is now remarkable!

These are the ones;



A bit in the style of other cheap reduced copies of Airfix 1/32 soldiers which you can see often, but these are apparently, modern sailors. THeir caps sure look like it. Interesting is the man quickly running with a projectile :-) , and the man apparently speaking through a walkie talkie / speaker. I would say this might be a scaled down copy of some larger sailors of Starlux or similar, but I don't know very well what they could be.

Does anyone can shed a bit more light on to this mystery? :-)
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Posted by ironzentaur on 29 Sep 2022, 10:04

At first sight it reminds me of Atlantic Figures, - but i dont think so.
What a gem! And i have no clue. Follwing with interest...
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Posted by Susofrick on 29 Sep 2022, 12:13

I also thought Atlantic first, but that running figure looks like an old RedBox-pose, Quite mysterious and I am also very interested to see how this turns out.
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Posted by sobrevieviendo1 on 29 Sep 2022, 14:50

Imo Man with binoclaurs look like matchbox policeman from police boat ... x63_18.jpg The guy with flags look like conversion from second policeman of that set and the rest look like crude conversions of 1/32 scaled down airfix russians
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Posted by Xantippos on 30 Sep 2022, 07:05

The mystery goes on it seems :) . Sobreviviendo, I have that boat, I even separated those two men for use as figures, quite easily, and I can testify they aren't, and neither they fit with the 1/32 russians airfix, which I have and I also the scaled down versions.

The commander is actually quite well done, and in different shape and proportion. One of the men running is carrying a small briefcase with a cross on it, clearly a medic. A simple subconversion from an airfix set would be much more obvious, and wouldn't go into strange directions, as in giving a man carrying a projectile, or making the crouched man shooting to the air.

I have googled and this is the closest I have found, but not yet;


MAde by lone star in 1/32. Nearly, but not quite.

THey remind me of some of the soldiers the brand Eko made.
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Posted by Misteredd on 30 Sep 2022, 19:20

They seem to serve on a vessel. Captain binocular, the kneeling guy feeding a Magazin into a gun the " boxing guy" fires. The guy running seems to carry a shell for a gun. Flag Signal man and Medic.

Is there a model of a destroyer? Gun boat? Landing craft ? fitting for this crew?

I checked Matchbox Flower Class figures. Those are different.
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Posted by Xantippos on 02 Oct 2022, 07:15

Misteredd, bought it alone as a lot from France. Even the seller asked me what they were! the seller was selling other 80s soldiers like Airfix, but nothing out of the usual.

I have searched for Lindbergh miniatures that came with kits, but nothing so far.
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Posted by Peter on 02 Oct 2022, 10:01

I went looking at a blog with lots of information about plastic soldiers, the blog from Hugh Walter, and he doesn't know them to. You can see here what he has written and there is also a picture of two poses of the figures. ... jects.html


As I look at them, your green and his blue figures I assume that these are Hong Kong figures.
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Posted by Xantippos on 02 Oct 2022, 14:58

Very interesting! indeed, they look like policemen, being blue and all and only those two poses. But of course the other poses with the binocular and the shell makes them a bit "sailory".

Now looking at those, they remind me of GIANT copies;

But these are not present sadly. I am now remembering I have some "civilians", that appear to be bank robbers of the 1930s, very much in the style of the blue sailors you show me here. I need to find the box where I kept them.
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Posted by Peter on 02 Oct 2022, 17:05

That's the first place I went looking, because I thought they were GIANT figures. But it seems that they aren't.

Would it be possible to make a picture with one figure of each post? I know some FB groups that could help in your search and a simple picture is better then.
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Posted by Xantippos on 06 Oct 2022, 13:48

Ok, will do it next time I get the photo session up ;) . Thanks for your help!
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Posted by Peter on 07 Oct 2022, 09:38

Here is an answer of Hugh Walter:

Hugh Walter wrote:See attached Peter, feel free to add it to the discussion!

Still don't know what they are! . . . oh yes I do, I've written it on the image! Fishel, or copies of Fishel 50mm's? It's the best clue I've got!


and then this:

Hugh Walter wrote:Hi Peter

I think 'Fishel' is a red herring - some of their police look a bit like some of the sailors, and that's all I think?



Will try to find some more information in some FB groups when I can post some pictures there. ;-)
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Posted by MABO on 08 Oct 2022, 09:30

Thanks for your efforts to solve the riddle!! I have no idea, but I would like to know.
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Posted by Xantippos on 09 Oct 2022, 15:26

Here are higher resolution pics of the different poses;



About fishel, searching I can only find 1/35 kind of bootleg soldiers. There are policemen very similar, but not these sadly.

But I have found my "civilians", which might shed light on the subject, as they look very similar, probably by the same manufacturer than the bright blue sailors you posted earlier;


So, very much in style with Atlantic cowboys. One of them is a woman with a submachine gun! I remember having this figure in 1/35. Most of them seem modern robbers, thieves, a very interesting subject! among the mix, are some of GIANTs american soldiers, and what I think is a copy of a german officer saluting/waving/ordering, as I have a 1/32 which is identical to him.

Somebody copied somebody, and then recopied and relabelled :P .
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Posted by Peter on 13 Oct 2022, 15:19

That's a nice collection of figures you have there my friend. They look a bit as GIANT figures indeed, but I have never seen these before. :thumbup: :thumbup:
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Posted by Peter on 15 Oct 2022, 15:02

Hugh Walter wrote:

And they are about twice the size of the sailors!


Some more information of Hugh! Real nice pictures on his blog. ;-)
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Posted by Xantippos on 19 Oct 2022, 07:48

Great! I would have never dreamt that a manufacturer would make resistance ww2 fighters, and in so much detail and even painted!

I have also one of the original ones, the woman although with a broken base. And didn't know about those germans either, but I do have one of them :) .

Really the sailors seem something related to these Bluebox, seeing they also made a Navy set.
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