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Maximum number of log in attempts

Posted by Benno on 12 Jul 2022, 19:32

Hi all,

Most of you are currently getting a notification that you've reached the maximum number of log in attempts, and that you need to fill in a security question to continue. Unfortunately something or someone is trying to guess members' passwords, fails, then continues to the next member. This is very annoying but there is nothing I can do about it.

However I did set new requirements for passwords and am forcing all members to create a new, more safer password that is more difficult to guess. I highly recommend that you choose a password that is both easy to remember and hard to guess. A good idea is to make a sentence and use letters, symbols and numbers for each first letter.

For example:

Benno's Figures Forum is the greatest forum in the world for 1/72 scale miniatures

Then take the first letter/symbol/number for each word...

Benno's Figures Forum is the greatest forum in the world for 1/72 $cale miniatures

And you get a super safe password:


Of course I wouldn't use that exact password. ;-)

In general it's a good idea to create more safe passwords, as hackers are getting better at breaking into systems, anywhere.

A more safer password will make it practically impossible for them to break into your account.
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Posted by Minuteman on 12 Jul 2022, 19:34

Thanks for your efforts to keep the Forum safe and alive, much appreciated.

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Posted by MABO on 12 Jul 2022, 20:02

Forget my question in the other threat...
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Posted by Konrad on 12 Jul 2022, 20:58

Too bad a few idiots require such an effort. :(
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Posted by sansovino on 12 Jul 2022, 21:05

Thanks a lot for all! We will hope that the forum will work with these changes. It´s really a pleasure to return to your forum, Benno!
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Posted by Rich W on 12 Jul 2022, 23:10

Yes, thanks for taking the time and effort to get it back up and running. Hopefully the forum will start to pick up again once people have updated their log ins.
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Posted by Dad's Army on 16 Jul 2022, 10:54

At this moment I deleted around 350 fake accounts who joined the forum the last few days.
The other moderators are banning all spam post, to keep the forum free of spam post...
This is why Benno is working on the login scripts, and as you we al hate this extra barrier to join the forum.
But it is at the moment a high issue where we are working on at the background.
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Posted by MABO on 19 Jul 2022, 10:04

Thanks to all of you!!
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Posted by raph86 on 05 Aug 2022, 21:07

Good evening,
I'm sorry to reopen the subject, but for the past week I've been unable to log in from my mobile devices, mobile phone or tablet, because I can't move the correct answer from the CAPTCHA onto the screen.
Is it possible to modify the CAPTCHA response system so that it can be moved from the screen of a mobile device?
Thank you to all of you who keep the forum alive and protected.
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raph86  France
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Posted by Beano Boy on 13 Aug 2022, 14:39

The Bot's are all over the Internet, My Mrs B, kindly helped me onto this Forum again but believe me it took ages, and the best out of my day before i could finally pull up my easy comfy chair here. BB
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Posted by Fire at Will on 14 Aug 2022, 20:38

Ditto, seems to be a perennial problem
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Posted by steve_pickstock on 14 Aug 2022, 20:47

Tanks to all pf the Moderators for your work, and the foulest retributions on all of these pestilential nuisances.
raph86 wrote:Good evening,
I'm sorry to reopen the subject, but for the past week I've been unable to log in from my mobile devices, mobile phone or tablet, because I can't move the correct answer from the CAPTCHA onto the screen.
Is it possible to modify the CAPTCHA response system so that it can be moved from the screen of a mobile device?
Thank you to all of you who keep the forum alive and protected.

I have the same problem on my Android devices, If it can't be done, so be it, but I do - did - often log in on my tablet.
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Posted by C M Dodson on 15 Aug 2022, 18:56

Hi, agreed, a total nightmare to log in because of idiots.

my I pad was brilliant and now useless.

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Posted by zirrian on 17 Aug 2022, 16:40

It was quite challenging for me to log in, but I'm finally in...and I hope no spammer used my account for nasty stuff, although it would mean that there was some activity from me at least...
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Posted by Dad's Army on 17 Aug 2022, 16:43

zirrian wrote:It was quite challenging for me to log in, but I'm finally in...and I hope no spammer used my account for nasty stuff, although it would mean that there was some activity from me at least...

The main problem is the capta box, what only will be shown the second time.
My advise is login in the first time with password X, the second time it all works ;-)
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Posted by Rich W on 17 Aug 2022, 23:19

It's taken me 2 days to log back in, but I'm in!

I hope these spam issues haven't put off many of our regular members, but the forum is seeming a little quieter over the past few weeks...
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Posted by blacksmith on 18 Aug 2022, 00:21

Rich W wrote:It's taken me 2 days to log back in, but I'm in!

I hope these spam issues haven't put off many of our regular members, but the forum is seeming a little quieter over the past few weeks...

That could be. I had the same thought as I was so frustrated that I almost quit.
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blacksmith  Spain
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Posted by Frankzett on 19 Aug 2022, 16:13

...yesterday I saw this thread the first time, after get in a muddle with a failed log in, password change, etc., a few weeks ago.
So yesterday I made a new attempt changing my password, then it works; today it was failing again ... the form with the capta-box didn't accept me.

Thanks to the admin for looking after our accounts.
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Posted by Minuteman on 20 Aug 2022, 10:03

Rich W wrote:It's taken me 2 days to log back in, but I'm in!

I hope these spam issues haven't put off many of our regular members, but the forum is seeming a little quieter over the past few weeks...

I know that the Bennos team are working to try to resolve this. I have been away from the Forum for a week or so, and have just come back to a 'change password' request. To be honest, this was not difficult, and took me less than 2 minutes to do. Well worth it to be back on this great Forum!
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Posted by raph86 on 24 Aug 2022, 19:30

Good evening, with the question and answer system for the connection it is perfect for my mobile phone and I can now connect outside my home.
Thank you to the forum team :yeah:
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raph86  France
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