Miniatures Talk


Posted by kbakker on 25 Jul 2020, 07:30

What do you people use for basing?

I first used metal washers, filling the holes with filler.

That was quite a bit of work. Looks good though.

I now use the smallest base I could find on Ali Express. 22 mm in diameter.
Though it makes the figures pop, it makes them useless for Dioramas.

Any tips?
(I've searched on the forum already but I had to wrestle through a heap of compliments on the peoples work, but haven't found techniques yet)
kbakker  Netherlands
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08 Jan 2020, 11:41

Posted by Fire at Will on 25 Jul 2020, 16:56

I use the mixed plywood discs you get from The Works, but I don't think they operate in the Netherlands. They are not a thick as MDF, I guess another option is to get a someone with a laser cutter to make you a bespoke set of bases. Before the lockdown there was a crafting collective in my local town who had a cutter and after membership it would only cost you the price of the materials.
Fire at Will  United Kingdom
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Posted by Beano Boy on 25 Jul 2020, 21:28

Hi Will,
i guess this won't surprise you or anyone else that knows of me BB that
i used the round 15 - 22mm Tiddlywinks for cheap bases many years ago.




They are still available on E Bay priced at £2.95 per hundred.
Lots of guys still use coins but that ain't legal so i don't.
Anyway British copper coins go rusty very quick. As we all know. :coffee: BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Wiking on 25 Jul 2020, 23:31


Tablets addicted.

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Wiking  Germany
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Posted by kbakker on 26 Jul 2020, 06:23

Oh shoot, with last years annual attack cleaning we threw out both tiddlywinks and a game called reversi.

Both containing loads of potential basis.

I was thinking of basing then already, I just didn't connect the dots.
kbakker  Netherlands
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08 Jan 2020, 11:41

Posted by Paul on 26 Jul 2020, 10:47

Get a set of these;
I got the set on a flea market for a couple of euros but they are available online, as a set or single sizes...also ones for cutting squares/rectangles
Just put Leather Hole Punch into search.
For the basing material, I used old neoprene cutting matts*
If you can, you can make your own. Length of Steel pipe with the wanted diameter and file the outer side sharp. Works..I´ve tried it ;-)

PS. The one 3rd from the left is 20mm which I use for basing infantry.

*I´ve altered my basing method slightly so don´t need so many discs
2cm diameter plastic Discs. Nags or small groups of bods generally get put onto 3.5cm Diameter ones.
From left ot Right
1. A mix of sharp sand and PVA gets added. Any blank spaces on the bods actual base gets thinned out PVA dabbed on and then a sprinkle of sand gets added. This is then left to dry.
2. Base painted with dark brown, left to dry.
3. Highlights with mid brown and static grass applied...again using PVA.
4. After a drying period of about 24 Hours, the new base is prised off the plastic disc. A thin blade such as a stanley knife is good for this. The new base gets stuck onto some thin card using..again, PVA.
5. Excess card trimmed off and the visible edge of the card gets painted .

Swopping them from the Neoprene base to the thin card brings them closer to the table surface
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Posted by Beano Boy on 26 Jul 2020, 13:59 ... Sw4xdc1ZIR

Tiddlywinks are now used world wide it seems.
It must be well over 60 years ago that i first used them,
and them then being the contents of old unwanted games.
i never found another use though for that high powered puff,puff Blow Football. BB
Beano Boy  England
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